# frozen_string_literal: true class Namespace::AggregationSchedule < ApplicationRecord include AfterCommitQueue include ExclusiveLeaseGuard self.primary_key = :namespace_id DEFAULT_LEASE_TIMEOUT = 3.hours REDIS_SHARED_KEY = 'gitlab:update_namespace_statistics_delay'.freeze belongs_to :namespace after_create :schedule_root_storage_statistics def self.delay_timeout redis_timeout = Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.get(REDIS_SHARED_KEY) end redis_timeout.nil? ? DEFAULT_LEASE_TIMEOUT : redis_timeout.to_i end def schedule_root_storage_statistics run_after_commit_or_now do try_obtain_lease do Namespaces::RootStatisticsWorker .perform_async(namespace_id) Namespaces::RootStatisticsWorker .perform_in(self.class.delay_timeout, namespace_id) end end end private # Used by ExclusiveLeaseGuard def lease_timeout self.class.delay_timeout end # Used by ExclusiveLeaseGuard def lease_key "namespace:namespaces_root_statistics:#{namespace_id}" end # Used by ExclusiveLeaseGuard # Overriding value as we never release the lease # before the timeout in order to prevent multiple # RootStatisticsWorker to start in a short span of time def lease_release? false end end