# Merge request diffs storage **(CORE ONLY)** > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/52568) in GitLab 11.8. Merge request diffs are size-limited copies of diffs associated with merge requests. When viewing a merge request, diffs are sourced from these copies wherever possible as a performance optimization. By default, merge request diffs are stored in the database, in a table named `merge_request_diff_files`. Larger installations may find this table grows too large, in which case, switching to external storage is recommended. ## Using external storage Merge request diffs can be stored on disk, or in object storage. In general, it is better to store the diffs in the database than on disk. To enable external storage of merge request diffs, follow the instructions below. **In Omnibus installations:** 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line: ```ruby gitlab_rails['external_diffs_enabled'] = true ``` 1. _The external diffs will be stored in in `/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/external-diffs`._ To change the path, for example, to `/mnt/storage/external-diffs`, edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line: ```ruby gitlab_rails['external_diffs_storage_path'] = "/mnt/storage/external-diffs" ``` 1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure) for the changes to take effect. **In installations from source:** 1. Edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` and add or amend the following lines: ```yaml external_diffs: enabled: true ``` 1. _The external diffs will be stored in `/home/git/gitlab/shared/external-diffs`._ To change the path, for example, to `/mnt/storage/external-diffs`, edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` and add or amend the following lines: ```yaml external_diffs: enabled: true storage_path: /mnt/storage/external-diffs ``` 1. Save the file and [restart GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#installations-from-source) for the changes to take effect. ## Using object storage CAUTION: **WARNING:** Currently migrating to object storage is **non-reversible** Instead of storing the external diffs on disk, we recommended the use of an object store like AWS S3 instead. This configuration relies on valid AWS credentials to be configured already. ## Object Storage Settings For source installations, these settings are nested under `external_diffs:` and then `object_store:`. On Omnibus installations, they are prefixed by `external_diffs_object_store_`. | Setting | Description | Default | |---------|-------------|---------| | `enabled` | Enable/disable object storage | `false` | | `remote_directory` | The bucket name where external diffs will be stored| | | `direct_upload` | Set to true to enable direct upload of external diffs without the need of local shared storage. Option may be removed once we decide to support only single storage for all files. | `false` | | `background_upload` | Set to false to disable automatic upload. Option may be removed once upload is direct to S3 | `true` | | `proxy_download` | Set to true to enable proxying all files served. Option allows to reduce egress traffic as this allows clients to download directly from remote storage instead of proxying all data | `false` | | `connection` | Various connection options described below | | ### S3 compatible connection settings The connection settings match those provided by [Fog](https://github.com/fog), and are as follows: | Setting | Description | Default | |---------|-------------|---------| | `provider` | Always `AWS` for compatible hosts | AWS | | `aws_access_key_id` | AWS credentials, or compatible | | | `aws_secret_access_key` | AWS credentials, or compatible | | | `aws_signature_version` | AWS signature version to use. 2 or 4 are valid options. Digital Ocean Spaces and other providers may need 2. | 4 | | `enable_signature_v4_streaming` | Set to true to enable HTTP chunked transfers with [AWS v4 signatures](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-streaming.html). Oracle Cloud S3 needs this to be false | true | | `region` | AWS region | us-east-1 | | `host` | S3 compatible host for when not using AWS, e.g. `localhost` or `storage.example.com` | s3.amazonaws.com | | `endpoint` | Can be used when configuring an S3 compatible service such as [MinIO](https://www.minio.io), by entering a URL such as `` | (optional) | | `path_style` | Set to true to use `host/bucket_name/object` style paths instead of `bucket_name.host/object`. Leave as false for AWS S3 | false | | `use_iam_profile` | Set to true to use IAM profile instead of access keys | false **In Omnibus installations:** 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines by replacing with the values you want: ```ruby gitlab_rails['external_diffs_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_remote_directory'] = "external-diffs" gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_connection'] = { 'provider' => 'AWS', 'region' => 'eu-central-1', 'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' } ``` Note that, if you are using AWS IAM profiles, be sure to omit the AWS access key and secret access key/value pairs. For example: ```ruby gitlab_rails['external_diffs_object_store_connection'] = { 'provider' => 'AWS', 'region' => 'eu-central-1', 'use_iam_profile' => true } ``` 1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure) for the changes to take effect. **In installations from source:** 1. Edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` and add or amend the following lines: ```yaml external_diffs: enabled: true object_store: enabled: true remote_directory: "external-diffs" # The bucket name connection: provider: AWS # Only AWS supported at the moment aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY region: eu-central-1 ``` 1. Save the file and [restart GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#installations-from-source) for the changes to take effect. ## Alternative in-database storage Enabling external diffs may reduce the performance of merge requests, as they must be retrieved in a separate operation to other data. A compromise may be reached by only storing outdated diffs externally, while keeping current diffs in the database. To enable this feature, perform the following steps: **In Omnibus installations:** 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line: ```ruby gitlab_rails['external_diffs_when'] = 'outdated' ``` 1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure) for the changes to take effect. **In installations from source:** 1. Edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` and add or amend the following lines: ```yaml external_diffs: enabled: true when: outdated ``` 1. Save the file and [restart GitLab](restart_gitlab.md#installations-from-source) for the changes to take effect. With this feature enabled, diffs will initially stored in the database, rather than externally. They will be moved to external storage once any of these conditions become true: - A newer version of the merge request diff exists - The merge request was merged more than seven days ago - The merge request was closed more than seven day ago These rules strike a balance between space and performance by only storing frequently-accessed diffs in the database. Diffs that are less likely to be accessed are moved to external storage instead.