# most likely this file can be removed, but until we are sure and have capacity to tackle that I've # only moved it and added https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/225869 to track work need to clean up codebase. - group: Cluster Health priority: 1 metrics: - title: "CPU Usage" y_label: "CPU (cores)" required_metrics: ['container_cpu_usage_seconds_total'] weight: 1 queries: - query_range: 'avg(sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id="/"}[15m])) by (job)) without (job)' label: Usage (cores) unit: "cores" appearance: line: width: 2 area: opacity: 0 - query_range: 'sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores{kubernetes_namespace="gitlab-managed-apps"})' label: Requested (cores) unit: "cores" appearance: line: width: 2 area: opacity: 0 - query_range: 'sum(kube_node_status_capacity_cpu_cores{kubernetes_namespace="gitlab-managed-apps"})' label: Capacity (cores) unit: "cores" appearance: line: type: 'dashed' width: 2 area: opacity: 0 - title: "Memory usage" y_label: "Memory (GiB)" required_metrics: ['container_memory_usage_bytes'] weight: 1 queries: - query_range: 'avg(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{id="/"}) by (job)) without (job) / 2^30' label: Usage (GiB) unit: "GiB" appearance: line: width: 2 area: opacity: 0 - query_range: 'sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{kubernetes_namespace="gitlab-managed-apps"})/2^30' label: Requested (GiB) unit: "GiB" appearance: line: width: 2 area: opacity: 0 - query_range: 'sum(kube_node_status_capacity_memory_bytes{kubernetes_namespace="gitlab-managed-apps"})/2^30' label: Capacity (GiB) unit: "GiB" appearance: line: type: 'dashed' width: 2 area: opacity: 0