# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' module IconsHelper extend self include FontAwesome::Rails::IconHelper # Creates an icon tag given icon name(s) and possible icon modifiers. # # Right now this method simply delegates directly to `fa_icon` from the # font-awesome-rails gem, but should we ever use a different icon pack in the # future we won't have to change hundreds of method calls. def icon(names, options = {}) if (options.keys & %w[aria-hidden aria-label data-hidden]).empty? # Add 'aria-hidden' and 'data-hidden' if they are not set in options. options['aria-hidden'] = true options['data-hidden'] = true end options.include?(:base) ? fa_stacked_icon(names, options) : fa_icon(names, options) end def custom_icon(icon_name, size: 16) # We can't simply do the below, because there are some .erb SVGs. # File.read(Rails.root.join("app/views/shared/icons/_#{icon_name}.svg")).html_safe render "shared/icons/#{icon_name}.svg", size: size end def sprite_icon_path # SVG Sprites currently don't work across domains, so in the case of a CDN # we have to set the current path deliberately to prevent addition of asset_host sprite_base_url = Gitlab.config.gitlab.url if ActionController::Base.asset_host ActionController::Base.helpers.image_path('icons.svg', host: sprite_base_url) end def sprite_file_icons_path # SVG Sprites currently don't work across domains, so in the case of a CDN # we have to set the current path deliberately to prevent addition of asset_host sprite_base_url = Gitlab.config.gitlab.url if ActionController::Base.asset_host ActionController::Base.helpers.image_path('file_icons.svg', host: sprite_base_url) end def sprite_icon(icon_name, size: nil, css_class: nil) if Gitlab::Sentry.should_raise? unless known_sprites.include?(icon_name) exception = ArgumentError.new("#{icon_name} is not a known icon in @gitlab-org/gitlab-svg") raise exception end end css_classes = [] css_classes << "s#{size}" if size css_classes << "#{css_class}" unless css_class.blank? content_tag(:svg, content_tag(:use, "", { "xlink:href" => "#{sprite_icon_path}##{icon_name}" } ), class: css_classes.empty? ? nil : css_classes.join(' ')) end def external_snippet_icon(name) content_tag(:span, "", class: "gl-snippet-icon gl-snippet-icon-#{name}") end def audit_icon(names, options = {}) case names when "standard" names = "key" when "two-factor" names = "key" when "google_oauth2" names = "google" end options.include?(:base) ? fa_stacked_icon(names, options) : fa_icon(names, options) end def spinner(text = nil, visible = false) css_class = ['loading'] css_class << 'hide' unless visible content_tag :div, class: css_class.join(' ') do icon('spinner spin') + text end end def boolean_to_icon(value) if value icon('circle', class: 'cgreen') else icon('power-off', class: 'clgray') end end def visibility_level_icon(level, fw: true, options: {}) name = case level when Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE 'lock' when Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL 'shield' else # Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC 'globe' end name = [name] name << "fw" if fw icon(name.join(' '), options) end def file_type_icon_class(type, mode, name) if type == 'folder' icon_class = 'folder' elsif mode == '120000' icon_class = 'share' else # Guess which icon to choose based on file extension. # If you think a file extension is missing, feel free to add it on PR case File.extname(name).downcase when '.pdf' icon_class = 'file-pdf-o' when '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.jif', '.jfif', '.jp2', '.jpx', '.j2k', '.j2c', '.png', '.gif', '.tif', '.tiff', '.svg', '.ico', '.bmp' icon_class = 'file-image-o' when '.zip', '.zipx', '.tar', '.gz', '.bz', '.bzip', '.xz', '.rar', '.7z' icon_class = 'file-archive-o' when '.mp3', '.wma', '.ogg', '.oga', '.wav', '.flac', '.aac' icon_class = 'file-audio-o' when '.mp4', '.m4p', '.m4v', '.mpg', '.mp2', '.mpeg', '.mpe', '.mpv', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.m2v', '.avi', '.mkv', '.flv', '.ogv', '.mov', '.3gp', '.3g2' icon_class = 'file-video-o' when '.doc', '.dot', '.docx', '.docm', '.dotx', '.dotm', '.docb' icon_class = 'file-word-o' when '.xls', '.xlt', '.xlm', '.xlsx', '.xlsm', '.xltx', '.xltm', '.xlsb', '.xla', '.xlam', '.xll', '.xlw' icon_class = 'file-excel-o' when '.ppt', '.pot', '.pps', '.pptx', '.pptm', '.potx', '.potm', '.ppam', '.ppsx', '.ppsm', '.sldx', '.sldm' icon_class = 'file-powerpoint-o' else icon_class = 'file-text-o' end end icon_class end private def known_sprites @known_sprites ||= JSON.parse(File.read(Rails.root.join('node_modules/@gitlab/svgs/dist/icons.json')))['icons'] end end