module Ci ## # We call this service everytime we persist a CI/CD job. # # In most cases a job should already have a stage assigned, but in cases it # doesn't have we need to either find existing one or create a brand new # stage. # class EnsureStageService < BaseService EnsureStageError = def execute(build) @build = build return if build.stage_id.present? return if build.invalid? ensure_stage.tap do |stage| build.stage_id = yield stage if block_given? end end private def ensure_stage(attempts: 2) find_stage || create_stage rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique retry if (attempts -= 1) > 0 raise EnsureStageError, <<~EOS We failed to find or create a unique pipeline stage after 2 retries. This should never happen and is most likely the result of a bug in the database load balancing code. EOS end def find_stage @build.pipeline.stages.find_by(name: @build.stage) end def create_stage Ci::Stage.create!(name: @build.stage, pipeline: @build.pipeline, project: @build.project) end end end