require 'spec_helper' describe Issue, models: true do describe "Associations" do it { belong_to(:milestone) } end describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { include_module(InternalId) } it { include_module(Issuable) } it { include_module(Referable) } it { include_module(Sortable) } it { include_module(Taskable) } end subject { create(:issue) } describe "act_as_paranoid" do it { have_db_column(:deleted_at) } it { have_db_index(:deleted_at) } end describe '#to_reference' do it 'returns a String reference to the object' do expect(subject.to_reference).to eq "##{subject.iid}" end it 'supports a cross-project reference' do cross = double('project') expect(subject.to_reference(cross)). to eq "#{subject.project.to_reference}##{subject.iid}" end end describe '#is_being_reassigned?' do it 'returns true if the issue assignee has changed' do subject.assignee = create(:user) expect(subject.is_being_reassigned?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false if the issue assignee has not changed' do expect(subject.is_being_reassigned?).to be_falsey end end describe '#is_being_reassigned?' do it 'returns issues assigned to user' do user = create(:user) create_list(:issue, 2, assignee: user) expect(Issue.open_for(user).count).to eq 2 end end describe '#closed_by_merge_requests' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project, state: "opened")} let(:closed_issue) { build(:issue, project: project, state: "closed")} let(:mr) do opts = { title: 'Awesome merge_request', description: "Fixes #{issue.to_reference}", source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master' }, project.owner, opts).execute end let(:closed_mr) do opts = { title: 'Awesome merge_request 2', description: "Fixes #{issue.to_reference}", source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', state: 'closed' }, project.owner, opts).execute end it 'returns the merge request to close this issue' do allow(mr).to receive(:closes_issue?).with(issue).and_return(true) expect(issue.closed_by_merge_requests).to eq([mr]) end it "returns an empty array when the current issue is closed already" do expect(closed_issue.closed_by_merge_requests).to eq([]) end end describe '#referenced_merge_requests' do it 'returns the referenced merge requests' do project = create(:project, :public) mr1 = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'master', target_branch: 'feature') mr2 = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master') issue = create(:issue, description: mr1.to_reference, project: project) create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, note: mr2.to_reference, project_id: expect(issue.referenced_merge_requests).to eq([mr1, mr2]) end end describe '#can_move?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { create(:issue) } subject { issue.can_move?(user) } context 'user is not a member of project issue belongs to' do it { eq false} end context 'user is reporter in project issue belongs to' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } before { << [user, :reporter] } it { eq true } context 'issue not persisted' do let(:issue) { build(:issue, project: project) } it { eq false } end context 'checking destination project also' do subject { issue.can_move?(user, to_project) } let(:to_project) { create(:project) } context 'destination project allowed' do before { << [user, :reporter] } it { eq true } end context 'destination project not allowed' do before { << [user, :guest] } it { eq false } end end end end describe '#moved?' do let(:issue) { create(:issue) } subject { issue.moved? } context 'issue not moved' do it { eq false } end context 'issue already moved' do let(:moved_to_issue) { create(:issue) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, moved_to: moved_to_issue) } it { eq true } end end describe '#related_branches' do let(:user) { build(:admin) } before do allow(subject.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names). and_return(["mpempe", "#{subject.iid}mepmep", subject.to_branch_name, "#{subject.iid}-branch"]) # Without this stub, the `create(:merge_request)` above fails because it can't find # the source branch. This seems like a reasonable compromise, in comparison with # setting up a full repo here. allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:create_merge_request_diff) end it "selects the right branches when there are no referenced merge requests" do expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq([subject.to_branch_name, "#{subject.iid}-branch"]) end it "selects the right branches when there is a referenced merge request" do merge_request = create(:merge_request, { description: "Closes ##{subject.iid}", source_project: subject.project, source_branch: "#{subject.iid}-branch" }) merge_request.create_cross_references!(user) expect(subject.referenced_merge_requests).not_to be_empty expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq([subject.to_branch_name]) end it 'excludes stable branches from the related branches' do allow(subject.project.repository).to receive(:branch_names). and_return(["#{subject.iid}-0-stable"]) expect(subject.related_branches(user)).to eq [] end end it_behaves_like 'an editable mentionable' do subject { create(:issue) } let(:backref_text) { "issue #{subject.to_reference}" } let(:set_mentionable_text) { ->(txt){ subject.description = txt } } end it_behaves_like 'a Taskable' do let(:subject) { create :issue } end describe "#to_branch_name" do let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'testing-issue') } it 'starts with the issue iid' do expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /\A#{issue.iid}-[A-Za-z\-]+\z/ end it "contains the issue title if not confidential" do expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /testing-issue\z/ end it "does not contain the issue title if confidential" do issue = create(:issue, title: 'testing-issue', confidential: true) expect(issue.to_branch_name).to match /confidential-issue\z/ end end end