class @Calendar constructor: (timestamps, starting_year, starting_month, calendar_activities_path) -> # Get the highest value from the timestampes highestValue = 0 _.each timestamps, (count) -> if count > highestValue highestValue = count timestamps = _.chain(timestamps) .map (stamp, key) -> { count: stamp date: key } .groupBy (stamp, i) -> Math.floor i / 7 .toArray() .value() monthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] months = [] svg = '#cal-heatmap' .append 'svg' .attr 'width', 53 * 17 .attr 'height', 140 # Setup each day box svg.selectAll 'g' .data timestamps .enter() .append 'g' .attr 'transform', (group, i) -> _.each group, (stamp) -> month = new Date(parseInt( * 1000).getMonth() x = 17 * i + 1 lastMonth = _.last(months) # If undefined, push if !lastMonth? months.push month: month x: x else if lastMonth.x is x lastMonth.month = month else if lastMonth.month isnt month months.push month: month x: x "translate(#{17 * i + 1}, 18)" .selectAll 'rect' .data (stamp) -> stamp .enter() .append 'rect' .attr 'x', '0' .attr 'y', (stamp, i) -> 17 * i .attr 'width', 15 .attr 'height', 15 .attr 'title', (stamp) -> "#{stamp.count} contributions
#{gl.utils.formatDate parseInt( * 1000}" .attr 'class', (stamp) -> extraClass = '' if stamp.count isnt 0 diff = stamp.count / highestValue classNumber = Math.floor (diff / 0.25) + 1 extraClass += "user-contrib-cell-#{classNumber}" "user-contrib-cell #{extraClass} js-tooltip" .attr 'data-container', 'body' .on 'click', (stamp) -> date = new Date(parseInt( * 1000) formated_date = date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth()+1) + "-" + date.getDate() $.ajax url: calendar_activities_path data: date: formated_date cache: false dataType: "html" success: (data) -> $(".user-calendar-activities").html data svg.append 'g' .selectAll 'text' .data months .enter() .append 'text' .attr 'x', (date) -> date.x .attr 'y', 10 .attr 'class', 'user-contrib-text' .text (date) -> monthNames[date.month] $('#cal-heatmap .js-tooltip').tooltip html: true