# Specifications for behavior common to all Mentionable implementations. # Requires a shared context containing: # - let(:subject) { "the mentionable implementation" } # - let(:backref_text) { "the way that +subject+ should refer to itself in backreferences " } # - let(:set_mentionable_text) { lambda { |txt| "block that assigns txt to the subject's mentionable_text" } } def common_mentionable_setup # Avoid name collisions with let(:project) or let(:author) in the surrounding scope. let(:mproject) { create :project } let(:mauthor) { subject.author } let(:mentioned_issue) { create :issue, project: mproject } let(:other_issue) { create :issue, project: mproject } let(:mentioned_mr) { create :merge_request, target_project: mproject, source_branch: 'different' } let(:mentioned_commit) { double('commit', sha: '1234567890abcdef').as_null_object } # Override to add known commits to the repository stub. let(:extra_commits) { [] } # A string that mentions each of the +mentioned_.*+ objects above. Mentionables should add a self-reference # to this string and place it in their +mentionable_text+. let(:ref_string) do "mentions ##{mentioned_issue.iid} twice ##{mentioned_issue.iid}, !#{mentioned_mr.iid}, " + "#{mentioned_commit.sha[0..5]} and itself as #{backref_text}" end before do # Wire the project's repository to return the mentioned commit, and +nil+ for any # unrecognized commits. commitmap = { '123456' => mentioned_commit } extra_commits.each { |c| commitmap[c.sha[0..5]] = c } repo = double('repository') repo.stub(:commit) { |sha| commitmap[sha] } mproject.stub(repository: repo) set_mentionable_text.call(ref_string) end end shared_examples 'a mentionable' do common_mentionable_setup it 'generates a descriptive back-reference' do subject.gfm_reference.should == backref_text end it "extracts references from its reference property" do # De-duplicate and omit itself refs = subject.references(mproject) refs.should have(3).items refs.should include(mentioned_issue) refs.should include(mentioned_mr) refs.should include(mentioned_commit) end it 'creates cross-reference notes' do [mentioned_issue, mentioned_mr, mentioned_commit].each do |referenced| Note.should_receive(:create_cross_reference_note).with(referenced, subject.local_reference, mauthor, mproject) end subject.create_cross_references!(mproject, mauthor) end it 'detects existing cross-references' do Note.create_cross_reference_note(mentioned_issue, subject.local_reference, mauthor, mproject) subject.has_mentioned?(mentioned_issue).should be_true subject.has_mentioned?(mentioned_mr).should be_false end end shared_examples 'an editable mentionable' do common_mentionable_setup it_behaves_like 'a mentionable' it 'creates new cross-reference notes when the mentionable text is edited' do new_text = "this text still mentions ##{mentioned_issue.iid} and #{mentioned_commit.sha[0..5]}, " + "but now it mentions ##{other_issue.iid}, too." [mentioned_issue, mentioned_commit].each do |oldref| Note.should_not_receive(:create_cross_reference_note).with(oldref, subject.local_reference, mauthor, mproject) end Note.should_receive(:create_cross_reference_note).with(other_issue, subject.local_reference, mauthor, mproject) subject.save set_mentionable_text.call(new_text) subject.notice_added_references(mproject, mauthor) end end