# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module JiraImport class IssuesImporter < BaseImporter # Jira limits max items per request to be fetched to 100 # see https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-67570 # We set it to 1000 in case they change their mind. BATCH_SIZE = 1000 attr_reader :imported_items_cache_key, :start_at, :job_waiter def initialize(project) super # get cached start_at value, or zero if not cached yet @start_at = Gitlab::JiraImport.get_issues_next_start_at(project.id) @imported_items_cache_key = JiraImport.already_imported_cache_key(:issues, project.id) @job_waiter = JobWaiter.new end def execute import_issues end private def import_issues return job_waiter if jira_last_page_reached? issues = fetch_issues(start_at) update_start_at_with(issues) schedule_issue_import_workers(issues) end def jira_last_page_reached? start_at < 0 end def update_start_at_with(issues) @start_at += issues.size # store -1 if this is the last page to be imported, so no more `ImportIssuesWorker` workers are scheduled # from Gitlab::JiraImport::Stage::ImportIssuesWorker#perform @start_at = -1 if issues.blank? Gitlab::JiraImport.store_issues_next_started_at(project.id, start_at) end def schedule_issue_import_workers(issues) next_iid = project.issues.maximum(:iid).to_i + 1 issues.each do |jira_issue| # Technically it's possible that the same work is performed multiple # times, as Sidekiq doesn't guarantee there will ever only be one # instance of a job or if for some reason the paginated results # returned from Jira include issues there were returned before. # For such cases we exit early if issue was already imported. next if already_imported?(jira_issue.id) begin issue_attrs = IssueSerializer.new(project, jira_issue, running_import.user_id, { iid: next_iid }).execute Gitlab::JiraImport::ImportIssueWorker.perform_async(project.id, jira_issue.id, issue_attrs, job_waiter.key) job_waiter.jobs_remaining += 1 next_iid += 1 # Mark the issue as imported immediately so we don't end up # importing it multiple times within same import. # These ids are cleaned-up when import finishes. # see Gitlab::JiraImport::Stage::FinishImportWorker mark_as_imported(jira_issue.id) rescue StandardError => ex # handle exceptionn here and skip the failed to import issue, instead of # failing to import the entire batch of issues # track the failed to import issue. Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(ex, project_id: project.id) JiraImport.increment_issue_failures(project.id) end end job_waiter end def fetch_issues(start_at) client.Issue.jql("PROJECT='#{jira_project_key}' ORDER BY created ASC", { max_results: BATCH_SIZE, start_at: start_at }) end end end end