module SlashCommands class InterpretService < BaseService include Gitlab::SlashCommands::Dsl attr_reader :noteable # Takes a text and interpret the commands that are extracted from it. # Returns a hash of changes to be applied to a record. def execute(content, noteable) @noteable = noteable @updates = {} commands = extractor.extract_commands!(content) commands.each do |command| __send__(*command) end @updates end private def extractor @extractor ||= end desc 'Close this issue or merge request' command :close do @updates[:state_event] = 'close' end desc 'Reopen this issue or merge request' command :open, :reopen do @updates[:state_event] = 'reopen' end desc 'Change title' params '' command :title do |title_param| @updates[:title] = title_param end desc 'Reassign' params '@user' command :assign, :reassign do |assignee_param| user = extract_references(assignee_param, :user).first return unless user @updates[:assignee_id] = end desc 'Remove assignee' command :unassign, :remove_assignee do @updates[:assignee_id] = nil end desc 'Change milestone' params '%"milestone"' command :milestone do |milestone_param| milestone = extract_references(milestone_param, :milestone).first return unless milestone @updates[:milestone_id] = end desc 'Remove milestone' command :clear_milestone, :remove_milestone do @updates[:milestone_id] = nil end desc 'Add label(s)' params '~label1 ~"label 2"' command :label, :labels do |labels_param| label_ids = find_label_ids(labels_param) return if label_ids.empty? @updates[:add_label_ids] = label_ids end desc 'Remove label(s)' params '~label1 ~"label 2"' command :unlabel, :remove_label, :remove_labels do |labels_param| label_ids = find_label_ids(labels_param) return if label_ids.empty? @updates[:remove_label_ids] = label_ids end desc 'Remove all labels' command :clear_labels, :clear_label do @updates[:label_ids] = [] end desc 'Add a todo' command :todo do @updates[:todo_event] = 'mark' end desc 'Mark todo as done' command :done do @updates[:todo_event] = 'done' end desc 'Subscribe' command :subscribe do @updates[:subscription_event] = 'subscribe' end desc 'Unsubscribe' command :unsubscribe do @updates[:subscription_event] = 'unsubscribe' end desc 'Set a due date' params ' | ' command :due_date do |due_date_param| return unless noteable.respond_to?(:due_date) due_date = begin + ChronicDuration.parse(due_date_param) rescue ChronicDuration::DurationParseError Date.parse(due_date_param) rescue nil end @updates[:due_date] = due_date if due_date end desc 'Remove due date' command :clear_due_date do return unless noteable.respond_to?(:due_date) @updates[:due_date] = nil end def find_label_ids(labels_param) extract_references(labels_param, :label).map(&:id) end def extract_references(cmd_arg, type) ext =, current_user) ext.analyze(cmd_arg, author: current_user) ext.references(type) end end end