import valueStreamAnalyticsStages from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/stages.json'; import issueStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/issue.json'; import planStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/plan.json'; import reviewStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/review.json'; import codeStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/code.json'; import testStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/test.json'; import stagingStageFixtures from 'test_fixtures/projects/analytics/value_stream_analytics/events/staging.json'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import { DEFAULT_VALUE_STREAM, PAGINATION_TYPE, PAGINATION_SORT_DIRECTION_DESC, PAGINATION_SORT_FIELD_END_EVENT, } from '~/cycle_analytics/constants'; import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { getDateInPast } from '~/lib/utils/datetime_utility'; const DEFAULT_DAYS_IN_PAST = 30; export const createdBefore = new Date(2019, 0, 14); export const createdAfter = getDateInPast(createdBefore, DEFAULT_DAYS_IN_PAST); export const deepCamelCase = (obj) => convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(obj, { deep: true }); export const getStageByTitle = (stages, title) => stages.find((stage) => stage.title && stage.title.toLowerCase().trim() === title) || {}; export const defaultStages = ['issue', 'plan', 'review', 'code', 'test', 'staging']; const stageFixtures = { issue: issueStageFixtures, plan: planStageFixtures, review: reviewStageFixtures, code: codeStageFixtures, test: testStageFixtures, staging: stagingStageFixtures, }; export const summary = [ { value: '20', title: 'New Issues' }, { value: null, title: 'Commits' }, { value: null, title: 'Deploys' }, { value: null, title: 'Deployment Frequency', unit: '/day' }, ]; export const issueStage = { id: 'issue', title: 'Issue', name: 'issue', legend: '', description: 'Time before an issue gets scheduled', value: null, }; export const planStage = { id: 'plan', title: 'Plan', name: 'plan', legend: '', description: 'Time before an issue starts implementation', value: 75600, }; export const codeStage = { id: 'code', title: 'Code', name: 'code', legend: '', description: 'Time until first merge request', value: 172800, }; export const testStage = { id: 'test', title: 'Test', name: 'test', legend: '', description: 'Total test time for all commits/merges', value: 17550, }; export const reviewStage = { id: 'review', title: 'Review', name: 'review', legend: '', description: 'Time between merge request creation and merge/close', value: null, }; export const stagingStage = { id: 'staging', title: 'Staging', name: 'staging', legend: '', description: 'From merge request merge until deploy to production', value: 172800, }; export const selectedStage = { ...issueStage, value: null, active: false, emptyStageText: 'The issue stage shows the time it takes from creating an issue to assigning the issue to a milestone, or add the issue to a list on your Issue Board. Begin creating issues to see data for this stage.', slug: 'issue', }; export const convertedData = { summary: [ { value: '20', title: 'New Issues' }, { value: '-', title: 'Commits' }, { value: '-', title: 'Deploys' }, { value: '-', title: 'Deployment Frequency', unit: '/day' }, ], }; export const rawIssueEvents = stageFixtures.issue; export const issueEvents = deepCamelCase(rawIssueEvents); export const reviewEvents = deepCamelCase(; export const pathNavIssueMetric = 172800; export const rawStageCounts = [ { id: 'issue', count: 6 }, { id: 'plan', count: 6 }, { id: 'code', count: 1 }, { id: 'test', count: 5 }, { id: 'review', count: 12 }, { id: 'staging', count: 3 }, ]; export const stageCounts = { code: 1, issue: 6, plan: 6, review: 12, staging: 3, test: 5, }; export const rawStageMedians = [ { id: 'issue', value: 172800 }, { id: 'plan', value: 86400 }, { id: 'review', value: 1036800 }, { id: 'code', value: 129600 }, { id: 'test', value: 259200 }, { id: 'staging', value: 388800 }, ]; export const stageMedians = { issue: 172800, plan: 86400, review: 1036800, code: 129600, test: 259200, staging: 388800, }; export const formattedStageMedians = { issue: '2d', plan: '1d', review: '1w', code: '1d', test: '3d', staging: '4d', }; export const allowedStages = [issueStage, planStage, codeStage]; export const transformedProjectStagePathData = [ { metric: 172800, selected: true, stageCount: 6, icon: null, id: 'issue', title: 'Issue', name: 'issue', legend: '', description: 'Time before an issue gets scheduled', value: null, }, { metric: 86400, selected: false, stageCount: 6, icon: null, id: 'plan', title: 'Plan', name: 'plan', legend: '', description: 'Time before an issue starts implementation', value: 75600, }, { metric: 129600, selected: false, stageCount: 1, icon: null, id: 'code', title: 'Code', name: 'code', legend: '', description: 'Time until first merge request', value: 172800, }, ]; export const selectedValueStream = DEFAULT_VALUE_STREAM; export const group = { id: 1, name: 'foo', path: 'foo', full_path: 'foo', avatar_url: `${TEST_HOST}/images/home/nasa.svg`, }; export const currentGroup = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(group, { deep: true }); export const selectedProjects = [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1', name: 'cool project', pathWithNamespace: 'group/cool-project', avatarUrl: null, }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/2', name: 'another cool project', pathWithNamespace: 'group/another-cool-project', avatarUrl: null, }, ]; export const rawValueStreamStages = valueStreamAnalyticsStages.stages; export const valueStreamStages = => convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(s, { deep: true }), ); export const initialPaginationQuery = { page: 15, sort: PAGINATION_SORT_FIELD_END_EVENT, direction: PAGINATION_SORT_DIRECTION_DESC, }; export const initialPaginationState = { ...initialPaginationQuery, page: null, hasNextPage: false, }; export const basePaginationResult = { pagination: PAGINATION_TYPE, sort: PAGINATION_SORT_FIELD_END_EVENT, direction: PAGINATION_SORT_DIRECTION_DESC, page: null, };