module MigrationsHelpers def table(name) do self.table_name = name self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled end end def migrations_paths ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths end def migrations ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations(migrations_paths) end def clear_schema_cache! ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.connections.each do |conn| conn.schema_cache.clear! end end def foreign_key_exists?(source, target = nil, column: nil) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.foreign_keys(source).any? do |key| if column key.options[:column].to_s == column.to_s else key.to_table.to_s == target.to_s end end end def reset_column_in_all_models clear_schema_cache! # Reset column information for the most offending classes **after** we # migrated the schema up, otherwise, column information could be # outdated. We have a separate method for this so we can override it in EE. ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each(&method(:reset_column_information)) # Without that, we get errors because of missing attributes, e.g. # super: no superclass method `elasticsearch_indexing' for # ApplicationSetting.define_attribute_methods end def reset_column_information(klass) klass.reset_column_information end def previous_migration migrations.each_cons(2) do |previous, migration| break previous if == end end def migration_schema_version metadata_schema = self.class.metadata[:schema] if metadata_schema == :latest migrations.last.version else metadata_schema || previous_migration.version end end def schema_migrate_down! disable_migrations_output do ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(migrations_paths, migration_schema_version) end reset_column_in_all_models end def schema_migrate_up! reset_column_in_all_models disable_migrations_output do ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(migrations_paths) end reset_column_in_all_models end def disable_migrations_output ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false yield ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = true end def migrate! ActiveRecord::Migrator.up(migrations_paths) do |migration| == end end end