import { parseTemplatingVariables, mergeURLVariables, optionsFromSeriesData, } from '~/monitoring/stores/variable_mapping'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { mockTemplatingData, mockTemplatingDataResponses } from '../mock_data'; describe('Monitoring variable mapping', () => { describe('parseTemplatingVariables', () => { it.each` case | input | expected ${'Returns empty object for no dashboard input'} | ${{}} | ${{}} ${'Returns empty object for empty dashboard input'} | ${{ dashboard: {} }} | ${{}} ${'Returns empty object for empty templating prop'} | ${mockTemplatingData.emptyTemplatingProp} | ${{}} ${'Returns empty object for empty variables prop'} | ${mockTemplatingData.emptyVariablesProp} | ${{}} ${'Returns parsed object for simple text variable'} | ${mockTemplatingData.simpleText} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.simpleText} ${'Returns parsed object for advanced text variable'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advText} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advText} ${'Returns parsed object for simple custom variable'} | ${mockTemplatingData.simpleCustom} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.simpleCustom} ${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without options'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutOpts} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutOpts} ${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable for option without text'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutOptText} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutOptText} ${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without type'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutType} | ${{}} ${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without label'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutLabel} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutLabel} ${'Returns parsed object for simple and advanced custom variables'} | ${mockTemplatingData.simpleAndAdv} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.simpleAndAdv} ${'Returns parsed object for metricLabelValues'} | ${mockTemplatingData.metricLabelValues} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.metricLabelValues} ${'Returns parsed object for all variable types'} | ${mockTemplatingData.allVariableTypes} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.allVariableTypes} `('$case', ({ input, expected }) => { expect(parseTemplatingVariables(input?.dashboard?.templating)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('mergeURLVariables', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(urlUtils, 'queryToObject'); }); afterEach(() => { urlUtils.queryToObject.mockRestore(); }); it('returns empty object if variables are not defined in yml or URL', () => { urlUtils.queryToObject.mockReturnValueOnce({}); expect(mergeURLVariables({})).toEqual({}); }); it('returns empty object if variables are defined in URL but not in yml', () => { urlUtils.queryToObject.mockReturnValueOnce({ 'var-env': 'one', 'var-instance': 'localhost', }); expect(mergeURLVariables({})).toEqual({}); }); it('returns yml variables if variables defined in yml but not in the URL', () => { urlUtils.queryToObject.mockReturnValueOnce({}); const params = { env: 'one', instance: 'localhost', }; expect(mergeURLVariables(params)).toEqual(params); }); it('returns yml variables if variables defined in URL do not match with yml variables', () => { const urlParams = { 'var-env': 'one', 'var-instance': 'localhost', }; const ymlParams = { pod: { value: 'one' }, service: { value: 'database' }, }; urlUtils.queryToObject.mockReturnValueOnce(urlParams); expect(mergeURLVariables(ymlParams)).toEqual(ymlParams); }); it('returns merged yml and URL variables if there is some match', () => { const urlParams = { 'var-env': 'one', 'var-instance': 'localhost:8080', }; const ymlParams = { instance: { value: 'localhost' }, service: { value: 'database' }, }; const merged = { instance: { value: 'localhost:8080' }, service: { value: 'database' }, }; urlUtils.queryToObject.mockReturnValueOnce(urlParams); expect(mergeURLVariables(ymlParams)).toEqual(merged); }); }); describe('optionsFromSeriesData', () => { it('fetches the label values from missing data', () => { expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: 'job' })).toEqual([]); }); it('fetches the label values from a simple series', () => { const data = [ { __name__: 'up', job: 'job1', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'job2', }, ]; expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: 'job', data })).toEqual([ { text: 'job1', value: 'job1' }, { text: 'job2', value: 'job2' }, ]); }); it('fetches the label values from multiple series', () => { const data = [ { __name__: 'up', job: 'job1', instance: 'host1', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'job2', instance: 'host1', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'job1', instance: 'host2', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'job2', instance: 'host2', }, ]; expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: '__name__', data })).toEqual([ { text: 'up', value: 'up' }, ]); expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: 'job', data })).toEqual([ { text: 'job1', value: 'job1' }, { text: 'job2', value: 'job2' }, ]); expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: 'instance', data })).toEqual([ { text: 'host1', value: 'host1' }, { text: 'host2', value: 'host2' }, ]); }); it('fetches the label values from a series with missing values', () => { const data = [ { __name__: 'up', job: 'job1', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'job2', }, { __name__: 'up', }, ]; expect(optionsFromSeriesData({ label: 'job', data })).toEqual([ { text: 'job1', value: 'job1' }, { text: 'job2', value: 'job2' }, ]); }); }); });