require 'spec_helper' describe AutocompleteController do let!(:project) { create(:project) } let!(:user) { create(:user) } context 'GET users' do let!(:user2) { create(:user) } let!(:non_member) { create(:user) } context 'project members' do before do sign_in(user) project.add_master(user) end describe 'GET #users with project ID' do before do get(:users, project_id: end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq 1 } it { expect( { |u| u["username"] }).to include(user.username) } end describe 'GET #users with unknown project' do before do get(:users, project_id: 'unknown') end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(404) } end end context 'group members' do let(:group) { create(:group) } before do sign_in(user) group.add_owner(user) end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } describe 'GET #users with group ID' do before do get(:users, group_id: end it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq 1 } it { expect(body.first["username"]).to eq user.username } end describe 'GET #users with unknown group ID' do before do get(:users, group_id: 'unknown') end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(404) } end end context 'non-member login for public project' do let!(:project) { create(:project, :public) } before do sign_in(non_member) project.add_master(user) end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } describe 'GET #users with project ID' do before do get(:users, project_id:, current_user: true) end it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq 2 } it { expect( { |u| u['username'] }).to match_array([user.username, non_member.username]) } end end context 'all users' do before do sign_in(user) get(:users) end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq User.count } end context 'unauthenticated user' do let(:public_project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } describe 'GET #users with public project' do before do public_project.add_guest(user) get(:users, project_id: end it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq 1 } end describe 'GET #users with project' do before do get(:users, project_id: end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(404) } end describe 'GET #users with unknown project' do before do get(:users, project_id: 'unknown') end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(404) } end describe 'GET #users with inaccessible group' do before do project.add_guest(user) get(:users, group_id: end it { expect(response).to have_http_status(404) } end describe 'GET #users with no project' do before do get(:users) end it { expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) } it { expect(body.size).to eq 0 } end describe 'GET #users with todo filter' do it 'gives an array of users' do get :users, todo_filter: true expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) end end end context 'author of issuable included' do before do sign_in(user) end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it 'includes the author' do get(:users, author_id: expect(body.first["username"]).to eq non_member.username end it 'rejects non existent user ids' do get(:users, author_id: 99999) expect(body.collect { |u| u['id'] }).not_to include(99999) end end context 'skip_users parameter included' do before { sign_in(user) } it 'skips the user IDs passed' do get(:users, skip_users: [user, user2].map(&:id)) other_user_ids = [non_member, project.owner, project.creator].map(&:id) response_user_ids = JSON.parse(response.body).map { |user| user['id'] } expect(response_user_ids).to contain_exactly(*other_user_ids) end end end context 'GET projects' do let(:authorized_project) { create(:project) } let(:authorized_search_project) { create(:project, name: 'rugged') } before do sign_in(user) project.add_master(user) end context 'authorized projects' do before do authorized_project.add_master(user) end describe 'GET #projects with project ID' do before do get(:projects, project_id: end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it do expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(body.size).to eq 2 expect(body.first['id']).to eq 0 expect(body.first['name_with_namespace']).to eq 'No project' expect(body.last['id']).to eq expect(body.last['name_with_namespace']).to eq authorized_project.name_with_namespace end end end context 'authorized projects and search' do before do authorized_project.add_master(user) authorized_search_project.add_master(user) end describe 'GET #projects with project ID and search' do before do get(:projects, project_id:, search: 'rugged') end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it do expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(body.size).to eq 2 expect(body.last['id']).to eq expect(body.last['name_with_namespace']).to eq authorized_search_project.name_with_namespace end end end context 'authorized projects apply limit' do before do authorized_project2 = create(:project) authorized_project3 = create(:project) authorized_project.add_master(user) authorized_project2.add_master(user) authorized_project3.add_master(user) stub_const 'MoveToProjectFinder::PAGE_SIZE', 2 end describe 'GET #projects with project ID' do before do get(:projects, project_id: end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it do expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(body.size).to eq 3 # Of a total of 4 end end end context 'authorized projects with offset' do before do authorized_project2 = create(:project) authorized_project3 = create(:project) authorized_project.add_master(user) authorized_project2.add_master(user) authorized_project3.add_master(user) end describe 'GET #projects with project ID and offset_id' do before do get(:projects, project_id:, offset_id: end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it do expect(body.detect { |item| item['id'] == 0 }).to be_nil # 'No project' is not there expect(body.detect { |item| item['id'] == }).to be_nil # Offset project is not there either end end end context 'authorized projects without admin_issue ability' do before(:each) do authorized_project.add_guest(user) expect(user.can?(:admin_issue, authorized_project)).to eq(false) end describe 'GET #projects with project ID' do before do get(:projects, project_id: end let(:body) { JSON.parse(response.body) } it do expect(body).to be_kind_of(Array) expect(body.size).to eq 1 # 'No project' expect(body.first['id']).to eq 0 end end end end end