# frozen_string_literal: true class BuildFinishedWorker include ApplicationWorker include PipelineQueue queue_namespace :pipeline_processing # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def perform(build_id) Ci::Build.find_by(id: build_id).try do |build| build&.build_schedule&.delete # We execute that in sync as this access the files in order to access local file, and reduce IO BuildTraceSectionsWorker.new.perform(build.id) BuildCoverageWorker.new.perform(build.id) # We execute that async as this are two indepentent operations that can be executed after TraceSections and Coverage BuildHooksWorker.perform_async(build.id) ArchiveTraceWorker.perform_async(build.id) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end