# frozen_string_literal: true # This file contains environment settings for gitaly when it's running # as part of the gitlab-ce/ee test suite. # # Please be careful when modifying this file. Your changes must work # both for local development rspec runs, and in CI. require 'securerandom' require 'socket' require 'logger' module GitalyTest LOGGER = begin default_name = ENV['CI'] ? 'DEBUG' : 'WARN' level_name = ENV['GITLAB_TESTING_LOG_LEVEL']&.upcase level = Logger.const_get(level_name || default_name, true) # rubocop: disable Gitlab/ConstGetInheritFalse Logger.new(STDOUT, level: level, formatter: ->(_, _, _, msg) { msg }) end def tmp_tests_gitaly_dir File.expand_path('../tmp/tests/gitaly', __dir__) end def tmp_tests_gitlab_shell_dir File.expand_path('../tmp/tests/gitlab-shell', __dir__) end def rails_gitlab_shell_secret File.expand_path('../.gitlab_shell_secret', __dir__) end def gemfile File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'ruby', 'Gemfile') end def gemfile_dir File.dirname(gemfile) end def gitlab_shell_secret_file File.join(tmp_tests_gitlab_shell_dir, '.gitlab_shell_secret') end def env env_hash = { 'HOME' => File.expand_path('tmp/tests'), 'GEM_PATH' => Gem.path.join(':'), 'BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG' => File.join(gemfile_dir, '.bundle'), 'BUNDLE_INSTALL_FLAGS' => nil, 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => gemfile, 'RUBYOPT' => nil, # Git hooks can't run during tests as the internal API is not running. 'GITALY_TESTING_NO_GIT_HOOKS' => "1" } env_hash end # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection def set_bundler_config system('bundle config set --local jobs 4', chdir: gemfile_dir) system('bundle config set --local retry 3', chdir: gemfile_dir) if ENV['CI'] bundle_path = File.expand_path('../vendor/gitaly-ruby', __dir__) system('bundle', 'config', 'set', '--local', 'path', bundle_path, chdir: gemfile_dir) end end # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection def config_path(service) case service when :gitaly File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'config.toml') when :gitaly2 File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'gitaly2.config.toml') when :praefect File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'praefect.config.toml') end end def service_binary(service) case service when :gitaly, :gitaly2 'gitaly' when :praefect 'praefect' end end def install_gitaly_gems system(env, "make #{tmp_tests_gitaly_dir}/.ruby-bundle", chdir: tmp_tests_gitaly_dir) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection end def build_gitaly system(env, 'make', chdir: tmp_tests_gitaly_dir) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SystemCommandInjection end def start_gitaly start(:gitaly) end def start_gitaly2 start(:gitaly2) end def start_praefect start(:praefect) end def start(service) args = ["#{tmp_tests_gitaly_dir}/#{service_binary(service)}"] args.push("-config") if service == :praefect args.push(config_path(service)) pid = spawn(env, *args, [:out, :err] => "log/#{service}-test.log") begin try_connect!(service) rescue Process.kill('TERM', pid) raise end pid end # Taken from Gitlab::Shell.generate_and_link_secret_token def ensure_gitlab_shell_secret! secret_file = rails_gitlab_shell_secret shell_link = gitlab_shell_secret_file unless File.size?(secret_file) File.write(secret_file, SecureRandom.hex(16)) end unless File.exist?(shell_link) FileUtils.ln_s(secret_file, shell_link) end end def check_gitaly_config! LOGGER.debug "Checking gitaly-ruby Gemfile...\n" unless File.exist?(gemfile) message = "#{gemfile} does not exist." message += "\n\nThis might have happened if the CI artifacts for this build were destroyed." if ENV['CI'] abort message end LOGGER.debug "Checking gitaly-ruby bundle...\n" out = ENV['CI'] ? STDOUT : '/dev/null' abort 'bundle check failed' unless system(env, 'bundle', 'check', out: out, chdir: File.dirname(gemfile)) end def read_socket_path(service) # This code needs to work in an environment where we cannot use bundler, # so we cannot easily use the toml-rb gem. This ad-hoc parser should be # good enough. config_text = IO.read(config_path(service)) config_text.lines.each do |line| match_data = line.match(/^\s*socket_path\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"$/) return match_data[1] if match_data end raise "failed to find socket_path in #{config_path(service)}" end def try_connect!(service) LOGGER.debug "Trying to connect to #{service}: " timeout = 20 delay = 0.1 socket = read_socket_path(service) Integer(timeout / delay).times do UNIXSocket.new(socket) LOGGER.debug " OK\n" return rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ECONNREFUSED LOGGER.debug '.' sleep delay end LOGGER.warn " FAILED to connect to #{service}\n" raise "could not connect to #{socket}" end end