# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Packages::Debian::CreateDistributionService do RSpec.shared_examples 'Create Debian Distribution' do |expected_message, expected_components, expected_architectures| it 'returns ServiceResponse', :aggregate_failures do if expected_message.nil? expect { response } .to change { container.debian_distributions.klass.all.count } .from(0).to(1) .and change { container.debian_distributions.count } .from(0).to(1) .and change { container.debian_distributions.first&.components&.count } .from(nil).to(expected_components.count) .and change { container.debian_distributions.first&.architectures&.count } .from(nil).to(expected_architectures.count) .and not_change { Packages::Debian::ProjectComponentFile.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::GroupComponentFile.count } else expect { response } .to not_change { container.debian_distributions.klass.all.count } .and not_change { container.debian_distributions.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::ProjectComponent.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::GroupComponent.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::ProjectArchitecture.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::GroupArchitecture.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::ProjectComponentFile.count } .and not_change { Packages::Debian::GroupComponentFile.count } end expect(response).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(response.success?).to eq(expected_message.nil?) expect(response.error?).to eq(!expected_message.nil?) expect(response.message).to eq(expected_message) distribution = response.payload[:distribution] expect(distribution.persisted?).to eq(expected_message.nil?) expect(distribution.container).to eq(container) expect(distribution.creator).to eq(user) params.each_pair do |name, value| expect(distribution.send(name)).to eq(value) end expect(distribution.components.map(&:name)).to contain_exactly(*expected_components) expect(distribution.architectures.map(&:name)).to contain_exactly(*expected_architectures) end end shared_examples 'Debian Create Distribution Service' do context 'with only the codename param' do let(:params) { { codename: 'my-codename' } } it_behaves_like 'Create Debian Distribution', nil, %w[main], %w[all amd64] end context 'with codename, components and architectures' do let(:params) do { codename: 'my-codename', components: %w[contrib non-free], architectures: %w[arm64] } end it_behaves_like 'Create Debian Distribution', nil, %w[contrib non-free], %w[all arm64] end context 'with invalid suite' do let(:params) do { codename: 'my-codename', suite: 'erroné' } end it_behaves_like 'Create Debian Distribution', 'Suite is invalid', %w[], %w[] end context 'with invalid component name' do let(:params) do { codename: 'my-codename', components: %w[before erroné after], architectures: %w[arm64] } end it_behaves_like 'Create Debian Distribution', 'Component Name is invalid', %w[before erroné], %w[] end context 'with invalid architecture name' do let(:params) do { codename: 'my-codename', components: %w[contrib non-free], architectures: %w[before erroné after'] } end it_behaves_like 'Create Debian Distribution', 'Architecture Name is invalid', %w[contrib non-free], %w[before erroné] end end let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } subject { described_class.new(container, user, params) } let(:response) { subject.execute } context 'within a projet' do let_it_be(:container) { create(:project) } it_behaves_like 'Debian Create Distribution Service' end context 'within a group' do let_it_be(:container) { create(:group) } it_behaves_like 'Debian Create Distribution Service' end end