class @Notes @interval: null constructor: (notes_url, note_ids, last_fetched_at) -> @notes_url = notes_url @notes_url = gon.relative_url_root + @notes_url if gon.relative_url_root? @note_ids = note_ids @last_fetched_at = last_fetched_at @noteable_url = document.URL @initRefresh() @setupMainTargetNoteForm() @cleanBinding() @addBinding() addBinding: -> # add note to UI after creation $(document).on "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form", @addNote $(document).on "ajax:success", ".js-discussion-note-form", @addDiscussionNote # change note in UI after update $(document).on "ajax:success", "form.edit_note", @updateNote # Edit note link $(document).on "click", ".js-note-edit", @showEditForm $(document).on "click", ".note-edit-cancel", @cancelEdit # Reopen and close actions for Issue/MR combined with note form submit $(document).on "click", ".js-note-target-reopen", @targetReopen $(document).on "click", ".js-note-target-close", @targetClose $(document).on "click", ".js-comment-button", @updateCloseButton $(document).on "keyup", ".js-note-text", @updateTargetButtons # remove a note (in general) $(document).on "click", ".js-note-delete", @removeNote # delete note attachment $(document).on "click", ".js-note-attachment-delete", @removeAttachment # reset main target form after submit $(document).on "ajax:complete", ".js-main-target-form", @resetMainTargetForm # update the file name when an attachment is selected $(document).on "change", ".js-note-attachment-input", @updateFormAttachment # reply to diff/discussion notes $(document).on "click", ".js-discussion-reply-button", @replyToDiscussionNote # add diff note $(document).on "click", ".js-add-diff-note-button", @addDiffNote # hide diff note form $(document).on "click", ".js-close-discussion-note-form", @cancelDiscussionForm # fetch notes when tab becomes visible $(document).on "visibilitychange", @visibilityChange @notes_forms = '.js-main-target-form textarea, .js-discussion-note-form textarea' # Chrome doesn't fire keypress or keyup for Command+Enter, so we need keydown. $(document).on('keydown', @notes_forms, (e) -> if e.keyCode == 10 || ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 13) $(@).parents('form').submit() ) cleanBinding: -> $(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form" $(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-discussion-note-form" $(document).off "ajax:success", "form.edit_note" $(document).off "click", ".js-note-edit" $(document).off "click", ".note-edit-cancel" $(document).off "click", ".js-note-delete" $(document).off "click", ".js-note-attachment-delete" $(document).off "ajax:complete", ".js-main-target-form" $(document).off "click", ".js-discussion-reply-button" $(document).off "click", ".js-add-diff-note-button" $(document).off "visibilitychange" $(document).off "keydown", @notes_forms $(document).off "keyup", ".js-note-text" $(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-reopen" $(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-close" initRefresh: -> clearInterval(Notes.interval) Notes.interval = setInterval => @refresh() , 15000 refresh: -> unless document.hidden or (@noteable_url != document.URL) @getContent() getContent: -> $.ajax url: @notes_url data: "last_fetched_at=" + @last_fetched_at dataType: "json" success: (data) => notes = data.notes @last_fetched_at = data.last_fetched_at $.each notes, (i, note) => @renderNote(note) ### Render note in main comments area. Note: for rendering inline notes use renderDiscussionNote ### renderNote: (note) -> # render note if it not present in loaded list # or skip if rendered if @isNewNote(note) @note_ids.push( $('ul.main-notes-list').append(note.html) ### Check if note does not exists on page ### isNewNote: (note) -> $.inArray(, @note_ids) == -1 ### Render note in discussion area. Note: for rendering inline notes use renderDiscussionNote ### renderDiscussionNote: (note) -> @note_ids.push( form = $("form[rel='" + note.discussion_id + "']") row = form.closest("tr") # is this the first note of discussion? if".js-temp-notes-holder") # insert the note and the reply button after the temp row row.after note.discussion_html # remove the note (will be added again below)".note").remove() # Add note to 'Changes' page discussions $(".notes[rel='" + note.discussion_id + "']").append note.html # Init discussion on 'Discussion' page if it is merge request page if $('body').attr('data-page').indexOf('projects:merge_request') == 0 $('ul.main-notes-list').append(note.discussion_with_diff_html) else # append new note to all matching discussions $(".notes[rel='" + note.discussion_id + "']").append note.html # cleanup after successfully creating a diff/discussion note @removeDiscussionNoteForm(form) ### Called in response the main target form has been successfully submitted. Removes any errors. Resets text and preview. Resets buttons. ### resetMainTargetForm: -> form = $(".js-main-target-form") # remove validation errors form.find(".js-errors").remove() # reset text and preview form.find(".js-md-write-button").click() form.find(".js-note-text").val("").trigger "input" form.find(".js-note-text").data("autosave").reset() ### Shows the main form and does some setup on it. Sets some hidden fields in the form. ### setupMainTargetNoteForm: -> # find the form form = $(".js-new-note-form") # insert the form after the button form.clone().replaceAll $(".js-main-target-form") form = form.prev("form") # show the form @setupNoteForm(form) # fix classes form.removeClass "js-new-note-form" form.addClass "js-main-target-form" # remove unnecessary fields and buttons form.find("#note_line_code").remove() form.find(".js-close-discussion-note-form").remove() ### General note form setup. deactivates the submit button when text is empty hides the preview button when text is empty setup GFM auto complete show the form ### setupNoteForm: (form) -> disableButtonIfEmptyField form.find(".js-note-text"), form.find(".js-comment-button") form.removeClass "js-new-note-form" form.find('.div-dropzone').remove() # setup preview buttons form.find(".js-md-write-button, .js-md-preview-button").tooltip placement: "left" previewButton = form.find(".js-md-preview-button") textarea = form.find(".js-note-text") textarea.on "input", -> if $(this).val().trim() isnt "" previewButton.removeClass("turn-off").addClass "turn-on" else previewButton.removeClass("turn-on").addClass "turn-off" new Autosave textarea, [ "Note" form.find("#note_commit_id").val() form.find("#note_line_code").val() form.find("#note_noteable_type").val() form.find("#note_noteable_id").val() ] # remove notify commit author checkbox for non-commit notes form.find(".js-notify-commit-author").remove() if form.find("#note_noteable_type").val() isnt "Commit" GitLab.GfmAutoComplete.setup() new DropzoneInput(form) ### Called in response to the new note form being submitted Adds new note to list. ### addNote: (xhr, note, status) => @renderNote(note) @updateVotes() ### Called in response to the new note form being submitted Adds new note to list. ### addDiscussionNote: (xhr, note, status) => @renderDiscussionNote(note) ### Called in response to the edit note form being submitted Updates the current note field. ### updateNote: (xhr, note, status) => note_li = $(".note-row-" + note_li.replaceWith(note.html) note_li.find('.note-edit-form').hide() note_li.find('.note-body > .note-text').show() ### Called in response to clicking the edit note link Replaces the note text with the note edit form Adds a hidden div with the original content of the note to fill the edit note form with if the user cancels ### showEditForm: (e) -> e.preventDefault() note = $(this).closest(".note") note.find(".note-body > .note-text").hide() note.find(".note-header").hide() base_form = note.find(".note-edit-form") form = base_form.clone().insertAfter(base_form) form.addClass('current-note-edit-form') form.find('.div-dropzone').remove() # Show the attachment delete link note.find(".js-note-attachment-delete").show() # Setup markdown form GitLab.GfmAutoComplete.setup() new DropzoneInput(form) textarea = form.find("textarea") textarea.focus() disableButtonIfEmptyField textarea, form.find(".js-comment-button") ### Called in response to clicking the edit note link Hides edit form ### cancelEdit: (e) -> e.preventDefault() note = $(this).closest(".note") note.find(".note-body > .note-text").show() note.find(".note-header").show() note.find(".current-note-edit-form").remove() ### Called in response to deleting a note of any kind. Removes the actual note from view. Removes the whole discussion if the last note is being removed. ### removeNote: -> note = $(this).closest(".note") notes = note.closest(".notes") # check if this is the last note for this line if notes.find(".note").length is 1 # for discussions notes.closest(".discussion").remove() # for diff lines notes.closest("tr").remove() note.remove() ### Called in response to clicking the delete attachment link Removes the attachment wrapper view, including image tag if it exists Resets the note editing form ### removeAttachment: -> note = $(this).closest(".note") note.find(".note-attachment").remove() note.find(".note-body > .note-text").show() note.find(".js-note-attachment-delete").hide() note.find(".note-edit-form").hide() ### Called when clicking on the "reply" button for a diff line. Shows the note form below the notes. ### replyToDiscussionNote: (e) => form = $(".js-new-note-form") replyLink = $(".js-discussion-reply-button") replyLink.hide() # insert the form after the button form.clone().insertAfter replyLink # show the form @setupDiscussionNoteForm(replyLink,"form")) ### Shows the diff or discussion form and does some setup on it. Sets some hidden fields in the form. Note: dataHolder must have the "discussionId", "lineCode", "noteableType" and "noteableId" data attributes set. ### setupDiscussionNoteForm: (dataHolder, form) => # setup note target form.attr "rel","discussionId") form.find("#note_commit_id").val"commitId") form.find("#note_line_code").val"lineCode") form.find("#note_noteable_type").val"noteableType") form.find("#note_noteable_id").val"noteableId") @setupNoteForm form form.find(".js-note-text").focus() form.addClass "js-discussion-note-form" ### Called when clicking on the "add a comment" button on the side of a diff line. Inserts a temporary row for the form below the line. Sets up the form and shows it. ### addDiffNote: (e) => e.preventDefault() link = e.currentTarget form = $(".js-new-note-form") row = $(link).closest("tr") nextRow = # does it already have notes? if".notes_holder") replyButton = nextRow.find(".js-discussion-reply-button") if replyButton.length > 0 $.proxy(@replyToDiscussionNote, replyButton).call() else # add a notes row and insert the form row.after "" form.clone().appendTo".notes_content") # show the form @setupDiscussionNoteForm $(link),"form") ### Called in response to "cancel" on a diff note form. Shows the reply button again. Removes the form and if necessary it's temporary row. ### removeDiscussionNoteForm: (form)-> row = form.closest("tr") form.find(".js-note-text").data("autosave").reset() # show the reply button (will only work for replies) form.prev(".js-discussion-reply-button").show() if".js-temp-notes-holder") # remove temporary row for diff lines row.remove() else # only remove the form form.remove() cancelDiscussionForm: (e) => e.preventDefault() form = $(".js-new-note-form") form = $(".js-discussion-note-form") @removeDiscussionNoteForm(form) updateVotes: -> (new NotesVotes).updateVotes() ### Called after an attachment file has been selected. Updates the file name for the selected attachment. ### updateFormAttachment: -> form = $(this).closest("form") # get only the basename filename = $(this).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "") form.find(".js-attachment-filename").text filename ### Called when the tab visibility changes ### visibilityChange: => @refresh() targetReopen: (e) => @submitNoteForm($('form')) targetClose: (e) => @submitNoteForm($('form')) submitNoteForm: (form) => noteText = form.find(".js-note-text").val() if noteText.trim().length > 0 form.submit() updateCloseButton: (e) => textarea = $( form = textarea.parents('form') form.find('.js-note-target-close').text('Close') updateTargetButtons: (e) => textarea = $( form = textarea.parents('form') if textarea.val().trim().length > 0 form.find('.js-note-target-reopen').text('Comment & reopen') form.find('.js-note-target-close').text('Comment & close') else form.find('.js-note-target-reopen').text('Reopen') form.find('.js-note-target-close').text('Close')