# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require_migration! RSpec.describe DropBackfillJiraTrackerDeploymentTypeJobs, :sidekiq, :redis, schema: 2020_10_14_205300 do subject(:migration) { described_class.new } describe '#up' do let(:retry_set) { Sidekiq::RetrySet.new } let(:scheduled_set) { Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new } context 'there are only affected jobs on the queue' do let(:payload) { { 'class' => ::BackgroundMigrationWorker, 'args' => [described_class::DROPPED_JOB_CLASS, 1] } } let(:queue_payload) { payload.merge('queue' => described_class::QUEUE) } it 'removes enqueued BackfillJiraTrackerDeploymentType background jobs' do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do # https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/testing#api Sidekiq's API does not have a testing mode retry_set.schedule(1.hour.from_now, payload) scheduled_set.schedule(1.hour.from_now, payload) Sidekiq::Client.push(queue_payload) expect { migration.up }.to change { Sidekiq::Queue.new(described_class::QUEUE).size }.from(1).to(0) expect(retry_set.size).to eq(0) expect(scheduled_set.size).to eq(0) end end end context 'there are not any affected jobs on the queue' do let(:payload) { { 'class' => ::BackgroundMigrationWorker, 'args' => ['SomeOtherClass', 1] } } let(:queue_payload) { payload.merge('queue' => described_class::QUEUE) } it 'skips other enqueued jobs' do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do retry_set.schedule(1.hour.from_now, payload) scheduled_set.schedule(1.hour.from_now, payload) Sidekiq::Client.push(queue_payload) expect { migration.up }.not_to change { Sidekiq::Queue.new(described_class::QUEUE).size } expect(retry_set.size).to eq(1) expect(scheduled_set.size).to eq(1) end end end context 'other queues' do it 'does not modify them' do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do Sidekiq::Client.push('queue' => 'other', 'class' => ::BackgroundMigrationWorker, 'args' => ['SomeOtherClass', 1]) Sidekiq::Client.push('queue' => 'other', 'class' => ::BackgroundMigrationWorker, 'args' => [described_class::DROPPED_JOB_CLASS, 1]) expect { migration.up }.not_to change { Sidekiq::Queue.new('other').size } end end end end end