# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require_migration! require_migration!('add_projects_foreign_key_to_namespaces') # In order to test the CleanupProjectsWithMissingNamespace migration, we need # to first create an orphaned project (one with an invalid namespace_id) # and then run the migration to check that the project was properly cleaned up # # The problem is that the CleanupProjectsWithMissingNamespace migration comes # after the FK has been added with a previous migration (AddProjectsForeignKeyToNamespaces) # That means that while testing the current class we can not insert projects with an # invalid namespace_id as the existing FK is correctly blocking us from doing so # # The approach that solves that problem is to: # - Set the schema of this test to the one prior to AddProjectsForeignKeyToNamespaces # - We could hardcode it to `20200508091106` (which currently is the previous # migration before adding the FK) but that would mean that this test depends # on migration 20200508091106 not being reverted or deleted # - So, we use SchemaVersionFinder that finds the previous migration and returns # its schema, which we then use in the describe # # That means that we lock the schema version to the one returned by # SchemaVersionFinder.previous_migration and only test the cleanup migration # *without* the migration that adds the Foreign Key ever running # That's acceptable as the cleanup script should not be affected in any way # by the migration that adds the Foreign Key class SchemaVersionFinder def self.migrations_paths ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths end def self.migration_context ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(migrations_paths, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration) end def self.migrations migration_context.migrations end def self.previous_migration migrations.each_cons(2) do |previous, migration| break previous.version if migration.name == AddProjectsForeignKeyToNamespaces.name end end end RSpec.describe CleanupProjectsWithMissingNamespace, :migration, schema: SchemaVersionFinder.previous_migration do let(:projects) { table(:projects) } let(:namespaces) { table(:namespaces) } let(:users) { table(:users) } before do namespace = namespaces.create!(name: 'existing_namespace', path: 'existing_namespace') projects.create!( name: 'project_with_existing_namespace', path: 'project_with_existing_namespace', visibility_level: 20, archived: false, namespace_id: namespace.id ) projects.create!( name: 'project_with_non_existing_namespace', path: 'project_with_non_existing_namespace', visibility_level: 20, archived: false, namespace_id: non_existing_record_id ) end it 'creates the ghost user' do expect(users.where(user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST).count).to eq(0) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } expect(users.where(user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST).count).to eq(1) end it 'creates the lost-and-found group, owned by the ghost user' do expect( described_class::Group.where( described_class::Group .arel_table[:name] .matches("#{described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP}%") ).count ).to eq(0) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } ghost_user = users.find_by(user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST) expect( described_class::Group .joins('INNER JOIN members ON namespaces.id = members.source_id') .where(namespaces: { type: 'Group' }) .where(members: { type: 'GroupMember' }) .where(members: { source_type: 'Namespace' }) .where(members: { user_id: ghost_user.id }) .where(members: { requested_at: nil }) .where(members: { access_level: described_class::ACCESS_LEVEL_OWNER }) .where( described_class::Group .arel_table[:name] .matches("#{described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP}%") ) .count ).to eq(1) end it 'moves the orphaned project to the lost-and-found group' do orphaned_project = projects.find_by(name: 'project_with_non_existing_namespace') expect(orphaned_project.visibility_level).to eq(20) expect(orphaned_project.archived).to eq(false) expect(orphaned_project.namespace_id).to eq(non_existing_record_id) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } lost_and_found_group = described_class::Group.find_by( described_class::Group .arel_table[:name] .matches("#{described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP}%") ) orphaned_project = projects.find_by(id: orphaned_project.id) expect(orphaned_project.visibility_level).to eq(0) expect(orphaned_project.namespace_id).to eq(lost_and_found_group.id) expect(orphaned_project.name).to eq("project_with_non_existing_namespace_#{orphaned_project.id}") expect(orphaned_project.path).to eq("project_with_non_existing_namespace_#{orphaned_project.id}") expect(orphaned_project.archived).to eq(true) valid_project = projects.find_by(name: 'project_with_existing_namespace') existing_namespace = namespaces.find_by(name: 'existing_namespace') expect(valid_project.visibility_level).to eq(20) expect(valid_project.namespace_id).to eq(existing_namespace.id) expect(valid_project.path).to eq('project_with_existing_namespace') expect(valid_project.archived).to eq(false) end end