# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci # # Base GitLab CI Configuration facade # class Config ConfigError = Class.new(StandardError) TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30.seconds TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = 'Resolving config took longer than expected' RESCUE_ERRORS = [ Gitlab::Config::Loader::FormatError, Extendable::ExtensionError, External::Processor::IncludeError ].freeze attr_reader :root def initialize(config, project: nil, sha: nil, user: nil) @context = build_context(project: project, sha: sha, user: user) if Feature.enabled?(:ci_limit_yaml_expansion, project, default_enabled: true) @context.set_deadline(TIMEOUT_SECONDS) end @config = expand_config(config) @root = Entry::Root.new(@config) @root.compose! rescue *rescue_errors => e raise Config::ConfigError, e.message end def valid? @root.valid? end def errors @root.errors end def to_hash @config end ## # Temporary method that should be removed after refactoring # def variables root.variables_value end def stages root.stages_value end def jobs root.jobs_value end private def expand_config(config) build_config(config) rescue Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml::DataTooLargeError => e track_exception(e) raise Config::ConfigError, e.message rescue Gitlab::Ci::Config::External::Context::TimeoutError => e track_exception(e) raise Config::ConfigError, TIMEOUT_MESSAGE end def build_config(config) initial_config = Gitlab::Config::Loader::Yaml.new(config).load! initial_config = Config::External::Processor.new(initial_config, @context).perform Config::Extendable.new(initial_config).to_hash end def build_context(project:, sha:, user:) Config::External::Context.new( project: project, sha: sha || project&.repository&.root_ref_sha, user: user) end def track_exception(error) Gitlab::Sentry.track_exception(error, extra: @context.sentry_payload) end # Overriden in EE def rescue_errors RESCUE_ERRORS end end end end Gitlab::Ci::Config.prepend_if_ee('EE::Gitlab::Ci::ConfigEE')