import { createFakeDateClass } from './fake_date'; describe('spec/helpers/fake_date', () => { describe('createFakeDateClass', () => { let FakeDate; beforeEach(() => { FakeDate = createFakeDateClass(); }); it('should use default args', () => { expect(new FakeDate()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`2020-07-06T00:00:00.000Z`); }); it('should use default args when called as a function', () => { expect(FakeDate()).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"Mon Jul 06 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)"`, ); }); it('should have deterministic now()', () => { expect(`1593993600000`); }); it('should be instanceof Date', () => { expect(new FakeDate()).toBeInstanceOf(Date); }); it('should be instanceof self', () => { expect(new FakeDate()).toBeInstanceOf(FakeDate); }); }); });