# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_context Integrations::EnableSslVerification do # This is added to the global setup, to make sure all calls to # `Gitlab::HTTP` in the main model spec are passing the `verify:` option. before do allow(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:perform_request) .with(anything, anything, include(verify: true)) .and_call_original end describe 'accessors' do it { is_expected.to respond_to(:enable_ssl_verification) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:enable_ssl_verification?) } end describe '#initialize_properties' do it 'enables the setting by default' do expect(integration.enable_ssl_verification).to be(true) end it 'does not enable the setting if the record is already persisted' do allow(integration).to receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) integration.enable_ssl_verification = false integration.send(:initialize_properties) expect(integration.enable_ssl_verification).to be(false) end it 'does not enable the setting if a custom value was set' do integration = described_class.new(enable_ssl_verification: false) expect(integration.enable_ssl_verification).to be(false) end end describe '#fields' do it 'inserts the checkbox field after the first URL field, or at the end' do names = integration.fields.pluck(:name) url_index = names.index { |name| name.ends_with?('_url') } insert_index = url_index ? url_index + 1 : names.size - 1 expect(names.index('enable_ssl_verification')).to eq insert_index end it 'does not insert the field repeatedly' do expect(integration.fields.pluck(:name)).to eq(integration.fields.pluck(:name)) end end end