export const mockEndpoint = '/dashboard/groups.json'; export const ITEM_TYPE = { PROJECT: 'project', GROUP: 'group', }; export const GROUP_VISIBILITY_TYPE = { public: 'Public - The group and any public projects can be viewed without any authentication.', internal: 'Internal - The group and any internal projects can be viewed by any logged in user.', private: 'Private - The group and its projects can only be viewed by members.', }; export const PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE = { public: 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.', internal: 'Internal - The project can be accessed by any logged in user.', private: 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user.', }; export const VISIBILITY_TYPE_ICON = { public: 'fa-globe', internal: 'fa-shield', private: 'fa-lock', }; export const mockParentGroupItem = { id: 55, name: 'hardware', description: '', visibility: 'public', fullName: 'platform / hardware', relativePath: '/platform/hardware', canEdit: true, type: 'group', avatarUrl: null, permission: 'Owner', editPath: '/groups/platform/hardware/edit', childrenCount: 3, leavePath: '/groups/platform/hardware/group_members/leave', parentId: 54, memberCount: '1', projectCount: 1, subgroupCount: 2, canLeave: false, children: [], isOpen: true, isChildrenLoading: false, isBeingRemoved: false, }; export const mockRawChildren = [ { id: 57, name: 'bsp', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/edit', children_count: 6, leave_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/group_members/leave', parent_id: 55, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 4, subgroup_count: 2, can_leave: false, children: [], }, ]; export const mockChildren = [ { id: 57, name: 'bsp', description: '', visibility: 'public', fullName: 'platform / hardware / bsp', relativePath: '/platform/hardware/bsp', canEdit: true, type: 'group', avatarUrl: null, permission: 'Owner', editPath: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/edit', childrenCount: 6, leavePath: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/group_members/leave', parentId: 55, memberCount: '1', projectCount: 4, subgroupCount: 2, canLeave: false, children: [], isOpen: true, isChildrenLoading: false, isBeingRemoved: false, }, ]; export const mockGroups = [ { id: 75, name: 'test-group', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'test-group', relative_path: '/test-group', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/test-group/edit', children_count: 2, leave_path: '/groups/test-group/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 2, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, { id: 67, name: 'open-source', description: '', visibility: 'private', full_name: 'open-source', relative_path: '/open-source', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/open-source/edit', children_count: 0, leave_path: '/groups/open-source/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 0, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, { id: 54, name: 'platform', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform', relative_path: '/platform', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/edit', children_count: 1, leave_path: '/groups/platform/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 0, subgroup_count: 1, can_leave: false, }, { id: 5, name: 'H5bp', description: 'Minus dolor consequuntur qui nam recusandae quam incidunt.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'H5bp', relative_path: '/h5bp', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/h5bp/edit', children_count: 1, leave_path: '/groups/h5bp/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '5', project_count: 1, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, { id: 4, name: 'Twitter', description: 'Deserunt hic nostrum placeat veniam.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'Twitter', relative_path: '/twitter', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/twitter/edit', children_count: 2, leave_path: '/groups/twitter/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '5', project_count: 2, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, { id: 3, name: 'Documentcloud', description: 'Consequatur saepe totam ea pariatur maxime.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'Documentcloud', relative_path: '/documentcloud', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/documentcloud/edit', children_count: 1, leave_path: '/groups/documentcloud/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '5', project_count: 1, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, { id: 2, name: 'Gitlab Org', description: 'Debitis ea quas aperiam velit doloremque ab.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'Gitlab Org', relative_path: '/gitlab-org', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: '/uploads/-/system/group/avatar/2/GitLab.png', permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/gitlab-org/edit', children_count: 4, leave_path: '/groups/gitlab-org/group_members/leave', parent_id: null, number_users_with_delimiter: '5', project_count: 4, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, }, ]; export const mockSearchedGroups = [ { id: 55, name: 'hardware', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware', relative_path: '/platform/hardware', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/edit', children_count: 3, leave_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/group_members/leave', parent_id: 54, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 1, subgroup_count: 2, can_leave: false, children: [ { id: 57, name: 'bsp', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/edit', children_count: 6, leave_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/group_members/leave', parent_id: 55, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 4, subgroup_count: 2, can_leave: false, children: [ { id: 60, name: 'kernel', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp / kernel', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/edit', children_count: 1, leave_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/group_members/leave', parent_id: 57, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 0, subgroup_count: 1, can_leave: false, children: [ { id: 61, name: 'common', description: '', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp / kernel / common', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common', can_edit: true, type: 'group', avatar_url: null, permission: 'Owner', edit_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/edit', children_count: 2, leave_path: '/groups/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/group_members/leave', parent_id: 60, number_users_with_delimiter: '1', project_count: 2, subgroup_count: 0, can_leave: false, children: [ { id: 17, name: 'v4.4', description: 'Voluptatem qui ea error aperiam veritatis doloremque consequatur temporibus.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp / kernel / common / v4.4', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/v4.4', can_edit: true, type: 'project', avatar_url: null, permission: null, edit_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/v4.4/edit', star_count: 0, }, { id: 16, name: 'v4.1', description: 'Rerum expedita voluptatem doloribus neque ducimus ut hic.', visibility: 'public', full_name: 'platform / hardware / bsp / kernel / common / v4.1', relative_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/v4.1', can_edit: true, type: 'project', avatar_url: null, permission: null, edit_path: '/platform/hardware/bsp/kernel/common/v4.1/edit', star_count: 0, }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ]; export const mockRawPageInfo = { 'x-per-page': 10, 'x-page': 10, 'x-total': 10, 'x-total-pages': 10, 'x-next-page': 10, 'x-prev-page': 10, }; export const mockPageInfo = { perPage: 10, page: 10, total: 10, totalPages: 10, nextPage: 10, prevPage: 10, };