import Vue from 'vue'; import Icon from '~/vue_shared/components/icon.vue'; import mountComponent from '../../helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; describe('Sprite Icon Component', function () { describe('Initialization', function () { let icon; beforeEach(function () { const IconComponent = Vue.extend(Icon); icon = mountComponent(IconComponent, { name: 'test', size: 99, cssClasses: 'extraclasses', }); }); afterEach(() => { icon.$destroy(); }); it('should return a defined Vue component', function () { expect(icon).toBeDefined(); }); it('should have as a child element', function () { expect(icon.$el.tagName).toBe('svg'); }); it('should have as a child element with the correct href', function () { expect(icon.$el.firstChild.tagName).toBe('use'); expect(icon.$el.firstChild.getAttribute('xlink:href')).toBe(`${gon.sprite_icons}#test`); }); it('should properly compute iconSizeClass', function () { expect(icon.iconSizeClass).toBe('s99'); }); it('should properly render img css', function () { const classList = icon.$el.classList; const containsSizeClass = classList.contains('s99'); const containsCustomClass = classList.contains('extraclasses'); expect(containsSizeClass).toBe(true); expect(containsCustomClass).toBe(true); }); }); });