review-cleanup: extends: - .default-retry - .review:rules:review-cleanup image: stage: prepare environment: name: review/auto-cleanup action: stop before_script: - source scripts/ - source scripts/review_apps/ - install_gitlab_gem - setup_gcp_dependencies script: - ruby -rrubygems scripts/review_apps/automated_cleanup.rb - gcp_cleanup start-review-app-pipeline: extends: - .review:rules:review-app-pipeline stage: review needs: - job: build-assets-image artifacts: false - job: build-qa-image artifacts: false # These variables are set in the pipeline schedules. # They need to be explicitly passed on to the child pipeline. # variables: FREQUENCY: $FREQUENCY DAST_RUN: $DAST_RUN trigger: include: - local: .gitlab/ci/review-apps/main.gitlab-ci.yml strategy: depend danger-review: extends: - .default-retry - .danger-review-cache - .review:rules:danger stage: test needs: [] before_script: - source scripts/ - bundle_install_script "--with danger" - run_timed_command "retry yarn install --frozen-lockfile" script: - > if [ -z "$DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN" ]; then run_timed_command danger_as_local else run_timed_command "bundle exec danger --fail-on-errors=true --verbose" fi danger-review-local: extends: - danger-review - .review:rules:danger-local script: - run_timed_command danger_as_local