# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module ErrorTracking # Exceptions in this group will receive custom Sentry fingerprinting CUSTOM_FINGERPRINTING = %w[ Acme::Client::Error::BadNonce Acme::Client::Error::NotFound Acme::Client::Error::RateLimited Acme::Client::Error::Timeout Acme::Client::Error::UnsupportedOperation ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled Gitlab::RequestContext::RequestDeadlineExceeded GRPC::DeadlineExceeded JIRA::HTTPError Rack::Timeout::RequestTimeoutException ].freeze class << self def configure Raven.configure do |config| config.dsn = sentry_dsn config.release = Gitlab.revision config.current_environment = Gitlab.config.sentry.environment # Sanitize fields based on those sanitized from Rails. config.sanitize_fields = Rails.application.config.filter_parameters.map(&:to_s) config.processors << ::Gitlab::ErrorTracking::Processor::SidekiqProcessor # Sanitize authentication headers config.sanitize_http_headers = %w[Authorization Private-Token] config.tags = { program: Gitlab.process_name } config.before_send = method(:before_send) yield config if block_given? end end def with_context(current_user = nil) last_user_context = Raven.context.user user_context = { id: current_user&.id, email: current_user&.email, username: current_user&.username }.compact Raven.tags_context(default_tags) Raven.user_context(user_context) yield ensure Raven.user_context(last_user_context) end # This should be used when you want to passthrough exception handling: # rescue and raise to be catched in upper layers of the application. # # If the exception implements the method `sentry_extra_data` and that method # returns a Hash, then the return value of that method will be merged into # `extra`. Exceptions can use this mechanism to provide structured data # to sentry in addition to their message and back-trace. def track_and_raise_exception(exception, extra = {}) process_exception(exception, sentry: true, extra: extra) raise exception end # This can be used for investigating exceptions that can be recovered from in # code. The exception will still be raised in development and test # environments. # # That way we can track down these exceptions with as much information as we # need to resolve them. # # If the exception implements the method `sentry_extra_data` and that method # returns a Hash, then the return value of that method will be merged into # `extra`. Exceptions can use this mechanism to provide structured data # to sentry in addition to their message and back-trace. # # Provide an issue URL for follow up. # as `issue_url: 'http://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/111'` def track_and_raise_for_dev_exception(exception, extra = {}) process_exception(exception, sentry: true, extra: extra) raise exception if should_raise_for_dev? end # This should be used when you only want to track the exception. # # If the exception implements the method `sentry_extra_data` and that method # returns a Hash, then the return value of that method will be merged into # `extra`. Exceptions can use this mechanism to provide structured data # to sentry in addition to their message and back-trace. def track_exception(exception, extra = {}) process_exception(exception, sentry: true, extra: extra) end # This should be used when you only want to log the exception, # but not send it to Sentry. # # If the exception implements the method `sentry_extra_data` and that method # returns a Hash, then the return value of that method will be merged into # `extra`. Exceptions can use this mechanism to provide structured data # to sentry in addition to their message and back-trace. def log_exception(exception, extra = {}) process_exception(exception, extra: extra) end private def before_send(event, hint) event = add_context_from_exception_type(event, hint) event = custom_fingerprinting(event, hint) event end def process_exception(exception, sentry: false, logging: true, extra:) exception.try(:sentry_extra_data)&.tap do |data| extra = extra.merge(data) if data.is_a?(Hash) end extra = sanitize_request_parameters(extra) if sentry && Raven.configuration.server Raven.capture_exception(exception, tags: default_tags, extra: extra) end if logging # TODO: this logic could migrate into `Gitlab::ExceptionLogFormatter` # and we could also flatten deep nested hashes if required for search # (e.g. if `extra` includes hash of hashes). # In the current implementation, we don't flatten multi-level folded hashes. log_hash = {} Raven.context.tags.each { |name, value| log_hash["tags.#{name}"] = value } Raven.context.user.each { |name, value| log_hash["user.#{name}"] = value } Raven.context.extra.merge(extra).each { |name, value| log_hash["extra.#{name}"] = value } Gitlab::ExceptionLogFormatter.format!(exception, log_hash) Gitlab::ErrorTracking::Logger.error(log_hash) end end def sanitize_request_parameters(parameters) filter = ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter.new(::Rails.application.config.filter_parameters) filter.filter(parameters) end def sentry_dsn return unless Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.development? return unless Gitlab.config.sentry.enabled Gitlab.config.sentry.dsn end def should_raise_for_dev? Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? end def default_tags { Labkit::Correlation::CorrelationId::LOG_KEY.to_sym => Labkit::Correlation::CorrelationId.current_id, locale: I18n.locale } end # Debugging for https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/57727 def add_context_from_exception_type(event, hint) if ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError === hint[:exception] columns_hash = ActiveRecord::Base .connection .schema_cache .instance_variable_get(:@columns_hash) .transform_values { |v| v.map(&:first) } event.extra.merge!(columns_hash) end event end # Group common, mostly non-actionable exceptions by type and message, # rather than cause def custom_fingerprinting(event, hint) ex = hint[:exception] return event unless CUSTOM_FINGERPRINTING.include?(ex.class.name) event.fingerprint = [ex.class.name, ex.message] event end end end end