function simulateEvent(el, type, options = {}) { let event; if (!el) return null; if (/^(pointer|mouse)/.test(type)) { event = el.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvent'); event.initMouseEvent( type, true, true, el.ownerDocument.defaultView, options.button, options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY, options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button, el, ); } else { event = el.ownerDocument.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent( type, true, true, el.ownerDocument.defaultView, options.button, options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY, options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button, el, ); event.dataTransfer = { data: {}, setData(key, val) {[key] = val; }, getData(key) { return[key]; }, }; } if (el.dispatchEvent) { el.dispatchEvent(event); } else if (el.fireEvent) { el.fireEvent(`on${type}`, event); } return event; } function isLast(target) { const el = typeof target.el === 'string' ? document.getElementById(target.el.substr(1)) : target.el; const { children } = el; return children.length - 1 === target.index; } function getTarget(target) { const el = typeof target.el === 'string' ? document.getElementById(target.el.substr(1)) : target.el; const { children } = el; return ( children[target.index] || children[target.index === 'first' ? 0 : -1] || children[target.index === 'last' ? children.length - 1 : -1] || el ); } function getRect(el) { const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const width = rect.right - rect.left; const height = rect.bottom - + 10; return { x: rect.left, y:, cx: rect.left + width / 2, cy: + height / 2, w: width, h: height, hw: width / 2, wh: height / 2, }; } export default function simulateDrag(options) { const { to, from } = options; to.el = to.el || from.el; const fromEl = getTarget(from); const toEl = getTarget(to); const firstEl = getTarget({ el: to.el, index: 'first', }); const lastEl = getTarget({ el:, index: 'last', }); const fromRect = getRect(fromEl); const toRect = getRect(toEl); const firstRect = getRect(firstEl); const lastRect = getRect(lastEl); const duration = options.duration || 1000; simulateEvent(fromEl, 'pointerdown', { button: 0, clientX:, clientY:, }); if (options.ontap) options.ontap(); window.SIMULATE_DRAG_ACTIVE = 1; if ( === 0) { = firstRect.y; } else if (isLast( { = lastRect.y + lastRect.h + 50; } let startTime; // Called within dragFn when the drag should finish const finishFn = () => { if (options.ondragend) options.ondragend(); if (options.performDrop) { simulateEvent(toEl, 'mouseup'); } window.SIMULATE_DRAG_ACTIVE = 0; }; const dragFn = (timestamp) => { if (!startTime) { startTime = timestamp; } const elapsed = timestamp - startTime; // Make sure that progress maxes at 1 const progress = Math.min(elapsed / duration, 1); const x = + ( - * progress; const y = + ( - + options.extraHeight) * progress; const overEl = fromEl.ownerDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y); simulateEvent(overEl, 'pointermove', { clientX: x, clientY: y, }); if (progress >= 1) { // finish on next frame, so we can pause in the correct position for a frame requestAnimationFrame(finishFn); } else { requestAnimationFrame(dragFn); } }; // Start the drag animation requestAnimationFrame(dragFn); return { target: fromEl, fromList: fromEl.parentNode, toList: toEl.parentNode, }; }