# frozen_string_literal: true class Deployment < ApplicationRecord include AtomicInternalId include IidRoutes include AfterCommitQueue include UpdatedAtFilterable include Importable include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include FastDestroyAll include FromUnion StatusUpdateError = Class.new(StandardError) StatusSyncError = Class.new(StandardError) ARCHIVABLE_OFFSET = 50_000 belongs_to :project, required: true belongs_to :environment, required: true belongs_to :cluster, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster', optional: true belongs_to :user belongs_to :deployable, polymorphic: true, optional: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations has_many :deployment_merge_requests has_many :merge_requests, through: :deployment_merge_requests has_one :deployment_cluster has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project, track_if: -> { !importing? } validates :sha, presence: true validates :ref, presence: true validate :valid_sha, on: :create validate :valid_ref, on: :create delegate :name, to: :environment, prefix: true delegate :kubernetes_namespace, to: :deployment_cluster, allow_nil: true scope :for_environment, -> (environment) { where(environment_id: environment) } scope :for_environment_name, -> (project, name) do where('deployments.environment_id = (?)', Environment.select(:id).where(project: project, name: name).limit(1)) end scope :for_status, -> (status) { where(status: status) } scope :for_project, -> (project_id) { where(project_id: project_id) } scope :for_projects, -> (projects) { where(project: projects) } scope :visible, -> { where(status: %i[running success failed canceled blocked]) } scope :stoppable, -> { where.not(on_stop: nil).where.not(deployable_id: nil).success } scope :active, -> { where(status: %i[created running]) } scope :upcoming, -> { where(status: %i[blocked running]) } scope :older_than, -> (deployment) { where('deployments.id < ?', deployment.id) } scope :with_api_entity_associations, -> { preload({ deployable: { runner: [], tags: [], user: [], job_artifacts_archive: [] } }) } scope :finished_after, ->(date) { where('finished_at >= ?', date) } scope :finished_before, ->(date) { where('finished_at < ?', date) } scope :ordered, -> { order(finished_at: :desc) } FINISHED_STATUSES = %i[success failed canceled].freeze state_machine :status, initial: :created do event :run do transition created: :running end event :block do transition created: :blocked end event :unblock do transition blocked: :created end event :succeed do transition any - [:success] => :success end event :drop do transition any - [:failed] => :failed end event :cancel do transition any - [:canceled] => :canceled end event :skip do transition any - [:skipped] => :skipped end before_transition any => FINISHED_STATUSES do |deployment| deployment.finished_at = Time.current end after_transition any => :running do |deployment| next unless deployment.project.ci_forward_deployment_enabled? deployment.run_after_commit do Deployments::DropOlderDeploymentsWorker.perform_async(id) end end after_transition any => :running do |deployment| deployment.run_after_commit do Deployments::HooksWorker.perform_async(deployment_id: id, status_changed_at: Time.current) end end after_transition any => :success do |deployment| deployment.run_after_commit do Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker.perform_async(id) Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker.perform_async(id) Deployments::ArchiveInProjectWorker.perform_async(deployment.project_id) end end after_transition any => FINISHED_STATUSES do |deployment| deployment.run_after_commit do Deployments::HooksWorker.perform_async(deployment_id: id, status_changed_at: Time.current) end end after_transition any => any - [:skipped] do |deployment, transition| next if transition.loopback? deployment.run_after_commit do next unless deployment.project.jira_subscription_exists? ::JiraConnect::SyncDeploymentsWorker.perform_async(id) end end end after_create unless: :importing? do |deployment| run_after_commit do next unless deployment.project.jira_subscription_exists? ::JiraConnect::SyncDeploymentsWorker.perform_async(deployment.id) end end enum status: { created: 0, running: 1, success: 2, failed: 3, canceled: 4, skipped: 5, blocked: 6 } def self.archivables_in(project, limit:) start_iid = project.deployments.order(iid: :desc).limit(1) .select("(iid - #{ARCHIVABLE_OFFSET}) AS start_iid") project.deployments.preload(:environment).where('iid <= (?)', start_iid) .where(archived: false).limit(limit) end def self.last_for_environment(environment) ids = self .for_environment(environment) .select('MAX(id) AS id') .group(:environment_id) .map(&:id) find(ids) end def self.distinct_on_environment order('environment_id, deployments.id DESC') .select('DISTINCT ON (environment_id) deployments.*') end def self.find_successful_deployment!(iid) success.find_by!(iid: iid) end # It should be used with caution especially on chaining. # Fetching any unbounded or large intermediate dataset could lead to loading too many IDs into memory. # See: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#use-disable_joins-for-has_one-or-has_many-through-relations # For safety we default limit to fetch not more than 1000 records. def self.builds(limit = 1000) deployable_ids = where.not(deployable_id: nil).limit(limit).pluck(:deployable_id) Ci::Build.where(id: deployable_ids) end class << self ## # FastDestroyAll concerns def begin_fast_destroy preload(:project).find_each.map do |deployment| [deployment.project, deployment.ref_path] end end ## # FastDestroyAll concerns def finalize_fast_destroy(params) by_project = params.group_by(&:shift) by_project.each do |project, ref_paths| project.repository.delete_refs(*ref_paths.flatten) end end def latest_for_sha(sha) where(sha: sha).order(id: :desc).take end end def commit @commit ||= project.commit(sha) end def commit_title commit.try(:title) end def short_sha Commit.truncate_sha(sha) end def execute_hooks(status_changed_at) deployment_data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Deployment.build(self, status_changed_at) project.execute_hooks(deployment_data, :deployment_hooks) project.execute_integrations(deployment_data, :deployment_hooks) end def last? self == environment.last_deployment end def create_ref project.repository.create_ref(sha, ref_path) end def invalidate_cache environment.expire_etag_cache end def manual_actions @manual_actions ||= deployable.try(:other_manual_actions) end def scheduled_actions @scheduled_actions ||= deployable.try(:other_scheduled_actions) end def playable_build strong_memoize(:playable_build) do deployable.try(:playable?) ? deployable : nil end end def includes_commit?(ancestor_sha) return false unless sha project.repository.ancestor?(ancestor_sha, sha) end def update_merge_request_metrics! return unless environment.production? && success? merge_requests = project.merge_requests .joins(:metrics) .where(target_branch: self.ref, merge_request_metrics: { first_deployed_to_production_at: nil }) .where("merge_request_metrics.merged_at <= ?", finished_at) if previous_deployment merge_requests = merge_requests.where("merge_request_metrics.merged_at >= ?", previous_deployment.finished_at) end MergeRequest::Metrics .where(merge_request_id: merge_requests.select(:id), first_deployed_to_production_at: nil) .update_all(first_deployed_to_production_at: finished_at) end def previous_deployment @previous_deployment ||= self.class.for_environment(environment_id) .success .where('id < ?', id) .order(id: :desc) .take end def stop_action return unless on_stop.present? return unless manual_actions @stop_action ||= manual_actions.find { |action| action.name == self.on_stop } end def deployed_at return unless success? finished_at end def formatted_deployment_time deployed_at&.to_time&.in_time_zone&.to_s(:medium) end def deployed_by # We use deployable's user if available because Ci::PlayBuildService # does not update the deployment's user, just the one for the deployable. # TODO: use deployment's user once https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/66442 # is completed. deployable&.user || user end def link_merge_requests(relation) # NOTE: relation.select will perform column deduplication, # when id == environment_id it will outputs 2 columns instead of 3 # i.e.: # MergeRequest.select(1, 2).to_sql #=> SELECT 1, 2 FROM "merge_requests" # MergeRequest.select(1, 1).to_sql #=> SELECT 1 FROM "merge_requests" select = relation.select('merge_requests.id', "#{id} as deployment_id", "#{environment_id} as environment_id").to_sql # We don't use `ApplicationRecord.legacy_bulk_insert` here so that we don't need to # first pluck lots of IDs into memory. # # We also ignore any duplicates so this method can be called multiple times # for the same deployment, only inserting any missing merge requests. DeploymentMergeRequest.connection.execute(<<~SQL) INSERT INTO #{DeploymentMergeRequest.table_name} (merge_request_id, deployment_id, environment_id) #{select} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end # Changes the status of a deployment and triggers the corresponding state # machine events. def update_status(status) update_status!(status) rescue StandardError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception( StatusUpdateError.new(e.message), deployment_id: self.id) false end def sync_status_with(build) return false unless ::Deployment.statuses.include?(build.status) return false if build.created? || build.status == self.status update_status!(build.status) rescue StandardError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception( StatusSyncError.new(e.message), deployment_id: self.id, build_id: build.id) false end def valid_sha return if project&.commit(sha) errors.add(:sha, _('The commit does not exist')) end def valid_ref return if project&.commit(ref) errors.add(:ref, _('The branch or tag does not exist')) end def ref_path File.join(environment.ref_path, 'deployments', iid.to_s) end def equal_to?(params) ref == params[:ref] && tag == params[:tag] && sha == params[:sha] && status == params[:status] end private def update_status!(status) case status when 'running' run! when 'success' succeed! when 'failed' drop! when 'canceled' cancel! when 'skipped' skip! when 'blocked' block! else raise ArgumentError, "The status #{status.inspect} is invalid" end end end Deployment.prepend_mod_with('Deployment')