import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import initConfirmModal from '~/confirm_modal'; describe('ConfirmModal', () => { const buttons = [ { path: `${TEST_HOST}/1`, method: 'delete', modalAttributes: { title: 'Remove tracking database entry', message: 'Tracking database entry will be removed. Are you sure?', okVariant: 'danger', okTitle: 'Remove entry', }, }, { path: `${TEST_HOST}/1`, method: 'post', modalAttributes: { title: 'Update tracking database entry', message: 'Tracking database entry will be updated. Are you sure?', okVariant: 'success', okTitle: 'Update entry', }, }, ]; beforeEach(() => { const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div'); buttons.forEach((x) => { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.setAttribute('class', 'js-confirm-modal-button'); button.setAttribute('data-path', x.path); button.setAttribute('data-method', x.method); button.setAttribute('data-modal-attributes', JSON.stringify(x.modalAttributes)); button.innerHTML = 'Action'; buttonContainer.appendChild(button); }); document.body.appendChild(buttonContainer); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; }); const findJsHooks = () => document.querySelectorAll('.js-confirm-modal-button'); const findModal = () => document.querySelector('.gl-modal'); const findModalOkButton = (modal, variant) => modal.querySelector(`.modal-footer .btn-${variant}`); const findModalCancelButton = (modal) => modal.querySelector('.modal-footer .btn-secondary'); const modalIsHidden = () => findModal() === null; const serializeModal = (modal, buttonIndex) => { const { modalAttributes } = buttons[buttonIndex]; return { path: modal.querySelector('form').action, method: modal.querySelector('input[name="_method"]').value, modalAttributes: { title: modal.querySelector('.modal-title').innerHTML, message: modal.querySelector('.modal-body div').innerHTML, okVariant: [...findModalOkButton(modal, modalAttributes.okVariant).classList] .find((x) => x.match('btn-')) .replace('btn-', ''), okTitle: findModalOkButton(modal, modalAttributes.okVariant).innerHTML, }, }; }; it('starts with only JsHooks', () => { expect(findJsHooks()).toHaveLength(buttons.length); expect(findModal()).toBe(null); }); describe('when button clicked', () => { beforeEach(() => { initConfirmModal(); findJsHooks().item(0).click(); }); it('does not replace JsHook with GlModal', () => { expect(findJsHooks()).toHaveLength(buttons.length); }); describe('GlModal', () => { it('is rendered', () => { expect(findModal()).not.toBe(null); expect(modalIsHidden()).toBe(false); }); describe('Cancel Button', () => { beforeEach(async () => { findModalCancelButton(findModal()).click(); await nextTick(); }); it('closes the modal', () => { setImmediate(() => { expect(modalIsHidden()).toBe(true); }); }); }); }); }); describe.each` index ${0} ${1} `(`when multiple buttons exist`, ({ index }) => { beforeEach(() => { initConfirmModal(); findJsHooks().item(index).click(); }); it('correct props are passed to gl-modal', () => { expect(serializeModal(findModal(), index)).toEqual(buttons[index]); }); }); });