# frozen_string_literal: true module Resolvers class BaseResolver < GraphQL::Schema::Resolver extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ::Gitlab::Graphql::GlobalIDCompatibility argument_class ::Types::BaseArgument def self.requires_argument! @requires_argument = true end def self.calls_gitaly! @calls_gitaly = true end def self.field_options extra_options = { requires_argument: @requires_argument, calls_gitaly: @calls_gitaly }.compact super.merge(extra_options) end def self.singular_type return unless type unwrapped = type.unwrap %i[node_type relay_node_type of_type itself].reduce(nil) do |t, m| t || unwrapped.try(m) end end def self.when_single(&block) as_single << block # Have we been called after defining the single version of this resolver? @single.instance_exec(&block) if @single.present? end def self.as_single @as_single ||= [] end def self.single_definition_blocks ancestors.flat_map { |klass| klass.try(:as_single) || [] } end def self.single @single ||= begin parent = self klass = Class.new(self) do type parent.singular_type, null: true def ready?(**args) ready, early_return = super [ready, select_result(early_return)] end def resolve(**args) select_result(super) end def single? true end def select_result(results) results&.first end define_singleton_method :to_s do "#{parent}.single" end end single_definition_blocks.each do |definition| klass.instance_exec(&definition) end klass end end def self.last parent = self @last ||= Class.new(single) do type parent.singular_type, null: true def select_result(results) results&.last end define_singleton_method :to_s do "#{parent}.last" end end end def self.complexity 0 end def self.resolver_complexity(args, child_complexity:) complexity = 1 complexity += 1 if args[:sort] complexity += 5 if args[:search] complexity end def self.complexity_multiplier(args) # When fetching many items, additional complexity is added to the field # depending on how many items is fetched. For each item we add 1% of the # original complexity - this means that loading 100 items (our default # maxp_age_size limit) doubles the original complexity. # # Complexity is not increased when searching by specific ID(s), because # complexity difference is minimal in this case. [args[:iid], args[:iids]].any? ? 0 : 0.01 end def self.before_connection_authorization(&block) @before_connection_authorization_block = block end # rubocop: disable Style/TrivialAccessors def self.before_connection_authorization_block @before_connection_authorization_block end # rubocop: enable Style/TrivialAccessors def offset_pagination(relation) ::Gitlab::Graphql::Pagination::OffsetPaginatedRelation.new(relation) end override :object def object super.tap do |obj| # If the field this resolver is used in is wrapped in a presenter, unwrap its subject break obj.subject if obj.is_a?(Gitlab::View::Presenter::Base) end end def single? false end def current_user context[:current_user] end # Overridden in sub-classes (see .single, .last) def select_result(results) results end def self.authorization @authorization ||= ::Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::ObjectAuthorization.new(try(:required_permissions)) end def self.authorized?(object, context) authorization.ok?(object, context[:current_user]) end end end