# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::PopulateMetadata do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:pipeline) do build(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master', user: user) end let(:command) do Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Command.new( project: project, current_user: user, origin_ref: 'master') end let(:dependencies) do [ Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Config::Content.new(pipeline, command), Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Config::Process.new(pipeline, command), Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::EvaluateWorkflowRules.new(pipeline, command), Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::SeedBlock.new(pipeline, command), Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Seed.new(pipeline, command), Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Chain::Populate.new(pipeline, command) ] end let(:step) { described_class.new(pipeline, command) } let(:config) do { rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end def run_chain dependencies.map(&:perform!) step.perform! end before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(YAML.dump(config)) end context 'with pipeline name' do let(:config) do { workflow: { name: ' Pipeline name ' }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'does not break the chain' do run_chain expect(step.break?).to be false end context 'with feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(pipeline_name: false) end it 'does not build pipeline_metadata' do run_chain expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata).to be_nil end end context 'with feature flag enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(pipeline_name: true) end it 'builds pipeline_metadata' do run_chain expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata.name).to eq('Pipeline name') expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata.project).to eq(pipeline.project) expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata).not_to be_persisted end context 'with empty name' do let(:config) do { workflow: { name: ' ' }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'strips whitespace from name' do run_chain expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata).to be_nil end end context 'with variables' do let(:config) do { variables: { ROOT_VAR: 'value $WORKFLOW_VAR1' }, workflow: { name: 'Pipeline $ROOT_VAR $WORKFLOW_VAR2 $UNKNOWN_VAR', rules: [{ variables: { WORKFLOW_VAR1: 'value1', WORKFLOW_VAR2: 'value2' } }] }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'substitutes variables' do run_chain expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata.name).to eq('Pipeline value value1 value2 ') end end context 'with invalid name' do let(:config) do { variables: { ROOT_VAR: 'a' * 256 }, workflow: { name: 'Pipeline $ROOT_VAR' }, rspec: { script: 'rspec' } } end it 'returns error and breaks chain' do ret = run_chain expect(ret) .to match_array(["Failed to build pipeline metadata! Name is too long (maximum is 255 characters)"]) expect(pipeline.pipeline_metadata.errors.full_messages) .to match_array(['Name is too long (maximum is 255 characters)']) expect(step.break?).to be true end end end end end