@each $variant, $range in $color-ranges { @each $suffix, $color in $range { #{'.bg-#{$variant}-#{$suffix}'} { background-color: $color; } #{'.text-#{$variant}-#{$suffix}'} { color: $color; } } } @each $index, $size in $type-scale { #{'.text-#{$index}'} { font-size: $size; } } @each $index, $size in $size-scale { #{'.mw-#{$index}'} { max-width: $size; } } @each $index, $size in $type-scale { #{'.lh-#{$index}'} { line-height: $size; } } @for $i from 1 through 12 { #{'.tab-width-#{$i}'} { -moz-tab-size: $i; tab-size: $i; } } .border-width-1px { border-width: 1px; } .border-bottom-width-1px { border-bottom-width: 1px; } .border-style-dashed { border-style: dashed; } .border-style-solid { border-style: solid; } .border-bottom-style-solid { border-bottom-style: solid; } .border-color-blue-300 { border-color: $blue-300; } .border-color-default { border-color: $border-color; } .border-bottom-color-default { border-bottom-color: $border-color; } .border-radius-default { border-radius: $border-radius-default; } .box-shadow-default { box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 $black-transparent; } .gl-children-ml-sm-3 > * { @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { @include gl-ml-3; } } .mh-50vh { max-height: 50vh; } .font-size-inherit { font-size: inherit; } .gl-w-8 { width: px-to-rem($grid-size); } .gl-w-16 { width: px-to-rem($grid-size * 2); } .gl-w-64 { width: px-to-rem($grid-size * 8); } .gl-h-8 { height: px-to-rem($grid-size); } .gl-h-32 { height: px-to-rem($grid-size * 4); } .gl-h-64 { height: px-to-rem($grid-size * 8); } .gl-text-purple { color: $purple; } .gl-text-gray-800 { color: $gray-800; } .gl-bg-purple-light { background-color: $purple-light; } // Classes using mixins coming from @gitlab-ui // can be removed once the mixins are added. // See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/36857 for more details. .gl-bg-blue-50 { @include gl-bg-blue-50; } .gl-bg-red-100 { @include gl-bg-red-100; } .gl-bg-orange-100 { @include gl-bg-orange-100; } .gl-bg-gray-100 { @include gl-bg-gray-100; } .gl-bg-green-100 { @include gl-bg-green-100;} .gl-text-blue-500 { @include gl-text-blue-500; } .gl-text-gray-500 { @include gl-text-gray-500; } .gl-text-gray-700 { @include gl-text-gray-700; } .gl-text-gray-900 { @include gl-text-gray-900; } .gl-text-red-700 { @include gl-text-red-700; } .gl-text-red-900 { @include gl-text-red-900; } .gl-text-orange-400 { @include gl-text-orange-400; } .gl-text-orange-500 { @include gl-text-orange-500; } .gl-text-orange-600 { @include gl-text-orange-600; } .gl-text-orange-700 { @include gl-text-orange-700; } .gl-text-green-500 { @include gl-text-green-500; } .gl-text-green-700 { @include gl-text-green-700; } .gl-align-items-center { @include gl-align-items-center; } .d-sm-table-column { @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { display: table-column !important; } }