# Include atomic internal id generation scheme for a model # # This allows to atomically generate internal ids that are # unique within a given scope. # # For example, let's generate internal ids for Issue per Project: # ``` # class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base # has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project, init: ->(s) { s.project.issues.maximum(:iid) } # end # ``` # # This generates unique internal ids per project for newly created issues. # The generated internal id is saved in the `iid` attribute of `Issue`. # # This concern uses InternalId records to facilitate atomicity. # In the absence of a record for the given scope, one will be created automatically. # In this situation, the `init` block is called to calculate the initial value. # In the example above, we calculate the maximum `iid` of all issues # within the given project. # # Note that a model may have more than one internal id associated with possibly # different scopes. module AtomicInternalId extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def has_internal_id(on, scope:, usage: nil, init:) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName before_validation(on: :create) do if self.public_send(on).blank? # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend scope_attrs = [scope].flatten.compact.each_with_object({}) do |e, h| h[e] = self.public_send(e) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end usage = (usage || self.class.table_name).to_sym new_iid = InternalId.generate_next(self, scope_attrs, usage, init) self.public_send("#{on}=", new_iid) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end validates on, presence: true, numericality: true end end def to_param iid.to_s end end