# frozen_string_literal: true # == Issuable concern # # Contains common functionality shared between Issues and MergeRequests # # Used by Issue, MergeRequest # module Issuable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include Redactable include CacheMarkdownField include Participable include Mentionable include Subscribable include StripAttribute include Awardable include Taskable include Importable include Editable include AfterCommitQueue include Sortable include CreatedAtFilterable include UpdatedAtFilterable include IssuableStates include ClosedAtFilterable # This object is used to gather issuable meta data for displaying # upvotes, downvotes, notes and closing merge requests count for issues and merge requests # lists avoiding n+1 queries and improving performance. IssuableMeta = Struct.new(:upvotes, :downvotes, :user_notes_count, :merge_requests_count) included do cache_markdown_field :title, pipeline: :single_line cache_markdown_field :description, issuable_state_filter_enabled: true redact_field :description belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :updated_by, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :last_edited_by, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :milestone has_many :notes, as: :noteable, inverse_of: :noteable, dependent: :destroy do # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent def authors_loaded? # We check first if we're loaded to not load unnecessarily. loaded? && to_a.all? { |note| note.association(:author).loaded? } end def award_emojis_loaded? # We check first if we're loaded to not load unnecessarily. loaded? && to_a.all? { |note| note.association(:award_emoji).loaded? } end end has_many :label_links, as: :target, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :target # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :labels, through: :label_links has_many :todos, as: :target, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_one :metrics delegate :name, :email, :public_email, to: :author, allow_nil: true, prefix: true validates :author, presence: true validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validate :milestone_is_valid scope :authored, ->(user) { where(author_id: user) } scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) } scope :of_projects, ->(ids) { where(project_id: ids) } scope :of_milestones, ->(ids) { where(milestone_id: ids) } scope :any_milestone, -> { where('milestone_id IS NOT NULL') } scope :with_milestone, ->(title) { left_joins_milestones.where(milestones: { title: title }) } scope :opened, -> { with_state(:opened) } scope :only_opened, -> { with_state(:opened) } scope :closed, -> { with_state(:closed) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection # The `to_ability_name` method is not an user input. scope :assigned, -> do where("EXISTS (SELECT TRUE FROM #{to_ability_name}_assignees WHERE #{to_ability_name}_id = #{to_ability_name}s.id)") end scope :unassigned, -> do where("NOT EXISTS (SELECT TRUE FROM #{to_ability_name}_assignees WHERE #{to_ability_name}_id = #{to_ability_name}s.id)") end scope :assigned_to, ->(u) do where("EXISTS (SELECT TRUE FROM #{to_ability_name}_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND #{to_ability_name}_id = #{to_ability_name}s.id)", u.id) end # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection scope :left_joins_milestones, -> { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN milestones ON #{table_name}.milestone_id = milestones.id") } scope :order_milestone_due_desc, -> { left_joins_milestones.reorder('milestones.due_date IS NULL, milestones.id IS NULL, milestones.due_date DESC') } scope :order_milestone_due_asc, -> { left_joins_milestones.reorder('milestones.due_date IS NULL, milestones.id IS NULL, milestones.due_date ASC') } scope :without_label, -> { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN label_links ON label_links.target_type = '#{name}' AND label_links.target_id = #{table_name}.id").where(label_links: { id: nil }) } scope :any_label, -> { joins(:label_links).group(:id) } scope :join_project, -> { joins(:project) } scope :inc_notes_with_associations, -> { includes(notes: [:project, :author, :award_emoji]) } scope :references_project, -> { references(:project) } scope :non_archived, -> { join_project.where(projects: { archived: false }) } attr_mentionable :title, pipeline: :single_line attr_mentionable :description participant :author participant :notes_with_associations participant :assignees strip_attributes :title # We want to use optimistic lock for cases when only title or description are involved # http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/Optimistic.html def locking_enabled? will_save_change_to_title? || will_save_change_to_description? end def allows_multiple_assignees? false end def has_multiple_assignees? assignees.count > 1 end private def milestone_is_valid errors.add(:milestone_id, message: "is invalid") if milestone_id.present? && !milestone_available? end end class_methods do # Searches for records with a matching title. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # # query - The search query as a String # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def search(query) fuzzy_search(query, [:title]) end # Available state values persisted in state_id column using state machine # # Override this on subclasses if different states are needed # # Check MergeRequest.available_states for example def available_states @available_states ||= { opened: 1, closed: 2 }.with_indifferent_access end # Searches for records with a matching title or description. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # # query - The search query as a String # matched_columns - Modify the scope of the query. 'title', 'description' or joining them with a comma. # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def full_search(query, matched_columns: 'title,description') allowed_columns = [:title, :description] matched_columns = matched_columns.to_s.split(',').map(&:to_sym) matched_columns &= allowed_columns # Matching title or description if the matched_columns did not contain any allowed columns. matched_columns = [:title, :description] if matched_columns.empty? fuzzy_search(query, matched_columns) end def simple_sorts super.except('name_asc', 'name_desc') end def sort_by_attribute(method, excluded_labels: []) sorted = case method.to_s when 'downvotes_desc' then order_downvotes_desc when 'label_priority' then order_labels_priority(excluded_labels: excluded_labels) when 'label_priority_desc' then order_labels_priority('DESC', excluded_labels: excluded_labels) when 'milestone', 'milestone_due_asc' then order_milestone_due_asc when 'milestone_due_desc' then order_milestone_due_desc when 'popularity', 'popularity_desc' then order_upvotes_desc when 'popularity_asc' then order_upvotes_asc when 'priority', 'priority_asc' then order_due_date_and_labels_priority(excluded_labels: excluded_labels) when 'priority_desc' then order_due_date_and_labels_priority('DESC', excluded_labels: excluded_labels) when 'upvotes_desc' then order_upvotes_desc else order_by(method) end # Break ties with the ID column for pagination sorted.with_order_id_desc end def order_due_date_and_labels_priority(direction = 'ASC', excluded_labels: []) # The order_ methods also modify the query in other ways: # # - For milestones, we add a JOIN. # - For label priority, we change the SELECT, and add a GROUP BY.# # # After doing those, we need to reorder to the order we want. The existing # ORDER BYs won't work because: # # 1. We need milestone due date first. # 2. We can't ORDER BY a column that isn't in the GROUP BY and doesn't # have an aggregate function applied, so we do a useless MIN() instead. # milestones_due_date = 'MIN(milestones.due_date)' order_milestone_due_asc .order_labels_priority(excluded_labels: excluded_labels, extra_select_columns: [milestones_due_date]) .reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order(milestones_due_date, direction), Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('highest_priority', direction)) end def order_labels_priority(direction = 'ASC', excluded_labels: [], extra_select_columns: []) params = { target_type: name, target_column: "#{table_name}.id", project_column: "#{table_name}.#{project_foreign_key}", excluded_labels: excluded_labels } highest_priority = highest_label_priority(params).to_sql select_columns = [ "#{table_name}.*", "(#{highest_priority}) AS highest_priority" ] + extra_select_columns select(select_columns.join(', ')) .group(arel_table[:id]) .reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('highest_priority', direction)) end def with_label(title, sort = nil) if title.is_a?(Array) && title.size > 1 joins(:labels).where(labels: { title: title }).group(*grouping_columns(sort)).having("COUNT(DISTINCT labels.title) = #{title.size}") else joins(:labels).where(labels: { title: title }) end end # Includes table keys in group by clause when sorting # preventing errors in postgres # # Returns an array of arel columns def grouping_columns(sort) grouping_columns = [arel_table[:id]] if %w(milestone_due_desc milestone_due_asc milestone).include?(sort) milestone_table = Milestone.arel_table grouping_columns << milestone_table[:id] grouping_columns << milestone_table[:due_date] end grouping_columns end def to_ability_name model_name.singular end def parent_class ::Project end end def milestone_available? project_id == milestone&.project_id || project.ancestors_upto.compact.include?(milestone&.group) end def assignee_or_author?(user) author_id == user.id || assignees.exists?(user.id) end def today? Date.today == created_at.to_date end def new? today? && created_at == updated_at end def open? opened? end def overdue? return false unless respond_to?(:due_date) due_date.try(:past?) || false end def user_notes_count if notes.loaded? # Use the in-memory association to select and count to avoid hitting the db notes.to_a.count { |note| !note.system? } else # do the count query notes.user.count end end def subscribed_without_subscriptions?(user, project) participants(user).include?(user) end def to_hook_data(user, old_associations: {}) changes = previous_changes if old_associations old_labels = old_associations.fetch(:labels, []) old_assignees = old_associations.fetch(:assignees, []) if old_labels != labels changes[:labels] = [old_labels.map(&:hook_attrs), labels.map(&:hook_attrs)] end if old_assignees != assignees changes[:assignees] = [old_assignees.map(&:hook_attrs), assignees.map(&:hook_attrs)] end if self.respond_to?(:total_time_spent) old_total_time_spent = old_associations.fetch(:total_time_spent, nil) if old_total_time_spent != total_time_spent changes[:total_time_spent] = [old_total_time_spent, total_time_spent] end end end Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder.new(self).build(user: user, changes: changes) end def labels_array labels.to_a end def label_names labels.order('title ASC').pluck(:title) end # Convert this Issuable class name to a format usable by Ability definitions # # Examples: # # issuable.class # => MergeRequest # issuable.to_ability_name # => "merge_request" def to_ability_name self.class.to_ability_name end # Returns a Hash of attributes to be used for Twitter card metadata def card_attributes { 'Author' => author.try(:name), 'Assignee' => assignee_list } end def assignee_list assignees.map(&:name).to_sentence end def assignee_username_list assignees.map(&:username).to_sentence end def notes_with_associations # If A has_many Bs, and B has_many Cs, and you do # `A.includes(b: :c).each { |a| a.b.includes(:c) }`, sadly ActiveRecord # will do the inclusion again. So, we check if all notes in the relation # already have their authors loaded (possibly because the scope # `inc_notes_with_associations` was used) and skip the inclusion if that's # the case. includes = [] includes << :author unless notes.authors_loaded? includes << :award_emoji unless notes.award_emojis_loaded? if includes.any? notes.includes(includes) else notes end end def updated_tasks Taskable.get_updated_tasks(old_content: previous_changes['description'].first, new_content: description) end ## # Method that checks if issuable can be moved to another project. # # Should be overridden if issuable can be moved. # def can_move?(*) false end ## # Override in issuable specialization # def first_contribution? false end def ensure_metrics self.metrics || create_metrics end ## # Overridden in MergeRequest # def wipless_title_changed(old_title) old_title != title end end