# Make sure to update all the similar conditions in other CI config files if you modify these conditions .if-canonical-gitlab-schedule: &if-canonical-gitlab-schedule if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == "gitlab.com" && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "gitlab-org" && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"' # Make sure to update all the similar conditions in other CI config files if you modify these conditions .if-canonical-gitlab-merge-request: &if-canonical-gitlab-merge-request if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == "gitlab.com" && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "gitlab-org" && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID' # Make sure to update all the similar patterns in other CI config files if you modify these patterns .code-patterns: &code-patterns - ".gitlab/ci/**/*" - ".{eslintignore,gitattributes,nvmrc,prettierrc,stylelintrc,yamllint}" - ".{codeclimate,eslintrc,gitlab-ci,haml-lint,haml-lint_todo,rubocop,rubocop_todo,scss-lint}.yml" - ".csscomb.json" - "Dockerfile.assets" - "*_VERSION" - "Gemfile{,.lock}" - "Rakefile" - "{babel.config,jest.config}.js" - "config.ru" - "{package.json,yarn.lock}" - "{,ee/}{app,bin,config,db,haml_lint,lib,locale,public,scripts,symbol,vendor}/**/*" - "doc/api/graphql/reference/*" # Files in this folder are auto-generated # Make sure to update all the similar patterns in other CI config files if you modify these patterns .qa-patterns: &qa-patterns - ".dockerignore" - "qa/**/*" .qa-job-base: extends: - .default-tags - .default-retry - .default-only - .only:changes-code-qa stage: test dependencies: [] cache: key: "qa-framework-jobs:v1" paths: - vendor/ruby before_script: - '[ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb' - cd qa/ - bundle install --clean --jobs=$(nproc) --path=vendor --retry=3 --quiet - bundle check qa:internal: extends: .qa-job-base script: - bundle exec rspec qa:internal-foss: extends: - .qa-job-base - .only-ee-as-if-foss script: - bundle exec rspec qa:selectors: extends: .qa-job-base script: - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Sanity::Selectors qa:selectors-foss: extends: - qa:selectors - .only-ee-as-if-foss .package-and-qa-base: image: ruby:2.6-alpine stage: qa dependencies: [] retry: 0 script: - source scripts/utils.sh - install_gitlab_gem - ./scripts/trigger-build omnibus package-and-qa: extends: .package-and-qa-base rules: - <<: *if-canonical-gitlab-merge-request changes: *qa-patterns when: on_success - <<: *if-canonical-gitlab-merge-request changes: *code-patterns when: manual - <<: *if-canonical-gitlab-schedule when: on_success needs: ["build-qa-image", "gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache"] allow_failure: true