# Vale configuration file, taken from https://errata-ai.github.io/vale/config/ # The relative path to the folder containing linting rules (styles) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- StylesPath = doc/.linting/vale/styles # Minimum alert level # ------------------- # The minimum alert level to display (suggestion, warning, or error). # If integrated into CI, builds fail by default on error-level alerts, # unless you execute Vale with the --no-exit flag MinAlertLevel = suggestion # Should Vale parse any file formats other than .md files as Markdown? # -------------------------------------------------------------------- [formats] mdx = md # What file types should Vale test? # ---------------------------------- [*.md] # Styles to load # -------------- # What styles, located in the StylesPath folder, should Vale load? # Vale also currently includes write-good, proselint, joblint, and vale BasedOnStyles = gitlab # Enabling or disabling specific rules in a style # ----------------------------------------------- # To disable a rule in an enabled style, use the following format: # {style}.{filename} = NO # To enable a single rule in a disabled style, use the following format: # vale.Editorializing = YES # Altering the severity of a rule in a style # ------------------------------------------ # To change the reporting level (suggestion, warning, error) of a rule, # use the following format: {style}.{filename} = {level} # vale.Hedging = error # Syntax-specific settings # ------------------------ # You can configure specific tests to be enabled, disabled, or report at a # different level for specific file types. File-type-specific settings added # here will overwrite any conflicting global settings. [*.{md,txt}] # vale.Editorializing = NO