import Vue from 'vue'; import actionsComp from '~/environments/components/environment_actions.vue'; describe('Actions Component', () => { let ActionsComponent; let actionsMock; let spy; let component; beforeEach(() => { ActionsComponent = Vue.extend(actionsComp); actionsMock = [ { name: 'bar', play_path: '', }, { name: 'foo', play_path: '#', }, { name: 'foo bar', play_path: 'url', playable: false, }, ]; spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()); component = new ActionsComponent({ propsData: { actions: actionsMock, service: { postAction: spy, }, }, }).$mount(); }); it('should render a dropdown button with icon and title attribute', () => { expect(component.$el.querySelector('.fa-caret-down')).toBeDefined(); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.dropdown-new').getAttribute('title')).toEqual('Deploy to...'); }); it('should render a dropdown with the provided list of actions', () => { expect( component.$el.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-menu li').length, ).toEqual(actionsMock.length); }); it('should call the service when an action is clicked', () => { component.$el.querySelector('.dropdown').click(); component.$el.querySelector('.js-manual-action-link').click(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(actionsMock[0].play_path); }); it('should render a disabled action when it\'s not playable', () => { expect( component.$el.querySelector('.dropdown-menu li:last-child button').getAttribute('disabled'), ).toEqual('disabled'); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.dropdown-menu li:last-child button').classList.contains('disabled'), ).toEqual(true); }); });