module Ci class GitlabCiYamlProcessor class ValidationError < StandardError; end DEFAULT_STAGES = %w(build test deploy) DEFAULT_STAGE = 'test' ALLOWED_YAML_KEYS = [:before_script, :after_script, :image, :services, :types, :stages, :variables, :cache] ALLOWED_JOB_KEYS = [:tags, :script, :only, :except, :type, :image, :services, :allow_failure, :type, :stage, :when, :artifacts, :cache, :dependencies, :before_script, :after_script, :variables] attr_reader :before_script, :after_script, :image, :services, :path, :cache def initialize(config, path = nil) @config = @path = path initial_parsing validate! rescue Gitlab::Ci::Config::Loader::FormatError => e raise ValidationError, e.message end def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, trigger_request = nil){|build| build[:stage] == stage && process?(build[:only], build[:except], ref, tag, trigger_request)} end def builds do |name, job| build_job(name, job) end end def stages @stages || DEFAULT_STAGES end def global_variables @variables end def job_variables(name) job = @jobs[name.to_sym] return [] unless job job.fetch(:variables, []) end private def initial_parsing @before_script = @config[:before_script] || [] @after_script = @config[:after_script] @image = @config[:image] @services = @config[:services] @stages = @config[:stages] || @config[:types] @variables = @config[:variables] || {} @cache = @config[:cache] @jobs = {} @config.except!(*ALLOWED_YAML_KEYS) @config.each { |name, param| add_job(name, param) } raise ValidationError, "Please define at least one job" if @jobs.none? end def add_job(name, job) return if name.to_s.start_with?('.') raise ValidationError, "Unknown parameter: #{name}" unless job.is_a?(Hash) && job.has_key?(:script) stage = job[:stage] || job[:type] || DEFAULT_STAGE @jobs[name] = { stage: stage }.merge(job) end def build_job(name, job) { stage_idx: stages.index(job[:stage]), stage: job[:stage], commands: [job[:before_script] || @before_script, job[:script]].flatten.join("\n"), tag_list: job[:tags] || [], name: name, only: job[:only], except: job[:except], allow_failure: job[:allow_failure] || false, when: job[:when] || 'on_success', options: { image: job[:image] || @image, services: job[:services] || @services, artifacts: job[:artifacts], cache: job[:cache] || @cache, dependencies: job[:dependencies], after_script: job[:after_script] || @after_script, }.compact } end def validate! validate_global! @jobs.each do |name, job| validate_job!(name, job) end true end def validate_global! unless validate_array_of_strings(@before_script) raise ValidationError, "before_script should be an array of strings" end unless @after_script.nil? || validate_array_of_strings(@after_script) raise ValidationError, "after_script should be an array of strings" end unless @image.nil? || @image.is_a?(String) raise ValidationError, "image should be a string" end unless @services.nil? || validate_array_of_strings(@services) raise ValidationError, "services should be an array of strings" end unless @stages.nil? || validate_array_of_strings(@stages) raise ValidationError, "stages should be an array of strings" end unless @variables.nil? || validate_variables(@variables) raise ValidationError, "variables should be a map of key-value strings" end validate_global_cache! if @cache end def validate_global_cache! if @cache[:key] && !validate_string(@cache[:key]) raise ValidationError, "cache:key parameter should be a string" end if @cache[:untracked] && !validate_boolean(@cache[:untracked]) raise ValidationError, "cache:untracked parameter should be an boolean" end if @cache[:paths] && !validate_array_of_strings(@cache[:paths]) raise ValidationError, "cache:paths parameter should be an array of strings" end end def validate_job!(name, job) validate_job_name!(name) validate_job_keys!(name, job) validate_job_types!(name, job) validate_job_script!(name, job) validate_job_stage!(name, job) if job[:stage] validate_job_variables!(name, job) if job[:variables] validate_job_cache!(name, job) if job[:cache] validate_job_artifacts!(name, job) if job[:artifacts] validate_job_dependencies!(name, job) if job[:dependencies] end def validate_job_name!(name) if name.blank? || !validate_string(name) raise ValidationError, "job name should be non-empty string" end end def validate_job_keys!(name, job) job.keys.each do |key| unless ALLOWED_JOB_KEYS.include? key raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: unknown parameter #{key}" end end end def validate_job_types!(name, job) if job[:image] && !validate_string(job[:image]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: image should be a string" end if job[:services] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:services]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: services should be an array of strings" end if job[:tags] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:tags]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: tags parameter should be an array of strings" end if job[:only] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:only]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: only parameter should be an array of strings" end if job[:except] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:except]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: except parameter should be an array of strings" end if job[:allow_failure] && !validate_boolean(job[:allow_failure]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: allow_failure parameter should be an boolean" end if job[:when] && !job[:when].in?(%w(on_success on_failure always)) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: when parameter should be on_success, on_failure or always" end end def validate_job_script!(name, job) if !validate_string(job[:script]) && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:script]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: script should be a string or an array of a strings" end if job[:before_script] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:before_script]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: before_script should be an array of strings" end if job[:after_script] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:after_script]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: after_script should be an array of strings" end end def validate_job_stage!(name, job) unless job[:stage].is_a?(String) && job[:stage].in?(stages) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: stage parameter should be #{stages.join(", ")}" end end def validate_job_variables!(name, job) unless validate_variables(job[:variables]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: variables should be a map of key-value strings" end end def validate_job_cache!(name, job) if job[:cache][:key] && !validate_string(job[:cache][:key]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: cache:key parameter should be a string" end if job[:cache][:untracked] && !validate_boolean(job[:cache][:untracked]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: cache:untracked parameter should be an boolean" end if job[:cache][:paths] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:cache][:paths]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: cache:paths parameter should be an array of strings" end end def validate_job_artifacts!(name, job) if job[:artifacts][:name] && !validate_string(job[:artifacts][:name]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: artifacts:name parameter should be a string" end if job[:artifacts][:untracked] && !validate_boolean(job[:artifacts][:untracked]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: artifacts:untracked parameter should be an boolean" end if job[:artifacts][:paths] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:artifacts][:paths]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: artifacts:paths parameter should be an array of strings" end end def validate_job_dependencies!(name, job) unless validate_array_of_strings(job[:dependencies]) raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: dependencies parameter should be an array of strings" end stage_index = stages.index(job[:stage]) job[:dependencies].each do |dependency| raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: undefined dependency: #{dependency}" unless @jobs[dependency.to_sym] unless stages.index(@jobs[dependency.to_sym][:stage]) < stage_index raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: dependency #{dependency} is not defined in prior stages" end end end def validate_array_of_strings(values) values.is_a?(Array) && values.all? { |value| validate_string(value) } end def validate_variables(variables) variables.is_a?(Hash) && variables.all? { |key, value| validate_string(key) && validate_string(value) } end def validate_string(value) value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) end def validate_boolean(value)[true, false]) end def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag, trigger_request) if only_params.present? return false unless matching?(only_params, ref, tag, trigger_request) end if except_params.present? return false if matching?(except_params, ref, tag, trigger_request) end true end def matching?(patterns, ref, tag, trigger_request) patterns.any? do |pattern| match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag, trigger_request) end end def match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag, trigger_request) pattern, path = pattern.split('@', 2) return false if path && path != self.path return true if tag && pattern == 'tags' return true if !tag && pattern == 'branches' return true if trigger_request.present? && pattern == 'triggers' if pattern.first == "/" && pattern.last == "/"[1...-1]) =~ ref else pattern == ref end end end end