#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubygems' require 'fog/aws' class SyncReports ACTIONS = %w[get put].freeze attr_reader :options def initialize(options) @options = options perform_sync! end private def perform_sync! case options[:action] when 'get' get_reports! when 'put' put_reports! end end def get_reports! options[:report_paths].each { |report_path| get_report!(report_path) } end def put_reports! options[:report_paths].each { |report_path| put_report!(report_path) } end def get_report!(report_path) file = bucket.files.get(report_path) if file.respond_to?(:body) File.write(report_path, file.body) puts "#{report_path} was retrieved from S3." else puts "#{report_path} does not seem to exist on S3." end end def put_report!(report_path) bucket.files.create( key: report_path, body: File.open(report_path), public: true ) puts "#{report_path} was uploaded to S3." end def bucket @bucket ||= storage.directories.get(options[:bucket]) end def storage @storage ||= Fog::Storage.new( provider: 'AWS', aws_access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ) end end def usage!(error: 'action') print "\n[ERROR]: " case error when 'action' puts "Please specify an action as first argument: #{SyncReports::ACTIONS.join(', ')}\n\n" when 'bucket' puts "Please specify a bucket as second argument!\n\n" when 'files' puts "Please specify one or more file paths as third argument!\n\n" end puts "Usage: #{__FILE__} [get|put] bucket report_path ...\n\n" puts "Note: the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment "\ "variables need to be set\n\n" exit 1 end if $0 == __FILE__ action = ARGV.shift usage!(error: 'action') unless SyncReports::ACTIONS.include?(action) bucket = ARGV.shift usage!(error: 'bucket') unless bucket usage!(error: 'files') unless ARGV.any? SyncReports.new(action: action, bucket: bucket, report_paths: ARGV) end