import _ from 'underscore'; export default class CreateItemDropdown { /** * @param {Object} options containing * `$dropdown` target element * `onSelect` event callback * $dropdown must be an element created using `dropdown_tag()` rails helper */ constructor(options) { this.defaultToggleLabel = options.defaultToggleLabel; this.fieldName = options.fieldName; this.onSelect = options.onSelect || (() => {}); this.getDataOption = options.getData; this.$dropdown = options.$dropdown; this.$dropdownContainer = this.$dropdown.parent(); this.$dropdownFooter = this.$dropdownContainer.find('.dropdown-footer'); this.$createButton = this.$dropdownContainer.find('.js-dropdown-create-new-item'); this.buildDropdown(); this.bindEvents(); // Hide footer this.toggleFooter(true); } buildDropdown() { this.$dropdown.glDropdown({ data: this.getData.bind(this), filterable: true, remote: false, search: { fields: ['title'], }, selectable: true, toggleLabel(selected) { return (selected && 'id' in selected) ? selected.title : this.defaultToggleLabel; }, fieldName: this.fieldName, text(item) { return _.escape(item.title); }, id(item) { return _.escape(; }, onFilter: this.toggleCreateNewButton.bind(this), clicked: (options) => { options.e.preventDefault(); this.onSelect(); }, }); } bindEvents() { this.$createButton.on('click', this.onClickCreateWildcard.bind(this)); } onClickCreateWildcard(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Refresh the dropdown's data, which ends up calling `getData` this.$'glDropdown').remote.execute(); this.$'glDropdown').selectRowAtIndex(); } getData(term, callback) { this.getDataOption(term, (data = []) => { callback(data.concat(this.selectedItem || [])); }); } toggleCreateNewButton(item) { if (item) { this.selectedItem = { title: item, id: item, text: item, }; this.$dropdownContainer .find('.js-dropdown-create-new-item code') .text(item); } this.toggleFooter(!item); } toggleFooter(toggleState) { this.$dropdownFooter.toggleClass('hidden', toggleState); } }