# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe WikiPage do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:container) { create(:project, :wiki_repo) } let(:wiki) { Wiki.for_container(container, user) } let(:new_page) { build(:wiki_page, wiki: wiki, title: 'test page', content: 'test content') } let(:existing_page) { create(:wiki_page, wiki: wiki, title: 'test page', content: 'test content', message: 'test commit') } subject { new_page } def disable_front_matter stub_feature_flags(Gitlab::WikiPages::FrontMatterParser::FEATURE_FLAG => false) end def enable_front_matter_for(thing) stub_feature_flags(Gitlab::WikiPages::FrontMatterParser::FEATURE_FLAG => thing) end describe '.group_by_directory' do context 'when there are no pages' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(described_class.group_by_directory(nil)).to eq([]) expect(described_class.group_by_directory([])).to eq([]) end end context 'when there are pages' do before do wiki.create_page('dir_1/dir_1_1/page_3', 'content') wiki.create_page('page_1', 'content') wiki.create_page('dir_1/page_2', 'content') wiki.create_page('dir_2', 'page with dir name') wiki.create_page('dir_2/page_5', 'content') wiki.create_page('page_6', 'content') wiki.create_page('dir_2/page_4', 'content') end let(:page_1) { wiki.find_page('page_1') } let(:page_6) { wiki.find_page('page_6') } let(:page_dir_2) { wiki.find_page('dir_2') } let(:dir_1) do WikiDirectory.new('dir_1', [wiki.find_page('dir_1/page_2')]) end let(:dir_1_1) do WikiDirectory.new('dir_1/dir_1_1', [wiki.find_page('dir_1/dir_1_1/page_3')]) end let(:dir_2) do pages = [wiki.find_page('dir_2/page_5'), wiki.find_page('dir_2/page_4')] WikiDirectory.new('dir_2', pages) end describe "#list_pages" do context 'sort by title' do let(:grouped_entries) { described_class.group_by_directory(wiki.list_pages) } let(:expected_grouped_entries) { [dir_1_1, dir_1, page_dir_2, dir_2, page_1, page_6] } it 'returns an array with pages and directories' do grouped_entries.each_with_index do |page_or_dir, i| expected_page_or_dir = expected_grouped_entries[i] expected_slugs = get_slugs(expected_page_or_dir) slugs = get_slugs(page_or_dir) expect(slugs).to match_array(expected_slugs) end end end context 'sort by created_at' do let(:grouped_entries) { described_class.group_by_directory(wiki.list_pages(sort: 'created_at')) } let(:expected_grouped_entries) { [dir_1_1, page_1, dir_1, page_dir_2, dir_2, page_6] } it 'returns an array with pages and directories' do grouped_entries.each_with_index do |page_or_dir, i| expected_page_or_dir = expected_grouped_entries[i] expected_slugs = get_slugs(expected_page_or_dir) slugs = get_slugs(page_or_dir) expect(slugs).to match_array(expected_slugs) end end end it 'returns an array with retained order with directories at the top' do expected_order = ['dir_1/dir_1_1/page_3', 'dir_1/page_2', 'dir_2', 'dir_2/page_4', 'dir_2/page_5', 'page_1', 'page_6'] grouped_entries = described_class.group_by_directory(wiki.list_pages) actual_order = grouped_entries.flat_map do |page_or_dir| get_slugs(page_or_dir) end expect(actual_order).to eq(expected_order) end end end end describe '#front_matter' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:container) { project } let(:wiki_page) { create(:wiki_page, container: container, content: content) } shared_examples 'a page without front-matter' do it { expect(wiki_page).to have_attributes(front_matter: {}, content: content) } end shared_examples 'a page with front-matter' do let(:front_matter) { { title: 'Foo', slugs: %w[slug_a slug_b] } } it { expect(wiki_page.front_matter).to eq(front_matter) } end context 'the wiki page has front matter' do let(:content) do <<~MD --- title: Foo slugs: - slug_a - slug_b --- My actual content MD end it_behaves_like 'a page with front-matter' it 'strips the front matter from the content' do expect(wiki_page.content.strip).to eq('My actual content') end context 'the feature flag is off' do before do disable_front_matter end it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' context 'but enabled for the container' do before do enable_front_matter_for(container) end it_behaves_like 'a page with front-matter' end end end context 'the wiki page does not have front matter' do let(:content) { 'My actual content' } it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' end context 'the wiki page has fenced blocks, but nothing in them' do let(:content) do <<~MD --- --- My actual content MD end it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' end context 'the wiki page has invalid YAML type in fenced blocks' do let(:content) do <<~MD --- this isn't YAML --- My actual content MD end it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' end context 'the wiki page has a disallowed class in fenced block' do let(:content) do <<~MD --- date: 2010-02-11 11:02:57 --- My actual content MD end it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' end context 'the wiki page has invalid YAML in fenced block' do let(:content) do <<~MD --- invalid-use-of-reserved-indicator: @text --- My actual content MD end it_behaves_like 'a page without front-matter' end end describe '.unhyphenize' do it 'removes hyphens from a name' do name = 'a-name--with-hyphens' expect(described_class.unhyphenize(name)).to eq('a name with hyphens') end end describe "#initialize" do context "when initialized with an existing page" do subject { existing_page } it "sets the slug attribute" do expect(subject.slug).to eq("test-page") end it "sets the title attribute" do expect(subject.title).to eq("test page") end it "sets the formatted content attribute" do expect(subject.content).to eq("test content") end it "sets the format attribute" do expect(subject.format).to eq(:markdown) end it "sets the message attribute" do expect(subject.message).to eq("test commit") end it "sets the version attribute" do expect(subject.version).to be_a Gitlab::Git::WikiPageVersion end end end describe "validations" do it "validates presence of title" do subject.attributes.delete(:title) expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors.keys).to contain_exactly(:title) end it "validates presence of content" do subject.attributes.delete(:content) expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors.keys).to contain_exactly(:content) end describe 'content size validation' do let(:limit) { 10 } before do stub_application_setting(wiki_page_max_content_bytes: limit) end it 'accepts content below the limit' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'a' * 10 expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'rejects content exceeding the limit' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'a' * 11 expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq( content: ['is too long (11 Bytes). The maximum size is 10 Bytes.'] ) end it 'counts content size in bytes rather than characters' do subject.attributes[:content] = '๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ' expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq( content: ['is too long (12 Bytes). The maximum size is 10 Bytes.'] ) end context 'with an existing page exceeding the limit' do let(:limit) { existing_page.content.bytesize - 1 } it 'accepts content when it has not changed' do expect(existing_page).to be_valid end it 'rejects content when it has changed' do existing_page.attributes[:content] = 'a' * (limit + 1) expect(existing_page).not_to be_valid expect(existing_page.errors.keys).to contain_exactly(:content) end end end describe '#validate_path_limits' do let(:max_title) { Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_TITLE_BYTES } let(:max_directory) { Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_DIRECTORY_BYTES } where(:character) do ['a', 'รค', '๐Ÿ™ˆ'] end with_them do let(:size) { character.bytesize.to_f } let(:valid_title) { character * (max_title / size).floor } let(:valid_directory) { character * (max_directory / size).floor } let(:invalid_title) { character * ((max_title + 1) / size).ceil } let(:invalid_directory) { character * ((max_directory + 1) / size).ceil } it 'accepts page titles below the limit' do subject.title = valid_title expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'accepts directories below the limit' do subject.title = valid_directory + '/foo' expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'accepts a path with page title and directory below the limit' do subject.title = "#{valid_directory}/#{valid_title}" expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'rejects page titles exceeding the limit' do subject.title = invalid_title expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:title]).to contain_exactly( "exceeds the limit of #{max_title} bytes" ) end it 'rejects directories exceeding the limit' do subject.title = "#{invalid_directory}/#{invalid_directory}2/foo" expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:title]).to contain_exactly( "exceeds the limit of #{max_directory} bytes for directory name \"#{invalid_directory}\"", "exceeds the limit of #{max_directory} bytes for directory name \"#{invalid_directory}2\"" ) end it 'rejects a page with both title and directory exceeding the limit' do subject.title = "#{invalid_directory}/#{invalid_title}" expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:title]).to contain_exactly( "exceeds the limit of #{max_title} bytes", "exceeds the limit of #{max_directory} bytes for directory name \"#{invalid_directory}\"" ) end end context 'with an existing page title exceeding the limit' do subject do title = 'a' * (max_title + 1) wiki.create_page(title, 'content') wiki.find_page(title) end it 'accepts the exceeding title length when unchanged' do expect(subject).to be_valid end it 'rejects the exceeding title length when changed' do subject.title = 'b' * (max_title + 1) expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors).to include(:title) end end end end describe "#create" do let(:attributes) do { title: "Index", content: "Home Page", format: "markdown", message: 'Custom Commit Message' } end context "with valid attributes" do it "saves the wiki page" do subject.create(attributes) expect(wiki.find_page("Index")).not_to be_nil end it "returns true" do expect(subject.create(attributes)).to eq(true) end it 'saves the wiki page with message' do subject.create(attributes) expect(wiki.find_page("Index").message).to eq 'Custom Commit Message' end it 'if the title is preceded by a / it is removed' do subject.create(attributes.merge(title: '/New Page')) expect(wiki.find_page('New Page')).not_to be_nil end end context "with invalid attributes" do it 'does not create the page' do subject.create(title: '') expect(wiki.find_page('New Page')).to be_nil end end end describe "dot in the title" do let(:title) { 'Index v1.2.3' } describe "#create" do let(:attributes) { { title: title, content: "Home Page", format: "markdown" } } context "with valid attributes" do it "saves the wiki page" do subject.create(attributes) expect(wiki.find_page(title)).not_to be_nil end it "returns true" do expect(subject.create(attributes)).to eq(true) end end end describe '#update' do subject { create(:wiki_page, wiki: wiki, title: title) } it 'updates the content of the page' do subject.update(content: 'new content') page = wiki.find_page(title) expect([subject.content, page.content]).to all(eq('new content')) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.update(content: "more content")).to be_truthy end end end describe "#update" do subject { existing_page } context "with valid attributes" do it "updates the content of the page" do new_content = "new content" subject.update(content: new_content) page = wiki.find_page('test page') expect([subject.content, page.content]).to all(eq("new content")) end it "updates the title of the page" do new_title = "Index v.1.2.4" subject.update(title: new_title) page = wiki.find_page(new_title) expect([subject.title, page.title]).to all(eq(new_title)) end describe 'updating front_matter' do shared_examples 'able to update front-matter' do it 'updates the wiki-page front-matter' do title = subject.title content = subject.content subject.update(front_matter: { slugs: ['x'] }) page = wiki.find_page(title) expect([subject, page]).to all( have_attributes( front_matter: include(slugs: include('x')), content: content )) end end it_behaves_like 'able to update front-matter' context 'the front matter is too long' do let(:new_front_matter) do { title: generate(:wiki_page_title), slugs: Array.new(51).map { FFaker::Lorem.characters(512) } } end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.update(front_matter: new_front_matter) }.to raise_error(described_class::FrontMatterTooLong) end end context 'the front-matter feature flag is not enabled' do before do disable_front_matter end it 'does not update the front-matter' do content = subject.content subject.update(front_matter: { slugs: ['x'] }) page = wiki.find_page(subject.title) expect([subject, page]).to all(have_attributes(front_matter: be_empty, content: content)) end context 'but it is enabled for the container' do before do enable_front_matter_for(container) end it_behaves_like 'able to update front-matter' end end it 'updates the wiki-page front-matter and content together' do title = subject.title content = 'totally new content' subject.update(content: content, front_matter: { slugs: ['x'] }) page = wiki.find_page(title) expect([subject, page]).to all( have_attributes( front_matter: include(slugs: include('x')), content: content )) end end it "returns true" do expect(subject.update(content: "more content")).to be_truthy end end context 'with same last commit sha' do it 'returns true' do expect(subject.update(content: 'more content', last_commit_sha: subject.last_commit_sha)).to be_truthy end end context 'with different last commit sha' do it 'raises exception' do expect { subject.update(content: 'more content', last_commit_sha: 'xxx') }.to raise_error(WikiPage::PageChangedError) end end context 'when renaming a page' do it 'raises an error if the page already exists' do wiki.create_page('Existing Page', 'content') expect { subject.update(title: 'Existing Page', content: 'new_content') }.to raise_error(WikiPage::PageRenameError) expect(subject.title).to eq 'test page' expect(subject.content).to eq 'new_content' end it 'updates the content and rename the file' do new_title = 'Renamed Page' new_content = 'updated content' expect(subject.update(title: new_title, content: new_content)).to be_truthy page = wiki.find_page(new_title) expect(page).not_to be_nil expect(page.content).to eq new_content end end context 'when moving a page' do it 'raises an error if the page already exists' do wiki.create_page('foo/Existing Page', 'content') expect { subject.update(title: 'foo/Existing Page', content: 'new_content') }.to raise_error(WikiPage::PageRenameError) expect(subject.title).to eq 'test page' expect(subject.content).to eq 'new_content' end it 'updates the content and moves the file' do new_title = 'foo/Other Page' new_content = 'new_content' expect(subject.update(title: new_title, content: new_content)).to be_truthy page = wiki.find_page(new_title) expect(page).not_to be_nil expect(page.content).to eq new_content end context 'in subdir' do subject { create(:wiki_page, wiki: wiki, title: 'foo/Existing Page') } it 'moves the page to the root folder if the title is preceded by /' do expect(subject.slug).to eq 'foo/Existing-Page' expect(subject.update(title: '/Existing Page', content: 'new_content')).to be_truthy expect(subject.slug).to eq 'Existing-Page' end it 'does nothing if it has the same title' do original_path = subject.slug expect(subject.update(title: 'Existing Page', content: 'new_content')).to be_truthy expect(subject.slug).to eq original_path end end context 'in root dir' do it 'does nothing if the title is preceded by /' do original_path = subject.slug expect(subject.update(title: '/test page', content: 'new_content')).to be_truthy expect(subject.slug).to eq original_path end end end context "with invalid attributes" do it 'aborts update if title blank' do expect(subject.update(title: '', content: 'new_content')).to be_falsey expect(subject.content).to eq 'new_content' page = wiki.find_page('test page') expect(page.content).to eq 'test content' end end end describe "#delete" do subject { existing_page } it "deletes the page" do subject.delete expect(wiki.list_pages).to be_empty end it "returns true" do expect(subject.delete).to eq(true) end end describe "#versions" do subject { existing_page } it "returns an array of all commits for the page" do 3.times { |i| subject.update(content: "content #{i}") } expect(subject.versions.count).to eq(4) end it 'returns instances of WikiPageVersion' do expect(subject.versions).to all( be_a(Gitlab::Git::WikiPageVersion) ) end end describe '#title_changed?' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:untitled_page) { described_class.new(wiki) } let(:directory_page) { create(:wiki_page, title: 'parent directory/child page') } let(:page_with_special_characters) { create(:wiki_page, title: 'test+page') } where(:page, :title, :changed) do :untitled_page | nil | false :untitled_page | 'new title' | true :new_page | nil | true :new_page | 'test page' | true :new_page | 'test-page' | true :new_page | 'test+page' | true :new_page | 'new title' | true :existing_page | nil | false :existing_page | 'test page' | false :existing_page | 'test-page' | false :existing_page | '/test page' | false :existing_page | '/test-page' | false :existing_page | 'test+page' | true :existing_page | ' test page ' | true :existing_page | 'new title' | true :existing_page | 'new-title' | true :directory_page | nil | false :directory_page | 'parent directory/child page' | false :directory_page | 'parent-directory/child page' | false :directory_page | 'parent-directory/child-page' | false :directory_page | 'child page' | false :directory_page | 'child-page' | false :directory_page | '/child page' | true :directory_page | 'parent directory/other' | true :directory_page | 'parent-directory/other' | true :directory_page | 'parent-directory / child-page' | true :directory_page | 'other directory/child page' | true :directory_page | 'other-directory/child page' | true :page_with_special_characters | nil | false :page_with_special_characters | 'test+page' | false :page_with_special_characters | 'test-page' | true :page_with_special_characters | 'test page' | true end with_them do it 'returns the expected value' do subject = public_send(page) subject.title = title if title expect(subject.title_changed?).to be(changed) end end end describe '#content_changed?' do context 'with a new page' do subject { new_page } it 'returns false if content is nil' do subject.attributes[:content] = nil expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(false) end it 'returns true if content is set' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'new' expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(true) end it 'returns true if content is blank' do subject.attributes[:content] = '' expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(true) end end context 'with an existing page' do subject { existing_page } it 'returns false' do expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(false) end it 'returns false if content is set to the same value' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'test content' expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(false) end it 'returns true if content is changed' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'new' expect(subject.content_changed?).to be(true) end end end describe '#path' do it 'returns the path when persisted' do expect(existing_page.path).to eq('test-page.md') end it 'returns nil when not persisted' do expect(new_page.path).to be_nil end end describe '#directory' do context 'when the page is at the root directory' do subject { existing_page } it 'returns an empty string' do expect(subject.directory).to eq('') end end context 'when the page is inside an actual directory' do subject { create(:wiki_page, title: 'dir_1/dir_1_1/file') } it 'returns the full directory hierarchy' do expect(subject.directory).to eq('dir_1/dir_1_1') end end end describe '#historical?' do subject { existing_page } let(:old_version) { subject.versions.last.id } let(:old_page) { wiki.find_page(subject.title, old_version) } let(:latest_version) { subject.versions.first.id } let(:latest_page) { wiki.find_page(subject.title, latest_version) } before do 3.times { |i| subject.update(content: "content #{i}") } end it 'returns true when requesting an old version' do expect(old_page.historical?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when requesting latest version' do expect(latest_page.historical?).to be_falsy end it 'returns false when version is nil' do expect(latest_page).to receive(:version) { nil } expect(latest_page.historical?).to be_falsy end it 'returns false when the last version is nil' do expect(old_page).to receive(:last_version) { nil } expect(old_page.historical?).to be_falsy end it 'returns false when the version is nil' do expect(old_page).to receive(:version) { nil } expect(old_page.historical?).to be_falsy end end describe '#persisted?' do it 'returns true for a persisted page' do expect(existing_page).to be_persisted end it 'returns false for an unpersisted page' do expect(new_page).not_to be_persisted end end describe '#to_partial_path' do it 'returns the relative path to the partial to be used' do expect(subject.to_partial_path).to eq('../shared/wikis/wiki_page') end end describe '#==' do subject { existing_page } it 'returns true for identical wiki page' do expect(subject).to eq(subject) end it 'returns true for updated wiki page' do subject.update(content: "Updated content") updated_page = wiki.find_page(existing_page.slug) expect(updated_page).not_to be_nil expect(updated_page).to eq(subject) end it 'returns false for a completely different wiki page' do other_page = create(:wiki_page) expect(subject.slug).not_to eq(other_page.slug) expect(subject.container).not_to eq(other_page.container) expect(subject).not_to eq(other_page) end it 'returns false for page with different slug on same container' do other_page = create(:wiki_page, container: subject.container) expect(subject.slug).not_to eq(other_page.slug) expect(subject.container).to eq(other_page.container) expect(subject).not_to eq(other_page) end it 'returns false for page with the same slug on a different container' do other_page = create(:wiki_page, title: existing_page.slug) expect(subject.slug).to eq(other_page.slug) expect(subject.container).not_to eq(other_page.container) expect(subject).not_to eq(other_page) end end describe '#last_commit_sha' do subject { existing_page } it 'returns commit sha' do expect(subject.last_commit_sha).to eq subject.last_version.sha end it 'is changed after page updated' do last_commit_sha_before_update = subject.last_commit_sha subject.update(content: "new content") page = wiki.find_page('test page') expect(page.last_commit_sha).not_to eq last_commit_sha_before_update end end describe '#hook_attrs' do it 'adds absolute urls for images in the content' do subject.attributes[:content] = 'test![WikiPage_Image](/uploads/abc/WikiPage_Image.png)' expect(subject.hook_attrs['content']).to eq("test![WikiPage_Image](#{Settings.gitlab.url}/uploads/abc/WikiPage_Image.png)") end end describe '#version_commit_timestamp' do context 'for a new page' do it 'returns nil' do expect(new_page.version_commit_timestamp).to be_nil end end context 'for page that exists' do it 'returns the timestamp of the commit' do expect(existing_page.version_commit_timestamp).to eq(existing_page.version.commit.committed_date) end end end describe '#diffs' do subject { existing_page } it 'returns a diff instance' do diffs = subject.diffs(foo: 'bar') expect(diffs).to be_a(Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::WikiPage) expect(diffs.diffable).to be_a(Commit) expect(diffs.diffable.id).to eq(subject.version.id) expect(diffs.project).to be(subject.wiki) expect(diffs.diff_options).to include( expanded: true, paths: [subject.path], foo: 'bar' ) end end private def get_slugs(page_or_dir) if page_or_dir.is_a? WikiPage [page_or_dir.slug] else page_or_dir.pages.present? ? page_or_dir.pages.map(&:slug) : [] end end end