require 'spec_helper' describe ExternalIssue, models: true do let(:project) { double('project', to_reference: 'namespace1/project1') } let(:issue) {'EXT-1234', project) } describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { include_module(Referable) } end describe '.reference_pattern' do it 'allows underscores in the project name' do expect(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern.match('EXT_EXT-1234')[0]).to eq 'EXT_EXT-1234' end it 'allows numbers in the project name' do expect(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern.match('EXT3_EXT-1234')[0]).to eq 'EXT3_EXT-1234' end it 'requires the project name to begin with A-Z' do expect(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern.match('3EXT_EXT-1234')).to eq nil expect(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern.match('EXT_EXT-1234')[0]).to eq 'EXT_EXT-1234' end end describe '#to_reference' do it 'returns a String reference to the object' do expect(issue.to_reference).to eq end end describe '#title' do it 'returns a title' do expect(issue.title).to eq "External Issue #{issue}" end end describe '#reference_link_text' do context 'if issue id has a prefix' do it 'returns the issue ID' do expect(issue.reference_link_text).to eq 'EXT-1234' end end context 'if issue id is a number' do let(:issue) {'1234', project) } it 'returns the issue ID prefixed by #' do expect(issue.reference_link_text).to eq '#1234' end end end end