# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.configure do |config| # The :each scope runs "inside" the example, so this hook ensures the DB is in the # correct state before any examples' before hooks are called. This prevents a # problem where `ScheduleIssuesClosedAtTypeChange` (or any migration that depends # on background migrations being run inline during test setup) can be broken by # altering Sidekiq behavior in an unrelated spec like so: # # around do |example| # Sidekiq::Testing.fake! do # example.run # end # end config.before(:context, :migration) do schema_migrate_down! end # Each example may call `migrate!`, so we must ensure we are migrated down every time config.before(:each, :migration) do use_fake_application_settings end config.after(:context, :migration) do Gitlab::CurrentSettings.clear_in_memory_application_settings! end end