class PrometheusService < MonitoringService include ReactiveCaching self.reactive_cache_key = ->(service) { [service.class.model_name.singular, service.project_id] } self.reactive_cache_lease_timeout = 30.seconds self.reactive_cache_refresh_interval = 30.seconds self.reactive_cache_lifetime = 1.minute # Access to prometheus is directly through the API prop_accessor :api_url with_options presence: true, if: :activated? do validates :api_url, url: true end after_save :clear_reactive_cache! def initialize_properties if properties.nil? = {} end end def title 'Prometheus' end def description 'Prometheus monitoring' end def help 'Retrieves `container_cpu_usage_seconds_total` and `container_memory_usage_bytes` from the configured Prometheus server. An `environment` label is required on each metric to identify the Environment.' end def self.to_param 'prometheus' end def fields [ { type: 'text', name: 'api_url', title: 'API URL', placeholder: 'Prometheus API Base URL, like' } ] end # Check we can connect to the Prometheus API def test(*args) { success: true, result: 'Checked API endpoint' } rescue Gitlab::PrometheusError => err { success: false, result: err } end def metrics(environment) with_reactive_cache(environment.slug) do |data| data end end # Cache metrics for specific environment def calculate_reactive_cache(environment_slug) return unless active? && project && !project.pending_delete? memory_query = %{sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name="app",environment="#{environment_slug}"})/1024/1024} cpu_query = %{sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name="app",environment="#{environment_slug}"}[2m]))} { success: true, metrics: { # Memory used in MB memory_values: client.query_range(memory_query, start: 8.hours.ago), memory_current: client.query(memory_query), # CPU Usage rate in cores. cpu_values: client.query_range(cpu_query, start: 8.hours.ago), cpu_current: client.query(cpu_query) }, last_update: } rescue Gitlab::PrometheusError => err { success: false, result: err.message } end def client @prometheus ||= api_url) end end