class Commit extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion include Noteable include Participable include Mentionable include Referable include StaticModel attr_mentionable :safe_message, pipeline: :single_line participant :author participant :committer participant :notes_with_associations attr_accessor :project DIFF_SAFE_LINES = Gitlab::Git::DiffCollection::DEFAULT_LIMITS[:max_lines] # Commits above this size will not be rendered in HTML DIFF_HARD_LIMIT_FILES = 1000 DIFF_HARD_LIMIT_LINES = 50000 # The SHA can be between 7 and 40 hex characters. COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN = '\h{7,40}'.freeze class << self def decorate(commits, project) do |commit| if commit.is_a?(Commit) commit else, project) end end end # Calculate number of lines to render for diffs def diff_line_count(diffs) diffs.reduce(0) { |sum, d| sum + Gitlab::Git::Util.count_lines(d.diff) } end # Truncate sha to 8 characters def truncate_sha(sha) sha[0..7] end def max_diff_options { max_files: DIFF_HARD_LIMIT_FILES, max_lines: DIFF_HARD_LIMIT_LINES, } end def from_hash(hash, project) new(, project) end def valid_hash?(key) !!(/\A#{COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN}\z/ =~ key) end end attr_accessor :raw def initialize(raw_commit, project) raise "Nil as raw commit passed" unless raw_commit @raw = raw_commit @project = project end def id end def ==(other) (self.class === other) && (raw == other.raw) end def self.reference_prefix '@' end # Pattern used to extract commit references from text # # This pattern supports cross-project references. def self.reference_pattern @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (?:#{Project.reference_pattern}#{reference_prefix})? (?\h{7,40}) }x end def self.link_reference_pattern @link_reference_pattern ||= super("commit", /(?#{COMMIT_SHA_PATTERN})/) end def to_reference(from_project = nil, full: false) commit_reference(from_project, id, full: full) end def reference_link_text(from_project = nil, full: false) commit_reference(from_project, short_id, full: full) end def diff_line_count @diff_line_count ||= Commit.diff_line_count(raw_diffs) @diff_line_count end # Returns the commits title. # # Usually, the commit title is the first line of the commit message. # In case this first line is longer than 100 characters, it is cut off # after 80 characters and ellipses (`&hellp;`) are appended. def title full_title.length > 100 ? full_title[0..79] << "…" : full_title end # Returns the full commits title def full_title return @full_title if @full_title @full_title = if safe_message.blank? no_commit_message else safe_message.split("\n", 2).first end end # Returns the commits description # # cut off, ellipses (`&hellp;`) are prepended to the commit message. def description title_end = safe_message.index("\n") @description ||= if (!title_end && safe_message.length > 100) || (title_end && title_end > 100) "…" << safe_message[80..-1] else safe_message.split("\n", 2)[1].try(:chomp) end end def description? description.present? end def hook_attrs(with_changed_files: false) data = { id: id, message: safe_message, timestamp: committed_date.xmlschema, url:, author: { name: author_name, email: author_email } } if with_changed_files data.merge!(repo_changes) end data end # Discover issues should be closed when this commit is pushed to a project's # default branch. def closes_issues(current_user = self.committer), current_user).closed_by_message(safe_message) end def author if key = "commit_author:#{author_email.downcase}" # nil is a valid value since no author may exist in the system if @author =[key] else @author = find_author_by_any_email[key] = @author end else @author ||= find_author_by_any_email end end def committer @committer ||= User.find_by_any_email(committer_email.downcase) end def parents @parents ||= { |id| project.commit(id) } end def parent @parent ||= project.commit(self.parent_id) if self.parent_id end def notes project.notes.for_commit_id( end def discussion_notes notes.non_diff_notes end def notes_with_associations notes.includes(:author) end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) @raw.send(m, *args, &block) end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) @raw.respond_to?(method, include_private) || super end # Truncate sha to 8 characters def short_id @raw.short_id(7) end def diff_refs base_sha: self.parent_id || Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, head_sha: self.sha ) end def pipelines project.pipelines.where(sha: sha) end def last_pipeline @last_pipeline ||= pipelines.last end def status(ref = nil) @statuses ||= {} return @statuses[ref] if @statuses.key?(ref) @statuses[ref] = pipelines.latest_status(ref) end def revert_branch_name "revert-#{short_id}" end def cherry_pick_branch_name project.repository.next_branch("cherry-pick-#{short_id}", mild: true) end def revert_description(user) if merged_merge_request?(user) "This reverts merge request #{merged_merge_request(user).to_reference}" else "This reverts commit #{sha}" end end def revert_message(user) %Q{Revert "#{title.strip}"\n\n#{revert_description(user)}} end def reverts_commit?(commit, user) description? && description.include?(commit.revert_description(user)) end def merge_commit? parents.size > 1 end def merged_merge_request(current_user) # Memoize with per-user access check @merged_merge_request_hash ||= do |hash, user| hash[user] = merged_merge_request_no_cache(user) end @merged_merge_request_hash[current_user] end def has_been_reverted?(current_user, noteable = self) ext = all_references(current_user) noteable.notes_with_associations.system.each do |note| note.all_references(current_user, extractor: ext) end ext.commits.any? { |commit_ref| commit_ref.reverts_commit?(self, current_user) } end def change_type_title(user) merged_merge_request?(user) ? 'merge request' : 'commit' end # Get the URI type of the given path # # Used to build URLs to files in the repository in GFM. # # path - String path to check # # Examples: # # uri_type('doc/') # => :blob # uri_type('doc/logo.png') # => :raw # uri_type('doc/api') # => :tree # uri_type('not/found') # => :nil # # Returns a symbol def uri_type(path) entry = @raw.tree.path(path) if entry[:type] == :blob blob = ::Blob.decorate( entry[:name]), @project) blob.image? || ? :raw : :blob else entry[:type] end rescue Rugged::TreeError nil end def raw_diffs(*args) use_gitaly = Gitlab::GitalyClient.feature_enabled?(:commit_raw_diffs) deltas_only = args.last.is_a?(Hash) && args.last[:deltas_only] if use_gitaly && !deltas_only Gitlab::GitalyClient::Commit.diff_from_parent(self, *args) else raw.diffs(*args) end end delegate :deltas, to: :raw, prefix: :raw def diffs(diff_options = nil), diff_options: diff_options) end def persisted? true end def touch # no-op but needs to be defined since #persisted? is defined end WIP_REGEX = /\A\s*(((?i)(\[WIP\]|WIP:|WIP)\s|WIP$))|(fixup!|squash!)\s/.freeze def work_in_progress? !!(title =~ WIP_REGEX) end private def commit_reference(from_project, referable_commit_id, full: false) reference = project.to_reference(from_project, full: full) if reference.present? "#{reference}#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{referable_commit_id}" else referable_commit_id end end def find_author_by_any_email User.find_by_any_email(author_email.downcase) end def repo_changes changes = { added: [], modified: [], removed: [] } raw_deltas.each do |diff| if diff.deleted_file changes[:removed] << diff.old_path elsif diff.renamed_file || diff.new_file changes[:added] << diff.new_path else changes[:modified] << diff.new_path end end changes end def merged_merge_request?(user) !!merged_merge_request(user) end def merged_merge_request_no_cache(user), project_id: id) if merge_commit? end end