class Projects::BranchesController < Projects::ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include SortingHelper # Authorize before_action :require_non_empty_project, except: :create before_action :authorize_download_code! before_action :authorize_push_code!, only: [:new, :create, :destroy, :destroy_all_merged] def index @sort = params[:sort].presence || sort_value_name @branches =, params).execute @branches = Kaminari.paginate_array(@branches).page(params[:page]) respond_to do |format| format.html do @refs_pipelines = @project.pipelines.latest_successful_for_refs( @max_commits = @branches.reduce(0) do |memo, branch| diverging_commit_counts = repository.diverging_commit_counts(branch) [memo, diverging_commit_counts[:behind], diverging_commit_counts[:ahead]].max end end format.json do render json: end end end def recent @branches = @repository.recent_branches end def create branch_name = sanitize(strip_tags(params[:branch_name])) branch_name = Addressable::URI.unescape(branch_name) redirect_to_autodeploy = project.empty_repo? && project.deployment_services.present? result =, current_user) .execute(branch_name, ref) if params[:issue_iid] issue =, project_id: params[:issue_iid]) SystemNoteService.new_issue_branch(issue, @project, current_user, branch_name) if issue end respond_to do |format| format.html do if result[:status] == :success if redirect_to_autodeploy redirect_to url_to_autodeploy_setup(project, branch_name), notice: view_context.autodeploy_flash_notice(branch_name) else redirect_to project_tree_path(@project, branch_name) end else @error = result[:message] render action: 'new' end end format.json do if result[:status] == :success render json: { name: branch_name, url: project_tree_url(@project, branch_name) } else render json: result[:messsage], status: :unprocessable_entity end end end end def destroy @branch_name = Addressable::URI.unescape(params[:id]) result =, current_user).execute(@branch_name) respond_to do |format| format.html do flash_type = result[:status] == :error ? :alert : :notice flash[flash_type] = result[:message] redirect_to project_branches_path(@project), status: 303 end format.js { render nothing: true, status: result[:return_code] } format.json { render json: { message: result[:message] }, status: result[:return_code] } end end def destroy_all_merged, current_user).async_execute redirect_to project_branches_path(@project), notice: 'Merged branches are being deleted. This can take some time depending on the number of branches. Please refresh the page to see changes.' end private def ref if params[:ref] ref_escaped = sanitize(strip_tags(params[:ref])) Addressable::URI.unescape(ref_escaped) else @project.default_branch || 'master' end end def url_to_autodeploy_setup(project, branch_name) project_new_blob_path( project, branch_name, file_name: '.gitlab-ci.yml', commit_message: 'Set up auto deploy', target_branch: branch_name, context: 'autodeploy' ) end end