require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::Build do set(:user) { create(:user) } set(:group) { create(:group, :access_requestable) } set(:project) { create(:project, :repository, group: group) } set(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha:, ref: project.default_branch, status: 'success') end let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { belong_to(:runner) } it { belong_to(:trigger_request) } it { belong_to(:erased_by) } it { have_many(:deployments) } it { have_many(:trace_sections)} it { validate_presence_of(:ref) } it { respond_to(:has_trace?) } it { respond_to(:trace) } describe 'callbacks' do context 'when running after_create callback' do it 'triggers asynchronous build hooks worker' do expect(BuildHooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async) create(:ci_build) end end end describe '.manual_actions' do let!(:manual_but_created) { create(:ci_build, :manual, status: :created, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:manual_but_succeeded) { create(:ci_build, :manual, status: :success, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:manual_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { described_class.manual_actions } it { include(manual_action) } it { include(manual_but_succeeded) } it { is_expected.not_to include(manual_but_created) } end describe '.ref_protected' do subject { described_class.ref_protected } context 'when protected is true' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :protected) } it { include(job) } end context 'when protected is false' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build) } it { is_expected.not_to include(job) } end context 'when protected is nil' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build) } before do job.update_attribute(:protected, nil) end it { is_expected.not_to include(job) } end end describe '#actionize' do context 'when build is a created' do before do build.update_column(:status, :created) end it 'makes build a manual action' do expect(build.actionize).to be true expect(build.reload).to be_manual end end context 'when build is not created' do before do build.update_column(:status, :pending) end it 'does not change build status' do expect(build.actionize).to be false expect(build.reload).to be_pending end end end describe '#any_runners_online?' do subject { build.any_runners_online? } context 'when no runners' do it { be_falsey } end context 'when there are runners' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner) } before do build.project.runners << runner runner.update_attributes(contacted_at: 1.second.ago) end it { be_truthy } it 'that is inactive' do runner.update_attributes(active: false) be_falsey end it 'that is not online' do runner.update_attributes(contacted_at: nil) be_falsey end it 'that cannot handle build' do expect_any_instance_of(Ci::Runner).to receive(:can_pick?).and_return(false) be_falsey end end end describe '#artifacts?' do subject { build.artifacts? } context 'artifacts archive does not exist' do before do build.update_attributes(artifacts_file: nil) end it { be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts) } it { be_truthy } context 'is expired' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: - 7.days) end it { be_falsy } end context 'is not expired' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: + 7.days) end it { be_truthy } end end end describe '#artifacts_expired?' do subject { build.artifacts_expired? } context 'is expired' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: - 7.days) end it { be_truthy } end context 'is not expired' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: + 7.days) end it { be_falsey } end end describe '#artifacts_metadata?' do subject { build.artifacts_metadata? } context 'artifacts metadata does not exist' do it { be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive is a zip file and metadata exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts) } it { be_truthy } end end describe '#artifacts_expire_in' do subject { build.artifacts_expire_in } it { be_nil } context 'when artifacts_expire_at is specified' do let(:expire_at) { + 7.days } before do build.artifacts_expire_at = expire_at end it { be_within(5).of(expire_at - } end end describe '#artifacts_expire_in=' do subject { build.artifacts_expire_in } it 'when assigning valid duration' do build.artifacts_expire_in = '7 days' be_within(10).of(7.days.to_i) end it 'when assigning invalid duration' do expect { build.artifacts_expire_in = '7 elephants' }.to raise_error(ChronicDuration::DurationParseError) be_nil end it 'when resetting value' do build.artifacts_expire_in = nil be_nil end it 'when setting to 0' do build.artifacts_expire_in = '0' be_nil end end describe '#commit' do it 'returns commit pipeline has been created for' do expect(build.commit).to eq project.commit end end describe '#depends_on_builds' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'build', stage_idx: 0, stage: 'build') } let!(:rspec_test) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec', stage_idx: 1, stage: 'test') } let!(:rubocop_test) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rubocop', stage_idx: 1, stage: 'test') } let!(:staging) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'staging', stage_idx: 2, stage: 'deploy') } it 'expects to have no dependents if this is first build' do expect(build.depends_on_builds).to be_empty end it 'expects to have one dependent if this is test' do expect( contain_exactly( end it 'expects to have all builds from build and test stage if this is last' do expect( contain_exactly(,, end it 'expects to have retried builds instead the original ones' do project.add_developer(user) retried_rspec = described_class.retry(rspec_test, user) expect( .to contain_exactly(,, end end describe '#detailed_status' do it 'returns a detailed status' do expect(build.detailed_status(user)) .to be_a Gitlab::Ci::Status::Build::Cancelable end end describe '#coverage_regex' do subject { build.coverage_regex } context 'when project has build_coverage_regex set' do let(:project_regex) { '\(\d+\.\d+\) covered' } before do project.update_column(:build_coverage_regex, project_regex) end context 'and coverage_regex attribute is not set' do it { eq(project_regex) } end context 'but coverage_regex attribute is also set' do let(:build_regex) { 'Code coverage: \d+\.\d+' } before do build.coverage_regex = build_regex end it { eq(build_regex) } end end context 'when neither project nor build has coverage regex set' do it { be_nil } end end describe '#update_coverage' do context "regarding coverage_regex's value," do before do build.coverage_regex = '\(\d+.\d+\%\) covered' build.trace.set('Coverage 1033 / 1051 LOC (98.29%) covered') end it "saves the correct extracted coverage value" do expect(build.update_coverage).to be(true) expect(build.coverage).to eq(98.29) end end end describe '#parse_trace_sections!' do it 'calls ExtractSectionsFromBuildTraceService' do expect(Ci::ExtractSectionsFromBuildTraceService) .to receive(:new).with(project, build.user).once.and_call_original expect_any_instance_of(Ci::ExtractSectionsFromBuildTraceService) .to receive(:execute).with(build).once build.parse_trace_sections! end end describe '#trace' do subject { build.trace } it { be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Trace) } end describe '#has_trace?' do subject { build.has_trace? } it "expect to call exist? method" do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Trace).to receive(:exist?) .and_return(true) be(true) end end describe '#trace=' do it "expect to fail trace=" do expect { build.trace = "new" }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end describe '#old_trace' do subject { build.old_trace } before do build.update_column(:trace, 'old trace') end it "expect to receive data from database" do eq('old trace') end end describe '#erase_old_trace!' do subject { build.send(:read_attribute, :trace) } before do build.send(:write_attribute, :trace, 'old trace') end it "expect to receive data from database" do build.erase_old_trace! be_nil end end describe '#hide_secrets' do let(:subject) { build.hide_secrets(data) } context 'hide runners token' do let(:data) { 'new token data'} before do build.project.update(runners_token: 'token') end it { eq('new xxxxx data') } end context 'hide build token' do let(:data) { 'new token data'} before do build.update(token: 'token') end it { eq('new xxxxx data') } end context 'hide build token' do let(:data) { 'new token data'} before do build.update(token: 'token') end it { eq('new xxxxx data') } end end describe 'deployment' do describe '#last_deployment' do subject { build.last_deployment } context 'when multiple deployments are created' do let!(:deployment1) { create(:deployment, deployable: build) } let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, deployable: build) } it 'returns the latest one' do eq(deployment2) end end end describe '#outdated_deployment?' do subject { build.outdated_deployment? } context 'when build succeeded' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, deployable: build) } context 'current deployment is latest' do it { be_falsey } end context 'current deployment is not latest on environment' do let!(:deployment2) { create(:deployment, environment: deployment.environment) } it { be_truthy } end end context 'when build failed' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed) } it { be_falsey } end end end describe 'environment' do describe '#has_environment?' do subject { build.has_environment? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update(environment: 'review') end it { be_truthy } end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update(environment: nil) end it { be_falsey } end end describe '#expanded_environment_name' do subject { build.expanded_environment_name } context 'when environment uses $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, ref: 'master', environment: 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME') end it { eq('review/master') } end context 'when environment uses yaml_variables containing symbol keys' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, yaml_variables: [{ key: :APP_HOST, value: 'host' }], environment: 'review/$APP_HOST') end it { eq('review/host') } end end describe '#starts_environment?' do subject { build.starts_environment? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update(environment: 'review') end context 'no action is defined' do it { be_truthy } end context 'and start action is defined' do before do build.update(options: { environment: { action: 'start' } } ) end it { be_truthy } end end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update(environment: nil) end it { be_falsey } end end describe '#stops_environment?' do subject { build.stops_environment? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update(environment: 'review') end context 'no action is defined' do it { be_falsey } end context 'and stop action is defined' do before do build.update(options: { environment: { action: 'stop' } } ) end it { be_truthy } end end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update(environment: nil) end it { be_falsey } end end end describe 'erasable build' do shared_examples 'erasable' do it 'removes artifact file' do expect(build.artifacts_file.exists?).to be_falsy end it 'removes artifact metadata file' do expect(build.artifacts_metadata.exists?).to be_falsy end it 'erases build trace in trace file' do expect(build).not_to have_trace end it 'sets erased to true' do expect(build.erased?).to be true end it 'sets erase date' do expect(build.erased_at).not_to be_falsy end end context 'build is not erasable' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build) } describe '#erase' do subject { build.erase } it { be false } end describe '#erasable?' do subject { build.erasable? } it { eq false } end end context 'build is erasable' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace, :success, :artifacts) } describe '#erase' do before do build.erase(erased_by: user) end context 'erased by user' do let!(:user) { create(:user, username: 'eraser') } include_examples 'erasable' it 'records user who erased a build' do expect(build.erased_by).to eq user end end context 'erased by system' do let(:user) { nil } include_examples 'erasable' it 'does not set user who erased a build' do expect(build.erased_by).to be_nil end end end describe '#erasable?' do subject { build.erasable? } it { be_truthy } end describe '#erased?' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace, :success, :artifacts) } subject { build.erased? } context 'job has not been erased' do it { be_falsey } end context 'job has been erased' do before do build.erase end it { be_truthy } end end context 'metadata and build trace are not available' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :artifacts) } before do build.remove_artifacts_metadata! end describe '#erase' do it 'does not raise error' do expect { build.erase }.not_to raise_error end end end end end describe '#first_pending' do let!(:first) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, status: 'pending', created_at: Date.yesterday) } let!(:second) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, status: 'pending') } subject { described_class.first_pending } it { be_a(described_class) } it('returns with the first pending build') { eq(first) } end describe '#failed_but_allowed?' do subject { build.failed_but_allowed? } context 'when build is not allowed to fail' do before do build.allow_failure = false end context 'and build.status is success' do before do build.status = 'success' end it { be_falsey } end context 'and build.status is failed' do before do build.status = 'failed' end it { be_falsey } end end context 'when build is allowed to fail' do before do build.allow_failure = true end context 'and build.status is success' do before do build.status = 'success' end it { be_falsey } end context 'and build status is failed' do before do build.status = 'failed' end it { be_truthy } end context 'when build is a manual action' do before do build.status = 'manual' end it { be_falsey } end end end describe 'flags' do describe '#cancelable?' do subject { build } context 'when build is cancelable' do context 'when build is pending' do it { be_cancelable } end context 'when build is running' do before do! end it { be_cancelable } end end context 'when build is not cancelable' do context 'when build is successful' do before do build.success! end it { is_expected.not_to be_cancelable } end context 'when build is failed' do before do build.drop! end it { is_expected.not_to be_cancelable } end end end describe '#retryable?' do subject { build } context 'when build is retryable' do context 'when build is successful' do before do build.success! end it { be_retryable } end context 'when build is failed' do before do build.drop! end it { be_retryable } end context 'when build is canceled' do before do build.cancel! end it { be_retryable } end end context 'when build is not retryable' do context 'when build is running' do before do! end it { is_expected.not_to be_retryable } end context 'when build is skipped' do before do build.skip! end it { is_expected.not_to be_retryable } end end end describe '#action?' do before do build.update(when: value) end subject { build.action? } context 'when is set to manual' do let(:value) { 'manual' } it { be_truthy } end context 'when set to something else' do let(:value) { 'something else' } it { be_falsey } end end end describe '#has_tags?' do context 'when build has tags' do subject { create(:ci_build, tag_list: ['tag']) } it { have_tags } end context 'when build does not have tags' do subject { create(:ci_build, tag_list: []) } it { is_expected.not_to have_tags } end end describe 'build auto retry feature' do describe '#retries_count' do subject { create(:ci_build, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when build has been retried several times' do before do create(:ci_build, :retried, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :retried, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) end it 'reports a correct retry count value' do expect(subject.retries_count).to eq 2 end end context 'when build has not been retried' do it 'returns zero' do expect(subject.retries_count).to eq 0 end end end describe '#retries_max' do context 'when max retries value is defined' do subject { create(:ci_build, options: { retry: 1 }) } it 'returns a number of configured max retries' do expect(subject.retries_max).to eq 1 end end context 'when max retries value is not defined' do subject { create(:ci_build) } it 'returns zero' do expect(subject.retries_max).to eq 0 end end end end describe '#keep_artifacts!' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, artifacts_expire_at: + 7.days) } it 'to reset expire_at' do build.keep_artifacts! expect(build.artifacts_expire_at).to be_nil end end describe '#merge_request' do def create_mr(build, pipeline, factory: :merge_request, created_at: create(factory, source_project: pipeline.project, target_project: pipeline.project, source_branch: build.ref, created_at: created_at) end context 'when a MR has a reference to the pipeline' do before do @merge_request = create_mr(build, pipeline, factory: :merge_request) commits = [double(id: pipeline.sha)] allow(@merge_request).to receive(:commits).and_return(commits) allow(MergeRequest).to receive_message_chain(:includes, :where, :reorder).and_return([@merge_request]) end it 'returns the single associated MR' do expect( eq( end end context 'when there is not a MR referencing the pipeline' do it 'returns nil' do expect(build.merge_request).to be_nil end end context 'when more than one MR have a reference to the pipeline' do before do @merge_request = create_mr(build, pipeline, factory: :merge_request) @merge_request.close! @merge_request2 = create_mr(build, pipeline, factory: :merge_request) commits = [double(id: pipeline.sha)] allow(@merge_request).to receive(:commits).and_return(commits) allow(@merge_request2).to receive(:commits).and_return(commits) allow(MergeRequest).to receive_message_chain(:includes, :where, :reorder).and_return([@merge_request, @merge_request2]) end it 'returns the first MR' do expect( eq( end end context 'when a Build is created after the MR' do before do @merge_request = create_mr(build, pipeline, factory: :merge_request_with_diffs) pipeline2 = create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) @build2 = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline2) allow(@merge_request).to receive(:commit_shas) .and_return([pipeline.sha, pipeline2.sha]) allow(MergeRequest).to receive_message_chain(:includes, :where, :reorder).and_return([@merge_request]) end it 'returns the current MR' do expect( eq( end end end describe '#options' do let(:options) do { image: "ruby:2.1", services: [ "postgres" ] } end it 'contains options' do expect(build.options).to eq(options) end end describe '#other_actions' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } subject { build.other_actions } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns other actions' do contain_exactly(other_build) end context 'when build is retried' do let!(:new_build) { described_class.retry(build, user) } it 'does not return any of them' do is_expected.not_to include(build, new_build) end end context 'when other build is retried' do let!(:retried_build) { described_class.retry(other_build, user) } before do retried_build.success end it 'returns a retried build' do contain_exactly(retried_build) end end end describe '#persisted_environment' do let!(:environment) do create(:environment, project: project, name: "foo-#{project.default_branch}") end subject { build.persisted_environment } context 'when referenced literally' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, environment: "foo-#{project.default_branch}") end it { eq(environment) } end context 'when referenced with a variable' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, environment: "foo-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME") end it { eq(environment) } end context 'when there is no environment' do it { be_nil } end end describe '#play' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'enqueues the build' do expect( be_pending end end describe 'project settings' do describe '#timeout' do it 'returns project timeout configuration' do expect(build.timeout).to eq(project.build_timeout) end end describe '#allow_git_fetch' do it 'return project allow_git_fetch configuration' do expect(build.allow_git_fetch).to eq(project.build_allow_git_fetch) end end end describe '#project' do subject { build.project } it { eq(pipeline.project) } end describe '#project_id' do subject { build.project_id } it { eq(pipeline.project_id) } end describe '#project_name' do subject { build.project_name } it { eq( } end describe '#ref_slug' do { 'master' => 'master', '1-foo' => '1-foo', 'fix/1-foo' => 'fix-1-foo', 'fix-1-foo' => 'fix-1-foo', 'a' * 63 => 'a' * 63, 'a' * 64 => 'a' * 63, 'FOO' => 'foo', '-' + 'a' * 61 + '-' => 'a' * 61, '-' + 'a' * 62 + '-' => 'a' * 62, '-' + 'a' * 63 + '-' => 'a' * 62, 'a' * 62 + ' ' => 'a' * 62 }.each do |ref, slug| it "transforms #{ref} to #{slug}" do build.ref = ref expect(build.ref_slug).to eq(slug) end end end describe '#repo_url' do subject { build.repo_url } it { be_a(String) } it { end_with(".git") } it { start_with(project.web_url[0..6]) } it { include(build.token) } it { include('gitlab-ci-token') } it { include(project.web_url[7..-1]) } end describe '#stuck?' do subject { build.stuck? } context "when commit_status.status is pending" do before do build.status = 'pending' end it { be_truthy } context "and there are specific runner" do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, contacted_at: 1.second.ago) } before do build.project.runners << runner end it { be_falsey } end end %w[success failed canceled running].each do |state| context "when commit_status.status is #{state}" do before do build.status = state end it { be_falsey } end end end describe '#has_expiring_artifacts?' do context 'when artifacts have expiration date set' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: end it 'has expiring artifacts' do expect(build).to have_expiring_artifacts end end context 'when artifacts do not have expiration date set' do before do build.update(artifacts_expire_at: nil) end it 'does not have expiring artifacts' do expect(build).not_to have_expiring_artifacts end end end describe '#update_project_statistics' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, artifacts_size: 23) } it 'updates project statistics when the artifact size changes' do expect(ProjectCacheWorker).to receive(:perform_async) .with(build.project_id, [], [:build_artifacts_size]) build.artifacts_size = 42! end it 'does not update project statistics when the artifact size stays the same' do expect(ProjectCacheWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) = 'changed'! end it 'updates project statistics when the build is destroyed' do expect(ProjectCacheWorker).to receive(:perform_async) .with(build.project_id, [], [:build_artifacts_size]) build.destroy end end describe '#when' do subject { build.when } context 'when `when` is undefined' do before do build.when = nil end context 'use from gitlab-ci.yml' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end context 'when config is not found' do let(:config) { nil } it { eq('on_success') } end context 'when config does not have a questioned job' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ test_other: { script: 'Hello World' } }) end it { eq('on_success') } end context 'when config has `when`' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ test: { script: 'Hello World', when: 'always' } }) end it { eq('always') } end end end end describe '#variables' do let(:container_registry_enabled) { false } let(:predefined_variables) do [ { key: 'CI', value: 'true', public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_CI', value: 'true', public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_NAME', value: 'GitLab', public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION', value: Gitlab::VERSION, public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_REVISION', value: Gitlab::REVISION, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_ID', value:, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME', value: 'test', public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STAGE', value: 'test', public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_TOKEN', value: build.token, public: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHA', value: build.sha, public: true }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: build.ref, public: true }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: build.ref_slug, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value:, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: project.path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: project.full_path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG', value: project.full_path_slug, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.full_path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: project.web_url, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY', value: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.string_level(project.visibility_level), public: true }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_ID', value:, public: true }, { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: pipeline.ci_yaml_file_path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_USER', value: 'gitlab-ci-token', public: true }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD', value: build.token, public: false }, { key: 'CI_REPOSITORY_URL', value: build.repo_url, public: false } ] end before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: container_registry_enabled, host_port: '') end subject { build.variables } context 'returns variables' do before do build.yaml_variables = [] end it { include(*predefined_variables) } end context 'when build has user' do let(:user_variables) do [ { key: 'GITLAB_USER_ID', value:, public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_EMAIL', value:, public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_LOGIN', value: user.username, public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_NAME', value:, public: true } ] end before do build.update_attributes(user: user) end it { user_variables.each { |v| include(v) } } end context 'when build has an environment' do let(:environment_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: 'production', public: true }, { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG', value: 'prod-slug', public: true } ] end let!(:environment) do create(:environment, project: build.project, name: 'production', slug: 'prod-slug', external_url: '') end before do build.update(environment: 'production') end shared_examples 'containing environment variables' do it { environment_variables.each { |v| include(v) } } end context 'when no URL was set' do it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' it 'does not have CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL' do keys = { |var| var[:key] } expect(keys).not_to include('CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL') end end context 'when an URL was set' do let(:url) { 'http://host/test' } before do environment_variables << { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL', value: url, public: true } end context 'when the URL was set from the job' do before do build.update(options: { environment: { url: url } }) end it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' context 'when variables are used in the URL, it does not expand' do let(:url) { 'http://$CI_PROJECT_NAME-$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG' } it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' it 'puts $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL in the last so all other variables are available to be used when runners are trying to expand it' do expect(subject.last).to eq(environment_variables.last) end end end context 'when the URL was not set from the job, but environment' do before do environment.update(external_url: url) end it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' end end end context 'when build started manually' do before do build.update_attributes(when: :manual) end let(:manual_variable) do { key: 'CI_JOB_MANUAL', value: 'true', public: true } end it { include(manual_variable) } end context 'when build is for tag' do let(:tag_variable) do { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TAG', value: 'master', public: true } end before do build.update_attributes(tag: true) end it { include(tag_variable) } end context 'when secret variable is defined' do let(:secret_variable) do { key: 'SECRET_KEY', value: 'secret_value', public: false } end before do create(:ci_variable, secret_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(project: project)) end it { include(secret_variable) } end context 'when protected variable is defined' do let(:protected_variable) do { key: 'PROTECTED_KEY', value: 'protected_value', public: false } end before do create(:ci_variable, :protected, protected_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(project: project)) end context 'when the branch is protected' do before do create(:protected_branch, project: build.project, name: build.ref) end it { include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the tag is protected' do before do create(:protected_tag, project: build.project, name: build.ref) end it { include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the ref is not protected' do it { is_expected.not_to include(protected_variable) } end end context 'when group secret variable is defined' do let(:secret_variable) do { key: 'SECRET_KEY', value: 'secret_value', public: false } end before do create(:ci_group_variable, secret_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(group: group)) end it { include(secret_variable) } end context 'when group protected variable is defined' do let(:protected_variable) do { key: 'PROTECTED_KEY', value: 'protected_value', public: false } end before do create(:ci_group_variable, :protected, protected_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(group: group)) end context 'when the branch is protected' do before do create(:protected_branch, project: build.project, name: build.ref) end it { include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the tag is protected' do before do create(:protected_tag, project: build.project, name: build.ref) end it { include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the ref is not protected' do before do build.update_column(:ref, 'some/feature') end it { is_expected.not_to include(protected_variable) } end end context 'when build is for triggers' do let(:trigger) { create(:ci_trigger, project: project) } let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request, pipeline: pipeline, trigger: trigger) } let(:user_trigger_variable) do { key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1', public: false } end let(:predefined_trigger_variable) do { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED', value: 'true', public: true } end before do build.trigger_request = trigger_request end shared_examples 'returns variables for triggers' do it { include(user_trigger_variable) } it { include(predefined_trigger_variable) } end context 'when variables are stored in trigger_request' do before do trigger_request.update_attribute(:variables, { 'TRIGGER_KEY_1' => 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1' } ) end it_behaves_like 'returns variables for triggers' end context 'when variables are stored in pipeline_variables' do before do create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline, key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1') end it_behaves_like 'returns variables for triggers' end end context 'when pipeline has a variable' do let!(:pipeline_variable) { create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline) } it { include(pipeline_variable.to_runner_variable) } end context 'when a job was triggered by a pipeline schedule' do let(:pipeline_schedule) { create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project) } let!(:pipeline_schedule_variable) do create(:ci_pipeline_schedule_variable, key: 'SCHEDULE_VARIABLE_KEY', pipeline_schedule: pipeline_schedule) end before do pipeline_schedule.pipelines << pipeline pipeline_schedule.reload end it { include(pipeline_schedule_variable.to_runner_variable) } end context 'when yaml_variables are undefined' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } before do build.yaml_variables = nil end context 'use from gitlab-ci.yml' do before do stub_ci_pipeline_yaml_file(config) end context 'when config is not found' do let(:config) { nil } it { include(*predefined_variables) } end context 'when config does not have a questioned job' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ test_other: { script: 'Hello World' } }) end it { include(*predefined_variables) } end context 'when config has variables' do let(:config) do YAML.dump({ test: { script: 'Hello World', variables: { KEY: 'value' } } }) end let(:variables) do [{ key: 'KEY', value: 'value', public: true }] end it { include(*predefined_variables) } it { include(*variables) } end end end context 'when container registry is enabled' do let(:container_registry_enabled) { true } let(:ci_registry) do { key: 'CI_REGISTRY', value: '', public: true } end let(:ci_registry_image) do { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE', value: project.container_registry_url, public: true } end context 'and is disabled for project' do before do project.update(container_registry_enabled: false) end it { include(ci_registry) } it { is_expected.not_to include(ci_registry_image) } end context 'and is enabled for project' do before do project.update(container_registry_enabled: true) end it { include(ci_registry) } it { include(ci_registry_image) } end end context 'when runner is assigned to build' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, description: 'description', tag_list: %w(docker linux)) } before do build.update(runner: runner) end it { include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_ID', value:, public: true }) } it { include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION', value: 'description', public: true }) } it { include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_TAGS', value: 'docker, linux', public: true }) } end context 'when build is for a deployment' do let(:deployment_variable) { { key: 'KUBERNETES_TOKEN', value: 'TOKEN', public: false } } before do build.environment = 'production' allow_any_instance_of(Project) .to receive(:deployment_variables) .and_return([deployment_variable]) end it { include(deployment_variable) } end context 'when project has custom CI config path' do let(:ci_config_path) { { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: 'custom', public: true } } before do project.update(ci_config_path: 'custom') end it { include(ci_config_path) } end context 'returns variables in valid order' do let(:build_pre_var) { { key: 'build', value: 'value' } } let(:project_pre_var) { { key: 'project', value: 'value' } } let(:pipeline_pre_var) { { key: 'pipeline', value: 'value' } } let(:build_yaml_var) { { key: 'yaml', value: 'value' } } before do allow(build).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [build_pre_var] } allow(build).to receive(:yaml_variables) { [build_yaml_var] } allow_any_instance_of(Project) .to receive(:predefined_variables) { [project_pre_var] } allow_any_instance_of(Project) .to receive(:secret_variables_for) .with(ref: 'master', environment: nil) do [create(:ci_variable, key: 'secret', value: 'value')] end allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Pipeline) .to receive(:predefined_variables) { [pipeline_pre_var] } end it do eq( [build_pre_var, project_pre_var, pipeline_pre_var, build_yaml_var, { key: 'secret', value: 'value', public: false }]) end end context 'when using auto devops' do context 'and is enabled' do before do project.create_auto_devops!(enabled: true, domain: '') end it "includes AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN" do include( { key: 'AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN', value: '', public: true }) end end context 'and is disabled' do before do project.create_auto_devops!(enabled: false, domain: '') end it "includes AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN" do is_expected.not_to include( { key: 'AUTO_DEVOPS_DOMAIN', value: '', public: true }) end end end end describe 'state transition: any => [:pending]' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created) } it 'queues BuildQueueWorker' do expect(BuildQueueWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with( build.enqueue end end describe 'state transition when build fails' do let(:service) {, user) } before do allow(MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsService).to receive(:new).and_return(service) allow(service).to receive(:close) end context 'when build is configured to be retried' do subject { create(:ci_build, :running, options: { retry: 3 }, project: project, user: user) } it 'retries build and assigns the same user to it' do expect(described_class).to receive(:retry) .with(subject, user) subject.drop! end it 'does not try to create a todo' do project.add_developer(user) expect(service).not_to receive(:commit_status_merge_requests) subject.drop! end end context 'when build is not configured to be retried' do subject { create(:ci_build, :running, project: project, user: user) } it 'does not retry build' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:retry) subject.drop! end it 'does not count retries when not necessary' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:retry) expect_any_instance_of(described_class) .not_to receive(:retries_count) subject.drop! end it 'creates a todo' do project.add_developer(user) expect(service).to receive(:commit_status_merge_requests) subject.drop! end end end end