import Vue from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import createDefaultClient from '~/lib/graphql'; import ProjectPipelinesChartsLegacy from './components/app_legacy.vue'; import ProjectPipelinesCharts from './components/app.vue'; Vue.use(VueApollo); const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({ defaultClient: createDefaultClient(), }); const mountPipelineChartsApp = el => { // Not all of the values will be defined since some them will be // empty depending on the value of the graphql_pipeline_analytics // feature flag, once the rollout of the feature flag is completed // the undefined values will be deleted const { countsFailed, countsSuccess, countsTotal, countsTotalDuration, successRatio, timesChartLabels, timesChartValues, lastWeekChartLabels, lastWeekChartTotals, lastWeekChartSuccess, lastMonthChartLabels, lastMonthChartTotals, lastMonthChartSuccess, lastYearChartLabels, lastYearChartTotals, lastYearChartSuccess, projectPath, } = el.dataset; const parseAreaChartData = (labels, totals, success) => { let parsedData = {}; try { parsedData = { labels: JSON.parse(labels), totals: JSON.parse(totals), success: JSON.parse(success), }; } catch { parsedData = {}; } return parsedData; }; if (gon?.features?.graphqlPipelineAnalytics) { return new Vue({ el, name: 'ProjectPipelinesChartsApp', components: { ProjectPipelinesCharts, }, apolloProvider, provide: { projectPath, }, render: createElement => createElement(ProjectPipelinesCharts, {}), }); } return new Vue({ el, name: 'ProjectPipelinesChartsAppLegacy', components: { ProjectPipelinesChartsLegacy, }, render: createElement => createElement(ProjectPipelinesChartsLegacy, { props: { counts: { failed: countsFailed, success: countsSuccess, total: countsTotal, successRatio, totalDuration: countsTotalDuration, }, timesChartData: { labels: JSON.parse(timesChartLabels), values: JSON.parse(timesChartValues), }, lastWeekChartData: parseAreaChartData( lastWeekChartLabels, lastWeekChartTotals, lastWeekChartSuccess, ), lastMonthChartData: parseAreaChartData( lastMonthChartLabels, lastMonthChartTotals, lastMonthChartSuccess, ), lastYearChartData: parseAreaChartData( lastYearChartLabels, lastYearChartTotals, lastYearChartSuccess, ), }, }), }); }; export default () => { const el = document.querySelector('#js-project-pipelines-charts-app'); return !el ? {} : mountPipelineChartsApp(el); };