import $ from 'jquery'; import NewBranchForm from '~/new_branch_form'; describe('Branch', () => { let testContext; beforeEach(() => { testContext = {}; }); describe('create a new branch', () => { preloadFixtures('branches/new_branch.html'); function fillNameWith(value) { $('.js-branch-name').val(value).trigger('blur'); } function expectToHaveError(error) { expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').text()).toEqual(error); } beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures('branches/new_branch.html'); $('form').on('submit', e => e.preventDefault()); testContext.form = new NewBranchForm($('.js-create-branch-form'), []); }); it("can't start with a dot", () => { fillNameWith('.foo'); expectToHaveError("can't start with '.'"); }); it("can't start with a slash", () => { fillNameWith('/foo'); expectToHaveError("can't start with '/'"); }); it("can't have two consecutive dots", () => { fillNameWith(''); expectToHaveError("can't contain '..'"); }); it("can't have spaces anywhere", () => { fillNameWith(' foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain spaces"); fillNameWith('foo bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain spaces"); fillNameWith('foo '); expectToHaveError("can't contain spaces"); }); it("can't have ~ anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('~foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); fillNameWith('foo~bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); fillNameWith('foo~'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); }); it("can't have tilde anwhere", () => { fillNameWith('~foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); fillNameWith('foo~bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); fillNameWith('foo~'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '~'"); }); it("can't have caret anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('^foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '^'"); fillNameWith('foo^bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '^'"); fillNameWith('foo^'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '^'"); }); it("can't have : anywhere", () => { fillNameWith(':foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain ':'"); fillNameWith('foo:bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain ':'"); fillNameWith(':foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain ':'"); }); it("can't have question mark anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('?foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '?'"); fillNameWith('foo?bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '?'"); fillNameWith('foo?'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '?'"); }); it("can't have asterisk anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('*foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '*'"); fillNameWith('foo*bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '*'"); fillNameWith('foo*'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '*'"); }); it("can't have open bracket anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('[foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '['"); fillNameWith('foo[bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '['"); fillNameWith('foo['); expectToHaveError("can't contain '['"); }); it("can't have a backslash anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('\\foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '\\'"); fillNameWith('foo\\bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '\\'"); fillNameWith('foo\\'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '\\'"); }); it("can't contain a sequence @{ anywhere", () => { fillNameWith('@{foo'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '@{'"); fillNameWith('foo@{bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '@{'"); fillNameWith('foo@{'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '@{'"); }); it("can't have consecutive slashes", () => { fillNameWith('foo//bar'); expectToHaveError("can't contain consecutive slashes"); }); it("can't end with a slash", () => { fillNameWith('foo/'); expectToHaveError("can't end in '/'"); }); it("can't end with a dot", () => { fillNameWith('foo.'); expectToHaveError("can't end in '.'"); }); it("can't end with .lock", () => { fillNameWith('foo.lock'); expectToHaveError("can't end in '.lock'"); }); it("can't be the single character @", () => { fillNameWith('@'); expectToHaveError("can't be '@'"); }); it('concatenates all error messages', () => { fillNameWith('/foo bar?~.'); expectToHaveError("can't start with '/', can't contain spaces, '?', '~', can't end in '.'"); }); it("doesn't duplicate error messages", () => { fillNameWith('?foo?bar?zoo?'); expectToHaveError("can't contain '?'"); }); it('removes the error message when is a valid name', () => { fillNameWith('foo?bar'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(1); fillNameWith('foobar'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(0); }); it('can have dashes anywhere', () => { fillNameWith('-foo-bar-zoo-'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(0); }); it('can have underscores anywhere', () => { fillNameWith('_foo_bar_zoo_'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(0); }); it('can have numbers anywhere', () => { fillNameWith('1foo2bar3zoo4'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(0); }); it('can be only letters', () => { fillNameWith('foo'); expect($('.js-branch-name-error span').length).toEqual(0); }); }); });